OT: Going back HOME!


New member
Hey gals or should it more like, Hey Audrey and guys. Well we just learned that we are moving back home to the rat race that is home, Phoenix! My wife was accepted into the Doctoral Program for Neuro-Psychology in Phoenix. So proud of her. And I get to be going to the university that has been in my radar, ASU.

That means that the move is around the corner! We should be leaving LC by no later then late May. We are going through our stuff that we are going to take and what we are going to sell.

-----MOD SNIP------

Sorry but I had to edit your post, we only allow reef related items to be listed. Thanks, Dino -RC MOD

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well congrats on the acceptance! what an accomplishment. i hope you guys the best of luck.

Thanks bro. It means a lot coming from you since you were my first! May sound funny to some, but I sure am going to miss this town.
Congratulations!!!! :thumbsup: Sorry to see you have to move, Hans, but that is awesome she got accepted! Know you will be happy to be back in some familiar territory!!

Sweet Hans, good to hear good things are happening to great people. Wish you and the family the best of luck.

Erik--thanks bro! I am glad I got to meet you man. You are a great person have a bright future ahead of yourself too. I'll see you at the meeting bro!

Congratulations!!!! :thumbsup: Sorry to see you have to move, Hans, but that is awesome she got accepted! Know you will be happy to be back in some familiar territory!!

Jay thanks! I am glad I got to meet you aswell! You are a man of many talents! The most important one is how incredibly nice and knowledgeable you are. You know, I am going to miss this place. By no means is this good bye. I will still help as much as I can to the club. Plus, I still have to come over here for doc visits.
Congratulations!!! Good luck and keep in touch. I hate to see good people like you move but I'm sure you guys will do great.
Congratulations!! Best of luck to all of you. It was my pleasure to meet all of you. I hate to see you leave but know you will stay in touch with all of us. You always have a place to come back to with friends if you get tired of the rat race. :wave:
yeah good luck, and im sure they have a nice club there but its the southwest and your still part of this one. haha so dont be a stranger.
Hans like I had mentioned to you congratulations to you and your wife it's a great blessing, I got to know you for a lil time only but u sure will be missed here at stars, even thou u never brought the furry wall and the jeffreys I don't hold any grudges. Lol
Congratulations Hans! I wasn't able to meet you in person but I appreciate all the advice you provided. Good luck!


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Hey gals or should it more like, Hey Audrey and guys. Well we just learned that we are moving back home to the rat race that is home, Phoenix! My wife was accepted into the Doctoral Program for Neuro-Psychology in Phoenix. So proud of her. And I get to be going to the university that has been in my radar, ASU.

Hey Hans, glad you didn't refer to me as one of the guys! It was really nice meeting you and your family. I wish you guys the best of luck!
Sorry everyone, the last several days have been hectic for us. We just back from Phx for unfortunate family circumstances. :(

Either way, thank you all for the very kind words! It means a lot to me and my family. It really shows why we are going to miss LC/EP so much. From the first day that we arrived here, my family has been embraced with open arms. This is what we have referred to our family and friends in AZ, as the "charm" of southern NM and EP. And don't worry, I will be an active member on this club as I was from day one. Won't be able to attend meetings, kinda a LONG drive to so. :)

Audrey--I am gentlemen and would never refer a Lady as one of the guys! :)
Hey thanks! I was wondering, do you still have a certain fuzzy animal with long ears that needs a home?
Justin is saying that your kids are fuzzy, but don't have long ears lol! Those are fighting words :)

You got a pm about the creature I speak of!