<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7528695#post7528695 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
Biggie- I'll see if I can get a pic of the canopy for ya- you want one of the top side right?
Yea the way it hinges from the top and maybe a shot of the attachment hardware so I can see what you did there. Im building a stand for a 290 tall with yours as a model. Im using 3 x 3 x 1/8 square mech. tubing so Im cutting out some of the rear supports and the canopy removable center piece thats the vertical support. Didnt see the point to have 2 removable sections for the 6 footer since it really adds no support. But before I get to cutting pipe wanted to make sure your not utilizing that piece for something else my main concern. Im eithier gonna skin with Birch and tongue oil it to gloss or go with something much darker like walnut or Cherry not sure just yet. I may find an old cracker here in FL. willing to part with some nice Cyprus thats almost impervious to rot. Cost me a fortune if he knows what its worth though. You must have counter sunk the hardware or made reliefs for the removable section hardware to recess when the canopy face is down? Thats what I kinda want to clarify. How tall was the canopy by the way (your working room)? Any changes you would make with the stand now that your working in and around it? I gave myself about 24 in. of head room. Im gonna be running 2 400 w fan cooled pendants which run off a remote ballast and supp. with T5's so I figured that would be sufficent to still get in and clean up. Hard to tell what your top of tank to top of canopy horizontal tube dimension is. Im 6'1 270 so I need the shoulder room in there or it will be like stuffing 20 LBS of S#$t in a 5 LB bag lol...Appreciate the info by the way, allready learned alot from this post. Hope mine turns out as nice as yours. Might even do a similar post of my own if Im not too lazy to take the pics and answer the threads. Mine might have some blood in it since Im gonna have to crawl up in my hipped attic and run wire lol...I run a digital thermostat in my attic to my garage so I can open the crawl hatch and let the heat out of the garage via the power roof vents I put in. it was 128 degrees up there yesterday so I wont be starting that post til about mid Oct lol. Or do a pull and run out before the sun comes up lol..