Insane Reefer- I'd have to agree with rottface4. I had the foam in the tank with no rock for about 1 or 2 weeks with no problems. We had also used the foam in a previous tank with no issues. I think the problem came from something on the shipment of LR we got. And that makes sense- if we were to move the tank and disturb the slime monster again I suspect we would probably have it pop back up again. It is definately nasty, slimey stuff and the only good thing is that it did go away and I have no ill effects from it. As for the foam itself- you can get it at Dr Foster Smith, Custom Aquatic, and a few other online places. It's black pond foam called 'Handi foam'. Look in some earlier pages of this thread and it's well talked about and should answer most of you questions.
CLC- Having the lights move makes it very easy to work on the tank and I am definately glad I did it. The nice thing is if I need to I can adjust it to raise even higher very easily. On the T5's, I think I will be adding a 24' fixture to each end of the tank as well as one in the middle going front to back and possibly 2 towards the rear of the tank aligning side to side. For the bulbs I think I will be using the 11000k bulbs. I should be getting the ballasts today and will be playing around with that the next few days. I just want a little more "filler" light so I don't think I'll be using a lot of bulbs or overdriving them. I would say get T5's over VHO but that's just me.
rottface4- That is kind of strange that it won't go away this time. I was lucky in that I didn't have any corals or fish in the tank when it happened to me. If you have any livestock I'd be curious to hear how it affected them. I hope when it comes time to move this tank that it won't come back but now you got me wondering.