OT: sort of Home network equipment advise needed.


Active member
So Tiquan hooked up my apex the other day to my home network. It works awesome. Now i want to hook up to out side the home.

Problem: I currently have a cable modem/router in one gadget, that has recently been giving me a hard time with connectivity, especially my ipad in the garage. and slow laptop speeds on internet. No need trying to hook up apex if i need new hardware anyways.

Solutuion: thats where i hope all you techies can help me. I want to buy a new modem and router that will meet the demands above. main computer, apex, 2 laptops, and an ipad (hopefully with connectivity in garage).

Any help is appreciated.
I have an Asus rt-n66u and it's amazing. Range is great, easy to use and I actually have my apex running through with port fowarding right now. Able to connect from anywhere, everytime. I'm also a network admin in my day job.
Oh man I feel your pain. I am not a "Techie" but have had this problem in my house since we moved in 2 years ago. I finally solved the issue by getting a new router Netgear R6300 dual band router. this provides a 5G band for those devices that can use it (the new Ipad) and a 2.4G band for those that don't. This allowed my wife to finally get connection with her Ipad on the patio at the opposite end of my ranch. However even with this router my new TV which is at the far end of the house couldn't even see a signal and the wife would loose connection quite often when sitting in the den or on the patio. After experiencing spotty internet for the last 2 months I finally picked up a Netgear WN2500RP dual band range extender about 2 weeks ago. I installed this about mid way between the TV and the router (2 sided taped it to the kitchen cabinet) and now my reception is good all over and no more complaints from the wife. Ymmv. Good luck.
Do you mean you want to connect to the apex wirelessly using those devices? If you do.. I purchased a gaming wireless adaptor and can connect with iphone without any wires. If not, I'm sure you can call their support team for advice on which router/modem would work best with the best connection to your unit.
There are a lot or routers out there. Many are good. Get at least a "N" but "AC" is the new standard. Go with a name brand but look at the software that you will use to configure them. If your a geek it does not matter because you will figure it out, but if your not you want ez. There is nothing more irksome that connectivity issues.

That said I went with the Apple AirPort Extreme. It is so easy to use, so easy to set up. And the range is great. It updates it self. But the real gem is the software you use to controll it. It's so easy to figure out. You won't need any help. Trust me. Go buy this from best buy and if I'm wrong, but I'm not, you can return it.

By the way I do use it on my PC. It has a piece of software that you install. It's so easy to use. So much easier than Cisco, belkin, ASUS or any others.
^...ya for $200 ....as usual overpriced and does nothing more than the rest and sometimes less....but its pretty I will give you that lol
Call Comcast or who ever your ISP is and find out if they will replace your router/modem for free.

If not, a repeater may be the cheapest option.

Is your router separate from your modem?
I have similar issues. I have ATT Uverse and signal is poor at one end of my house. I bought a wireless extender (netgear WN3000RP) and now my wife can use her ipad in the kitchen ;). Only problem with the wireless extension is if you move from one end of the house to the other you have to manually change the wifi on your device.
I have similar issues. I have ATT Uverse and signal is poor at one end of my house. I bought a wireless extender (netgear WN3000RP) and now my wife can use her ipad in the kitchen ;). Only problem with the wireless extension is if you move from one end of the house to the other you have to manually change the wifi on your device.

Is that because the signal isn't dropping off?
When yo say you want to "connect from outside of the house" are you referring to range? As in you want to be able to stand outside or in the garage and use ur iPad? Or are you referring to accessing the Apex externally, ie. via your tablet or smartphone from work or something? Those are 2 separate issues.
When yo say you want to "connect from outside of the house" are you referring to range? As in you want to be able to stand outside or in the garage and use ur iPad? Or are you referring to accessing the Apex externally, ie. via your tablet or smartphone from work or something? Those are 2 separate issues.

He has a signal strength issue. He can't receive wifi in his garage I think nor out on his patio.
When yo say you want to "connect from outside of the house" are you referring to range? As in you want to be able to stand outside or in the garage and use ur iPad? Or are you referring to accessing the Apex externally, ie. via your tablet or smartphone from work or something? Those are 2 separate issues.

John- for the Apex i want to do both. For my home as Marvin says i have connectivity issues in garage, and or in fron yard, which is like 25 feet from modem/router, but past a brick wall.

Yes its a COMBO modem/router. Motorola Surfboard for sure model i think is "900".
Eddie ....Saturday I will show you how to do it....get a cisco gigabite router if you are going to get anything and dont look back


do all your apex work from the neighbors garage if you like ....mine connects from my neighbors house across the street by his pool in his back yard lol or stream hd quality video straight from your tablet to your tv or just surf the internet

Matt- I cant make it to tank hop, have to work. ill look at this sounds reasonable, then i can prob get a cable modem from Comcast.

Call Comcast or who ever your ISP is and find out if they will replace your router/modem for free.

If not, a repeater may be the cheapest option.

Is your router separate from your modem?

Marvin yes its both devices in one, see above. I own both devices but dont mind getting a modem from Comcast, and buying my own router.

At this point i dont care how much it costs, im tired of this, you know ive been dealing with this for a while. Lourdes is also very dependand on network since she works from home often.
^...ya for $200 ....as usual overpriced and does nothing more than the rest and sometimes less....but its pretty I will give you that lol

They have 2 the extreme is $200 and the airport is $100. AC an N respectively. But their worth is in the easy user interface. Gotta love a good UI.