Our 210 upgrade is underway!!!

hey ereefic let me ask you... is all the equipments for a 180G and a 210G the same... if so i might as well get a 210 since only the height is the difference
A BIG THANKS go out to Rod Buehler for coming up and drilling the tank. :thumbsup:

But I can take credit for painting it. :) I just used Rustoleum gloss black oil based paint. Took 3 coats but looks good.

Liquidblueman, the only difference between the 180 and the 210 is the height. 180 at 24" and the 210 at 29". Depending on what you would be keeping, I think would depend on what you can get away with for equipment.
Here is the plumbing so far. Intakes are glued in already but the outputs will be glued in tomorrow. After I combine the 2 return lines together near the bottom of the tank, it'll go on the stand. Hopefully the closed loop pump will be here next week so I can get that all tied together.

The AGA stands look flimsy, but the physics is sound. The vertical slats are just lightly nailed to the top and bottom members, but once the tank is on top, the weight is all borne in compression by the vertical slats. It isn't going anywhere with 3000 lbs. pressing down.
think alot of people do overbuild there stands. If you look at a factory stand, there really isn't that much to them.
personally would have overbuilt it.. but theres no real such thing as over building something (unless you throw your back out moving it) but if its underbuilt, then you will know it...
but what's the point of wasting your time, effort, and money on overbuilding when the only thing your accomplishing is overdoing another project which seems to typically happen around here.

The only reason people get so worried is because of all the overbuilders doubting the stands that aren't. It got so bad where i caught my friend trying to use 2x4's for building a 30g stand. 2X4's are for building houses not stands! I was tempted to just making the whole stand out of 3/4" ply only and just using a dado blade on it to fit it togethor. Nothing wrong w/ overbuilding if it's your style, i just hate to see new hobbyists get sucked into the trend b/c it's all they see.
Looks good. I like your stand and think it will be more than enough. Post above is right - AGA, etc. stands aren't underbuilt, they are built enough to hold the practical amount of respective weight.

You got a sharp setup going there!

Yep, I think that is where alot of my 'wondering' about the stand has come from, everyone overbuilding theres. But I am more than confident now that the stand will be just fine.

Now, I just hope the plumbing doesn't leak. :lol:
You should test the stand's lateral stability by filling the tank about 3/4 full with water and see if you can push the tank from one end to get any movement. Lateral movement may cause the vertical member attachment to the horizontal member (looks like pocket screws) to fail overtime. I would add a few more vertical support if it is still possible, better to be a little over than under, looks like you are aware of all the weight from the new beam you put in the basement.
Did your cabinet maker know the cabinets will be supporting approximately 2,000 pounds?
Lookin good...don't worry at all about the stand that is most likely a lot more stable and stronger than 95% of the 2x4 stand's...