OT: Xbox One or PS4?

I also heard that with XBox1 they can "spy" on you withe the camera you need to set up. Does anyone know if there is any truth to that?

i doubt they will, but i guess on a technicality they could just as the camera on a laptop or your phone. I know this was an issue when online and camera was mandatory at one point, with military bases anyways.
I don't ever get first gen consoles but if I had to i'd go with ps4. It seems more exciting. I think they are both comparable it's really just what games your into.

But if microsoft ever releases this white xbox one i'm sold.

XBOX is not 720p thats rubbish. I'm waiting to see what games coem out, launch titles arn't very excitign and until the systems are out awhile you will see which gets better games.
I have a very close friend of mine that works for EA in Orlando (gave me a tour of the place and it's insane). I asked him which machine he thought was better and he said hands down the PS4. He works on Madden, Woods, and Fight Night and he says that they play way better & faster on the PS4. Said it was easier to develop for the Sony so less bugs, glitches, etc. He says the graphics are slightly better but the casual player probably wouldn't notice. He bought himself a PS4
I own both and you can't tell the diff in graphics. Also there will be more than triple the xbox1 only titles compared to the ps4 only titles I bought both systems for this very cause. One thing I dislike about the xbox is the new home screen. The plus side is the xbox can run your tv and cable box the ps4 can't
I haven't played in so long, I would love one of the new systems but only used my ps3 for Netflix lately until it died.
I agree that the PS4 is slightly better for hardcore gaming, HOWEVER .. .. ..

I chose to go with the XBOX simply because I really enjoy Halo.

In addition, once you get the hang of Forza, it truly does become addictive. Forza through your career will actually rate you against your standing in the entire community world wide.

Dead Rising 3 is a fun game to randomly run around and kill zombies, it is identical to Grand Theft Auto.

We buy game consoles to play games that we want to play.

Xbox to PS4 in regards to performance is splitting hairs.

If you have a concern of the hard disk reliability rumors on Xbox, then if you have a fancy credit card that doubles the warranty - one more year of security.
Since neither seem to do (out of the box) what I want it to do - that is provide streaming of my h.264 .m4v video collection from the Windows Home Server 2011 with surround sound - I've got my eyes open for a PS4 and will use it just for gaming. The last I had was a xbox360 - sold it for $50 bucks to a friend.
Since neither seem to do (out of the box) what I want it to do - that is provide streaming of my h.264 .m4v video collection from the Windows Home Server 2011 with surround sound - I've got my eyes open for a PS4 and will use it just for gaming. The last I had was a xbox360 - sold it for $50 bucks to a friend.

Boxee box, or you can build your own XBMC machine and rock it.

this is what i am waiting for...
We have an Xbox 360 with Kinnect. It RARELY gets used. I use it more for watching ESPN 3, Blue Ray movies and Youtube than the kids do to play their games. I hope it stays that way.