OT citation for catching a Goliath grouper

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12027045#post12027045 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Von_Rahvin
sounds nice on paper, but NOTHING in these waters looks like a baby Jewfish, one of the most distinct groupers you can catch. now if he had confused a gag with a black, i could see this. but nothing that is legal to kill that swims in the ocean looks like a 10# jewfish.

You can't keep any round tail groupers in US waters, it's pretty simple. It annoys me that people kill things that they don't have a clue what they are, and then say "i didn't know" and then others think it should be ok. I'm sure he's a great guy, but laws SHOULD be applied equally across the board or not at all.

In truth nothing will happen to him, i would get a lawyer but i would also not be too concerned. The Therapy IV out of haulover had many counts of killing short sailfish (also a federally protected species) and they are getting like 2 years after being prosecuted for the last year. These guys should be burned at a stake.

Prosecution of crimes like these are almost nonexistent, and the boats owner is more responsible, than your father.

I wish your father the best, but things like this make it harder for us to pass legislation so we can legally kill jewfish. I'm off my high horse and done.
Interests: fishing, diving, hunting, basically killing gods harmless creatures.lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12027757#post12027757 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
lol the voulchers are getting ready for the feast :D

lol, whatever a "voulcher" is:rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12027808#post12027808 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
Interests: fishing, diving, hunting, basically killing gods harmless creatures.lol

?? so? I don't break the laws, on killing things. I'm honest in my hobbies.

as i sit here in type i am getting ready to go lobstering this sat, and skipping a day of work and going after a spring gobbler midweek next week.
2 points

why would you try to keep a 10# legal grouper alive?
this to means means that someone on the boat KNEW what they were doing.


As i already said, nothing will get done about someones grandpa.
Von rahvin, it is pretty obvious that you have great respect for the law and a weird love for animals (at least the ones that you can kill) so much that you will rather see someone's dad go to jail.
Could you enhance us all how did a illegal amount of lobster came out of one boat, cause I am sure you know that Max lobster per boat is 6 per diver, no more than 24 lobster, lets see it looks like you got 30 lobster n this picture, I say you should go and report this to the authorities and definitely turn your self in!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9970331#post9970331 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Von_Rahvin


everyone in the pic has different reef tanks. and we all like to kill things
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12024177#post12024177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Von_Rahvin
no not knowing what you catch fishing is just plain stupid. If you don't know what it is, quite simply you shouldn't keep it.

he's lucky he didn't go to jail. He SHOULD have, and i do hope the law prosecutes to the fullest extent. .

Do i want to kill a Jewfish? Heck yeah.
Can i ? : no.

Wow... chill out dude. Not everyone is as knowledgeable about these things as you are. :confused:

I have been putting $hitbags in prison for 24 years, and I am an avid fisherman and casual hunter. I am for capital punishment and I strongly believe in the death penalty, I just wish they would get to it quicker, not 20 years after the crime. With my standing on crime being known I will go on to say:

If what DBTriggerfish is saying is correct, and I was the LEO that stopped Santiago (the old man and the sea), I would have put the live fish back, no harm no foul and educated the old man. Of course if the old man and or others on the boat got stupid with the mouth or attitude things might have ended up differently.

If you ask me, I think that Von whoever he is was a little harsh and extreme during his first commentary. We here at the FMAS thread try to be a little more compassionate with our fellow hobbyist. Sometimes (like now) I would like to say some harsh things about the post that Von whoever he is wrote about the old man and the sea, and I don't because we are trying to have camaraderie here not animosity. After all, it was an old guy with no criminal history and a live fish, not a pedophile having his way with innocent little children.

We should all just learn to think it out before we write it down, and not have the knee jerk reaction that can get you blacklisted by the others. BTW I agree that DBTriggerfish was a gentleman on handling his reply.


Most likely $200 fine and court costs, is the standard for a first time fishery offense, and is usually PER undersized/illegal fish.

Richard TBS
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12028164#post12028164 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
lol, whatever a "voulcher" is:rolleyes:
you know, them paharitos with the long beak, mucho grande living in the montanias of Colombia. They remind me alot of lawyers. Once they bite..........they fly away. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12031269#post12031269 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Von rahvin, it is pretty obvious that you have great respect for the law and a weird love for animals (at least the ones that you can kill) so much that you will rather see someone's dad go to jail.
Could you enhance us all how did a illegal amount of lobster came out of one boat, cause I am sure you know that Max lobster per boat is 6 per diver, no more than 24 lobster, lets see it looks like you got 30 lobster n this picture, I say you should go and report this to the authorities and definitely turn your self in!

you do realize that the diver limit takes precedences over the boat regs in non monroe counties, and during sport season, it is 12 per person.

so the 30 bugs, (which by the way is actually 24 spinies, 1 smooth tail, and 5 slippers of which there is NO limit on the slippers, or smooth tail lobsters. ) so the divers pictures are 100% legal.

we actually got checked that day.

if you want to see another totally legal pick of some lobsters i will reference you to this


which as you can see is there are quite a bit more than 24 pictured, and we got checked twice in that trip. once at 1:00am, and another time at 5 am when we cleared the inlet.

so thanks for trying on that one.

