Our 375 Gallon project

melev- You can call me Side- nobody really calls me Mr Winder anymore :D. What motivated me to work on the cabinets? It's called the mess on my patio which has become my woodshop! I still have some trim work and doors to stain but I'll post some pics once it's all completed. Why it's taking me so long I have no idea but I am ready to have it done!

moore_rb- I'm sure yours will turn out great- you seem very detailed about how you build things like I am and I'm sure you'll keep up the trend of amazing stands and woodwork that we seem to have in AZ of late. And of course you are welcome to stop by anytime. I can give you my recipe for the stain color if you like- I had to custom blend several colors to get the shade we wanted.

chetm2- Thanks! How's your tank coming along? haven't seen to many updates lately. Can't wait to see yours in person- cube tanks are always cool looking.

Not much new as far as the tank or cabinetry goes. I've been kind of lazy the last week or so but I do have a few pics to post- nothing too exciting but I know a thread is no good without pics so here ya go-

Must be getting close to feeding time- the fish are swarming!-


"Flashlight" coral

There is nothing cooler than someone with the Cahones to say "Yes, we will keep A Regal and a Blue Girdled Angel in our SPS tank..."

Just be sure to let us all know when those polyps start disappearing...

LOL- will do :D. Needless to say we have been keeping a VERY, VERY close eye on them and so far so good. The Majestic angel has been in the tank for a little over a month now and the Regal for a little over a week. When we first put them in the tank we had a talk with them and told them they were only allowed to nibble on some of the xenia and that was it (you can see plenty of it in the pic above). Of course we didn't specify what xenia and it looks like the Majestic angel has taken a liking to the pompom xenia at the other end of the tank :rolleyes:. Oh well- our fault- we didn't specify I guess. Luckily he just grazes on it but it doesn't look like it will last for much longer and I just hope it doesn't take a liking to something else once the xenia is gone!

I think if the boss starts to see some polyps missing from her corals I'll be starting to see some of my fish missing in return :(
They are happy- but I think that's partially because they know me and they think it's dinner time :D. I'll try to get a pic of the "swarm" when I go to feed them- they get so excited I've had a few jump out of the tank trying to get food and more often then not I always seem to get at least one fish in the feeding container. It's amazing how they recognize certain people and correlate that with food. Most of the fish tend to follow me to where ever I happen to be looking at the tank in hopes of getting more food!
Well, let me say I just read this thread from start to finish. Awesome! I got some great ideas from you Scott, and other. I like the stand as well. Seems to be the most highly desired item of your project, Well besides your everything else that is. Stand really sets this project apart from others. Im in a 290 project myself and its all in the planing stages as of now with equipment and placement. I cant say thanks enough for sharing your project with this community. I think even though you say you have trouble with patience you demonstrated great patience by taking the time to shoot your progress and think things through to the finest detail. Im hijacking some of your best ideas for my own system. I may even use your linear actuator idea cash flow permitting.
Thanks again for sharing all your information and great pics. Love to see this in a years time again. It will likely deserve Tank of the Month in the short coming!
P.S. Id love to be able to bounce ideas off you for your feedback. Wife gets a Hi 5-2!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7508412#post7508412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
LOL- will do :D. Needless to say we have been keeping a VERY, VERY close eye on them and so far so good. The Majestic angel has been in the tank for a little over a month now and the Regal for a little over a week. When we first put them in the tank we had a talk with them and told them they were only allowed to nibble on some of the xenia and that was it (you can see plenty of it in the pic above). Of course we didn't specify what xenia and it looks like the Majestic angel has taken a liking to the pompom xenia at the other end of the tank :rolleyes:. Oh well- our fault- we didn't specify I guess. Luckily he just grazes on it but it doesn't look like it will last for much longer and I just hope it doesn't take a liking to something else once the xenia is gone!

I think if the boss starts to see some polyps missing from her corals I'll be starting to see some of my fish missing in return :(

sidewinder, very nice setup. I have had a Majestic, Regal, and Emperror Angel in my SPS/LPS/Clam reef for almost two years now with no problems yet... but I do keep a watch.

It can be done. :cool:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7508298#post7508298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moore_rb
There is nothing cooler than someone with the Cahones to say "Yes, we will keep A Regal and a Blue Girdled Angel in our SPS tank..."

Just be sure to let us all know when those polyps start disappearing...


You had to go and say that didn't you Robert! :mixed: As of yesterday they started nipping at the large patch of xenia and a little bit of some orange zoos (luckily the largest population as well as the fastest growing). So far that's acceptable but it seems like they are going after the prepared foods a bit more the last day or so as well so I think they are finally getting use to eating with all the other fish and I think once they are fully use to eating when I feed the nipping will die down. At least that's my hope :D

Biggie- Thanks for the compliments. By all means feel free to bounce whatever questions you want off me- not sure I can help but I'll try. And feel free to hijack and improve any of my ideas- that's what it's here for afterall.

