Our 375 Gallon project

Yes, its the exact same. I ordered it from parts express. there is a little red light between the buttons on the controller.

I talked to parts express yesterday and they said that lately a bunch of these the motors arent working. So I am going to return it for another one. hopefully that works.


Scott, thanks for directing me to your thread for stand building ideas. This is a great documentary of your reef system. I may borrow a few of your inventive ideas. Thanks again, Dave
just an update on my actuator. I did return it to parts express. there whole batch was defective and because it was a buyout item, they are not getting any more in :( Anyone else know where to get the same actuator from? The ebay people dont have the complete unit, only the actuator, not the controller.



As far as the actuator- I finally got around to hooking mine up this weekend and I did notice that it had a LED- looks like it comes on while raising or lowering it. I don't have any pics of the completed actuator setup just yet (and it's only 90% complete anyway) but it does work great. I'm not sure where to get one from if parts express doesn't have any more- maybe Ebay?

petedoc- Feel free to borrow any ideas you like- that's what it's here for :)

And for the good news- We got all the RO/DI water in the tank( it took 1 week to fill the tank and sump room). We got Salt in the tank Saturday night and based on the amount of salt we have a total system volume of 520 gallons- that matches perfectly with our RO/DI fill time as well at 75gpd. We still have 1 50g tank in the sump room to fill yet but that should be pretty close to the LR displacement.

We got some LR yesterday from a local reefer (thanks again Dave) and hope to add some more this week.

So far everything seems to be working great and the DIy chiller is outstanding- with 520 gallons of water it pulls down the temp from 81.0 to 80.1 in less than 30 minutes.

We finally got a tracking # on the skimmer and hopefully that will be here this Friday so we can get that hooked up this coming weekend and begin transferring LR and fish from the old 50g tank.

I haven't had much time to take pics but I'll try and get some posted this week.
sidewinder770 said:

Her's another view of the plumbing where you can see most of the valves and unions-

I must say that this is a very clean job on the plumbing. I am looking forward to more pictures and to see the aquascaping.
Update: Linear Actuators

Parts express returned the defecive actuator and said that thier whole batch was bad. Took some time but finally got my refund.

I contacted the company directly who distributes them
Venture Mfg.
and they had a bunch in stock and was actually cheaper then parts express. I recieved the new actuator in 2 days and works perfectly.

Just thought I would share incase anyone wants to try this DIY.
The actutor seris ID is FD and the one they have has a stroke of 9 3/4". comes with actuator, converter & remote.

TheLivingSeas- thanks for the compliment on the plumbing- it was a lot of work but so far everything seems to be working as planned.

gobygoby- Glad to hear you got the correct unit- I think that is where I got mine from as well but couldn't remember the name when you were looking for a replacement. I did get the top of the canopy done last week and the actuator works just as planned- I still have a few things to tinker with on it but so far its working great.

TheCoralReef731- We actually added 2 fish to the tank last week and so far they are doing fine. 1 was a lawnmower blenny- who is eating like a pig with some of our recently aquired rock (thanks again Dave) and the other was a possom wrasse which we moved from our current tanks sump as that has been his home for the last few weeks since he was getting harrassed in the current 50gallon tank

Well the RO/Di finished it's workout and the tank had saltwater last week. We got our first 100 lbs of rock in on Friday and the skimmer we have been waiting 6 months for finally arrived and was hooked up on Friday as well. I know, I know- I still need to post some pics and I'll try to get some up tonight or tomorrow.
I know I need to keep the picture gods happy so here are a few. The first is of the tank while the RO/DI water was filling. You can see the foam covered ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“rock structuresââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ pretty well and this is also what the OM 4 way is connected to. There are 4 ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“rock structuresââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ one for each port of the 4 way- and each one has locline fittings as well as Ã"šÃ‚¼Ã¢â"šÂ¬Ã‚ holes drilled in various spots to help create a very random flow. Itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s basically a PVC structure covered in the same foam as the back of the tank.


This is of the still under construction sump room about 10 minutes after hooking up the new Barr Aquatics SK5220 skimmer. So far the skimmer seems to function well- Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ll hold off on a ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œfullââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ review of the skimmer till itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s broken in and we get a few ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“kinksââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ worked out. As you can tell we also have some microbubbles to contend with in the sump but that shouldnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t be a problem. We still need to fill and hook-up the calcium reactor as well as 2 phosban/activated carbor reactors as well as do some clenup and finishing touches but so far so good.


We have also added about 60 lbs of rock from OceanPro and will hopefully have another 40 or 50 to add this week on top of the 50lbs from a local reefer and about 50lbs from the existing 50g so we should end up with about 200lbs total consisting of Fiji premium, Buna branch, Marshall Island, and Fiji Sulva premium rock. Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ll post some pics of the tank once the cloudyness and sandstorm die down a little. We are also having an issue with some ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“clear slimeââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ after we put the rock in. Itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s kind of hard to describe and we have done several searches on RC and other site trying to find out what it is but havenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t come up with anything yet. The best way to describe it is snot or egg white looking slime- it seems to have that consistency to it- if it was snot we must have an elephant around here cause itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s a lot of snot!
looking good! the slime is likely some bacteria, but you shouldn't have to worry about it. it should take care of itself.
Yeah Scott - you're stingy with the photos. Give these guys some candy! :lol:

Seriously, I was just over there and the system is incredible. The black structure holds the rock up and you don't even realize it's there. The skimmer is a monster - I think each Beckett was drawing close to 2,000LPH. The light lifter thingy is fantastic. This system is truly in the SteveWeast category as far as being well thought out and executed, I'm lucky to be able to see it in person.

Then Reefmaiden will make purty corals.
bigben- Hopefully you're right- this slime is nasty looking. It looks like it's starting to go away a little but at least it doesn't seem to be causeing any stress to the fish or any weird ammonia spikes or anything.

Fliger- Thanks for the compliments. I don't think I'm in Steve Weist territory- it's not that good. The skimmer is a monster though and seems to be working pretty well- still need to 'tweak' it a bit but so far I'm pretty happy with it.

And just to please the masses- here's a pic of the Fiji Sulva Premium rock that just came in today. It's pretty cool rock- definately different and has great colors and life. It's not a rock they have carried before and I have never heard of it but I like it so far. Not sure what adding this rock will do to the slime issue but hopefully it won't make it worse.

Wow... that is some colorful rock with great shape. I am very impressed. That was from Ocean Pro or not?
More pictures please if you get a chance. :)