as for the jewfish, he's not going to get anything, and i'm sure he's a nice guy, but you should know what you are doing before doing a sport. would you have the same compassion if he was "harvesting stoney corals?" and didn't know any better? there is no difference as both are federally protected.
Guys this started with somebody asking for advice. I don't think they had any intention of provoking any harsh feelings. Let's just keep it constructive. Keep our comments to ourselves and provide the person with advice to aid in the situation not make things worse.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12032698#post12032698 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prideprops
Do you know what our oceans and reefs would look like if everyone had ignorance of the law??? No excuses, please!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12031269#post12031269 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Von rahvin, it is pretty obvious that you have great respect for the law and a weird love for animals (at least the ones that you can kill) so much that you will rather see someone's dad go to jail.
Could you enhance us all how did a illegal amount of lobster came out of one boat, cause I am sure you know that Max lobster per boat is 6 per diver, no more than 24 lobster, lets see it looks like you got 30 lobster n this picture, I say you should go and report this to the authorities and definitely turn your self in!

I was going to remain quiet on this, as I am a lurker...but if you are going to involve me, I have voice up. Mr. Castells, Hi, I'm Ben, I work for the FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission) You are completly incorrect in your assumptions. Von_Rahvin is correct, that is a perfectly legal limit of lobsters. How do I know? I was there. I'm the one on the far left. We got inspected that day as well, and my fellow officers also saw a legal catch.

If you are going to attack Von_Rahvin you sure as hell better have your facts correct first. He is about as conscious of outdoorsman as I know or have met. I have never EVER seen him violate laws, nor even question it. On his boat even if there's remotely a question of legality, it goes back over the side to swim on. He is also correct on his interpretation of the Goliath reg, if I had pulled this gentleman over, I would have come to same conclusion. Bringing a Goliath on board is illegal, I will cite you the statue if you would like. In fact, not long ago we successfully fined several posters from the Florida Sportsman Forum for posting pictures of themselves holding Goliaths out of the water. If you want to be specific, upon recognizing a Goliath (which is EVERYONE'S responsibility if you are going to fish) you are supposed to just cut the line, not even try and retrieve the hook.

So, will this guy go to jail, probably not, but he will get a fine, and deservingly so. Would you all feel differently if he had captured a Bald Eagle? They are listed as a protected species, same as the Goliath. How about if he caught a manatee? It's all the same under the law. By partaking in an activity such as fishing you are undertaking the rights and responsibilities of that activity. Plain and Simple, admitting he violated the law on a public forum probably wasn't the best idea either, because this could then get used as more evidence against him.


Nice to hear from LE on this.....the law is the law, end of story, BUT....Jewfish <goliath> groupers were greatly over-harvested years ago, their numbers dwindled, thus the law was enacted as would be done in in other fishery, to protect and allow the specie to rebound.

Is a proven tried and true method of rebuilding any fishery, BUT, there is some rumbling from sports fisherman, commercial fisherman and the Gulf Council, who make the rules that jewfish have made a complete recovery, and in fact are overpopulated and now have a direct effect on grouper populations, as it is almost impossible to fish any wreck site, hook a grouper and get it up, without a jewfish taking it.

On my aquaculture site there is usually 4-5 resident jewfish, one is about 10 foot long, biggest I have ever seen, must weigh 400-500 pounds, his mouth is about 2 1/2 foot wide, and I can swim right up to him, and he does not flinch.

The others are much smaller 100-200-300 pound range, and I have one 'football' that follows me around every dive and scoops whatever comes up from under the rocks as I harvest them, he is so tame that he hangs about 2 inches off the side of my head and mask, just waiting.....a bit unnerving when I forget he is there and spin around to his face two inches away.

There are usually 100 or so grouper on the site at any given time, and they ALL have huge scrape marks on them, where they barely have escaped, numerous times from the jaws of the jewfish. So the predation of the legally harvestable populations of grouper are being 'over fished' by the jewfish, so something really needs to be done legislatively to allow some harvest and population control for jewfish as their populations have overwhelmed their food source.

Being on the water in any fishery requires you know the 'rules of the road' or you are going to pay the ticket, education is the key, an informed angler is a legal angler.

Richard TBS:rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12032507#post12032507 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
you know, them paharitos with the long beak, mucho grande living in the montanias of Colombia. They remind me alot of lawyers. Once they bite..........they fly away. :D

Yeah, i know, the 2 letters you actually got right clued me in:D

Actually though, if you knew anything, you'd know us "voulchers" stay and pick a carcass clean, not fly away with meat still on the bone;)
Hey guys THANKS for the advice and offers since i don't fish this thread has been eye opening for me as to fishing laws. "you are supposed to just cut the line, not even try and retrieve the hook." That is useful information to anybody that fishes. Again THANKS, and please let's stop debating the issue.
db it's pretty simple. If you don't know what the fish is, much less what it's size and bag limits are, you let it go. There's fish out there I know I couldn't identify without looking at the book, that's why they make rule books.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12033768#post12033768 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BigMojo
db it's pretty simple. If you don't know what the fish is, much less what it's size and bag limits are, you let it go. There's fish out there I know I couldn't identify without looking at the book, that's why they make rule books.

<B>I agree 100%.</B>
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