OT: sort of Home network equipment advise needed.

I'd try to see if comcast will replace it, if not a range extender.

THe airport might be nice but its overpriced your paying for the name, and simplistic ui, not worth it imo, for somehting you will set up one, hide and never need to touch again (except rare instances)
lol all routers now days are easy to connect to ...stick with the best in the business the company that wrote the book and practically invented 1/2 of what networking is used today CISCO......

oh and ps Eddie if you need another modem I have an extra ready to go for you ......
lol all routers now days are easy to connect to ...stick with the best in the business the company that wrote the book and practically invented 1/2 of what networking is used today CISCO......

oh and ps Eddie if you need another modem I have an extra ready to go for you ......

Matt- its easy for folks that are techy. Im not. Like its easy for me to start an IV on a emaciated 80 year old on steroids, and an insulin dependent diabetic. YOU try it.

Yess ill take a modem if you have extra. Is it a cable modem??

See if Comcast will replace it free.

I can, im not worried about that. I currently pay nothing sine its mine. They would do that for the modem, but not the router. AND Ide rather have control of my own equipment anyways. But i dont mind getting a modem from them since its a pretty simple device from what i hear anyways.
FYI guys. Cisco sold Liksys to Belkin.

Do you have any open ports on your router? If so the device Dave mentioned should work. I probably have a old router you can try to use if you want. At least to see if it'll work.

Before you do that. Try to change the channel your wifi is using. I wonder if you are getting interference from your neighbors. Comcast an walk you through it. I'm not familiar with cable modems and the modem/router they use.
i currenlty have a Moto Surfboard but its a "900". Why do you need a router if its also a router?

The combo units you get from the internet service providers are not as good as individual units. I use a good quality cable modem only, and purchased a good quality wireless router. The Asus mentioned previously can run on both 2.4 ghz as well as 5 ghz and has much better range and signal strength. Without getting too tetchy, you also have a lot more channel options on the 5 ghz band so you don't have to worry about other nearby wireless signals interfering with yours. Your issue might not be range of your existing router, but interference from your neighbors wifi, garage door opener, cordless phone etc. those devices also use the 2.4 ghz range
Do you have any open ports on your router? If so the device Dave mentioned should work. I probably have a old router you can try to use if you want. At least to see if it'll work.

Before you do that. Try to change the channel your wifi is using. I wonder if you are getting interference from your neighbors. Comcast an walk you through it. I'm not familiar with cable modems and the modem/router they use.

Marvin it is not their modem/router, its mine, i dont pay rental.

However-Today i went out and bought the router Matt suggested. While i was at best buy i noticed a cable modem, also from motorola, so i bought it as well.

Go home, installed it. Called comcast to give them the new MAC address, and the guys told me they are stopping service to all DOCS 2.0 modems in a few weeks, so i have to return and get a DOCS 3 modem. :headwally:

Heads up for you guys with comcast and older modems.