RedEyeReef- That's good to hear. Hopefully I will have similar luck as they are 2 very beautiful fish and I would hate to have to get rid of them. At least they are eating and healthy and that's always the 1st concern.

As for progress pics- I did get the shelf around the front of the tank and the side shelfs done but they are not attached and lined up yet. Here is a shot of the left and right side but they should be nice and flush once I get off my lazy butt and do it :)


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Scott, Just curious what type of wood you used to skin with? Is that finished plywood, Or the real deal? I was gonna use 1/2" oak plywood but the darker finish on yours make the tank stand out real nice. Also could you shoot a close up of your canopy hinges and hardware looks clean. I see you got a Naso in there now too. Any problems with the Hippo and him together?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7521345#post7521345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CW from the OC
Hey Scott,

I'm been lurkiung in your thread, and I just wanted to say that the tank and cabinets look GREAT!

Well done!

C Dub

Ditto. I have been lurking for quite some time now. I must say that I am extremley impressed with your attention to detail and your craftmanship. I also appreciate how much time and effort you have taken to share your info and experience with the rest of us. I have received alot of inspiration and knowledge from you. Thank You!
This tank rocks bro!! I've been contemplating a move from my current setups to a large reef tank, and after seeing what you have done with your tank I'm inspired.

Now if I can only somehow convince the future wife....."Who needs a honeymoon? We've got a new reef tank!!"

LOL.....all kidding aside, great job man. Your tank is spectacular!!

Two thumbs way up!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Your first post is on this thread? You might as well tell that future wife that you're a doomed (obsessed) man... ;)
Biggie- The wood is Hickory. We liked it because of the grain pattern and the color variations. Not the easiest wood to work with but I think it turned out pretty good. Everything except the 2 pieces that are on the back wall in the center of the side cabinets is solid wood. I did use 1/4" ply for the door centers but I don't really think there is any way to do those out of solid wood. Everything else was solid and had to be planed and/or run through the joiner and it was about 180 LF of rough cut stock to begin with. I'll see if I can get a pic of the canopy for ya- you want one of the top side right? My Hippo Tang is a big chicken- he hides from everything and doesn't really seem to bother anyone let alone the Naso who is bigger. In total I have 5 tangs and they all get along together.

alien9168, CW from the OC, Wade2185- thanks for the compliments and glad I could help out a little. I learned so much by reading other threads as well so it's only fair for me to share a little. If there is anything else people would like pics of just let me know!

Howdy06- As Melev said- welcome to RC! Hey if my thread can convince your soon to be new bride to get a big tank instead of a honeymoon I'll be very impressed! Somehow I just don't think that will fly :D. Best of luck you you both!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7528695#post7528695 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
Biggie- I'll see if I can get a pic of the canopy for ya- you want one of the top side right?

Yea the way it hinges from the top and maybe a shot of the attachment hardware so I can see what you did there. Im building a stand for a 290 tall with yours as a model. Im using 3 x 3 x 1/8 square mech. tubing so Im cutting out some of the rear supports and the canopy removable center piece thats the vertical support. Didnt see the point to have 2 removable sections for the 6 footer since it really adds no support. But before I get to cutting pipe wanted to make sure your not utilizing that piece for something else my main concern. Im eithier gonna skin with Birch and tongue oil it to gloss or go with something much darker like walnut or Cherry not sure just yet. I may find an old cracker here in FL. willing to part with some nice Cyprus thats almost impervious to rot. Cost me a fortune if he knows what its worth though. You must have counter sunk the hardware or made reliefs for the removable section hardware to recess when the canopy face is down? Thats what I kinda want to clarify. How tall was the canopy by the way (your working room)? Any changes you would make with the stand now that your working in and around it? I gave myself about 24 in. of head room. Im gonna be running 2 400 w fan cooled pendants which run off a remote ballast and supp. with T5's so I figured that would be sufficent to still get in and clean up. Hard to tell what your top of tank to top of canopy horizontal tube dimension is. Im 6'1 270 so I need the shoulder room in there or it will be like stuffing 20 LBS of S#$t in a 5 LB bag lol...Appreciate the info by the way, allready learned alot from this post. Hope mine turns out as nice as yours. Might even do a similar post of my own if Im not too lazy to take the pics and answer the threads. Mine might have some blood in it since Im gonna have to crawl up in my hipped attic and run wire lol...I run a digital thermostat in my attic to my garage so I can open the crawl hatch and let the heat out of the garage via the power roof vents I put in. it was 128 degrees up there yesterday so I wont be starting that post til about mid Oct lol. Or do a pull and run out before the sun comes up lol..