Our 375 Gallon project

Beautiful wood working! That is a very nice cabinet surround you've built there! Can you post a pic showing the full tank and cabinet?
Again, very very nice!
Scott, can you tell me about the laquer finish you're applying specifically? It looks so nice, and that is what I want mine to look like. What color stain is it?
Thanks for having me over yesterday Scott. The tank is truly beautiful, the Linear actuator works like a charm, and the best part is that it is dead silent!

The foam wall looks great but still lacked some corraline growth which will come with more time. But, I was totally shocked at how good the foam looked that was used in the middle of the tank. It was applied to joining rocks and covered the PVC pipe support.

Thanks Scott and Erin!
Biggie- Wow! 3x3 is huge! That should support any tank you put on it. And I thought I went overboard with the 1.5x1.5! I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the top of the canopy showing the actuator and such but I will try to in the next few days.

"You must have counter sunk the hardware or made reliefs for the removable section hardware to recess when the canopy face is down? Thats what I kinda want to clarify" - Not sure exactly what you mean here. I didn't have to recess any hardware that I remember but I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to- could you clarify?

From the top of the tank to the bottom of the canopy I think it's 21". So far it has proven to be plenty of room but then again more is always better. I didn't go any bigger just because I thought it would look strange compared to the stand. My lights also move up and back when the canopy opens so that gives me a little more room to play around with and the 250w pendants are usually smaller than the 400's.

I hear ya on the attic- it's WAY to hot to be up there this time of year over here too! I don't do attic work this time of year so I was sure to get most of it done prior to summer.

Good luck- sounds like an awesome project! Be sure to post pics as I'd like to see how it all turns out.

mmoore0803 & phileas- Thanks for the compliments- Now if I could only get it finished!

sonofgaladriel- Thank for the praise- that's definately a compliment coming from you. I loved the way your cube stand turned out as well as the several other stands you've built for people. You work definately gave me some ideas and was a great help in deciding on a lot of the trim work. I guess you could see now why I didn't want to hassle you with building it huh? It's been hard enough for me building it let alone someone building it long distance- of course- it'd be finished a few months ago if you built it :D. Can't wait to see the new project you got going and I look forward to more of your master carpentry!

melev- by laquer you mean clear coat right? That was Minwax spar varnish in semi-gloss. You can get it at any Home Depot. If you mean the stain color I'd have to get the colors for ya since I mixed several different colors to get the final look I wanted. I used "Old masters" brand stain and Minwax pre-conditioner. I sanded to 180 grit, applied conditioner, applied 2 coats of stain and 3-4 coats of clear with a light sanding between each coat.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7544606#post7544606 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
Biggie- Wow! 3x3 is huge! That should support any tank you put on it. And I thought I went overboard with the 1.5x1.5!

Good luck- sounds like an awesome project! Be sure to post pics as I'd like to see how it all turns out.

Ok revamped the 3 x 3 to 1.5 x 1.5. like yours after geting qoute from wholesaler lol. Steel aint cheap! There nuts. Last time I did a project similar steel was .27/Lb linear A36 structural pretty much any standard shape now its way up! So that turned me back to the CAD tube for a quick re-design. You pretty much gotta want something custom here when your doin a big tank I take it. I got a guy in Tampa that sent me a bunch of pics for a 220 with stand and hood (Glass) reef ready minus the holes for a C.L. in the back. for $950. Generic stand and no lights or any other gear. If you take into consideration the gas and moving time verse what Im trying to accomplish with a 290 GAL, its the sensible thing to do. But who ever said reefers were sensible anyhow? So despite my better judgement Im building mine my way anyhow. Little secret Im keeping on RC to shield the fallout from the wife lol. I can hear her now "You could have done what for that much?, but you did this for how much?" Hehehe. She's a good women to put up with me I must say. I just cant succumb to the ugly generic stands that come with these type of tanks. The wood swells and laminate is nasty, glues start to loosen and the laminate peels, Yuck! then the Tank is awesome but the cabinetry is hideous to look at whats the point? Buying steel soon wish me luck.
I thought about spraying it but due to how I had to assemble it, I would have had to spray it in 4 or 5 groups at different times and I didn't want to deal with cleaning the sprayer out that many times. The stain was applied with a rag and the clear with a brush (high quality white china bristle). I actually went through about 6 or 7 brushes and still have some left to do and at $10-$12 a pop for brushes it wasn't cheap. Sanding and using a tack rag between coats is a biggie! I also let them dry for quite a while before sanding and doing another coat (usually overnite - 24 hours). As you can see it's just a very time consuming process- staining 1 door for example took about 10 days becuse of the drying time between coats!!! (thats also if I actually worked on it everyday which I didn't) :D
Thanks for the inspiration. I just foamed my wifes 65 gallon tank last night and it looks great. It only took 3 cans since I have a full length overflow box glued into the tank. I can see a few places where I left a few large pin holes in the foam so I think I will just color in the glass on the back with a black marker so the light doesn't show through as much.


i just looked through the thread again. wow. great job. i really enjoyed seeing the tank in person too.

one thing i did not see is any pictures of your closed loop plumbing in the tank. do you have any pictures of that?

i am going with the OM conroller also.

Sorry for the long delay in responding!

carloskoi- You're welcome to come by anytime you are in the area. As far as the closed loop plumbing- I have posted a few pictures of the plumbing under the tank if that's what you are referring to. As for the plumbing inside the tank and the rock supporting structures I'm afraid I forgot to get pics of that before it was covered with foam and installed. I think I have some pics of the rock supporting structures foamed and in the tank before any water was added if that helps. let me know and I'll see what I can dig up.

sparky1- Sounds like a great upgrade. Be sure to post some pics or start a thread about it as I always enjoy seeing other peoples tanks being built. Feel free to steal any of my ideas and improve upon them- Just be sure to post some pics of it!

thor32766 & jeffreylam1132- thanks for the compliments. I still have a lot to finish but it's getting there.

druluv- foam is working out great and looks better and better every day. It's almost completely covered in coraline now except a few spots that get too much light but it looks great! Lots of life groing in and on the foam just like LR.

I haven't done much with the tank in the last month- just been lazy I guess. That and when it's 110 degrees outside there really isn't much desire to get the cabinets finished or be out in the garage. I have been in the process of adding a second DIY 1 ton chiller just like the first one for redundancy and if my HVAC guy would ever show up that would be finished. Probably going to change out all my bulbs this week as it's been about 10 or 11 months since they were installed- going to be using the same 14k phoenix bulb since I really like the color they give the tank.

Well, it may not be my picture or a really recent one but this is a pic that 'zoereef' snapped while he was over about a month ago. He adjusted the white balance on the camera to adjust for the blue lights but I think it looks pretty good- I'll see if I can get some updated shots later this week.

Yup- that's a yellow long nose butterfly. He was one of the first fish in the tank and is a very nice looking and interesting fish. Kind of a bad pic but here he is-


I don't think I forgot anything on this list, I may have since I'm just going from memory but here is a livestock list as of today-

Naso tang
Achillies tang
Purple tang
Chevron tang
Hippo tang
Choati wrasse
Ornate leopard wrasse
Lubbocks wrasse
Solar wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Labouti wrasse
Scotts fairy wrasse
Possum wrasse
Yellow long nose butterfly
Dragonface pipe fish
Midas blenny
Arabian dottyback
Purple firefish
Green chromies (4)
Mandarin Goby
Royal gramma
Male squareback anthias
Female squareback anthias (3)
Tiger goby
Red stripe goby (2)
false percula clown fish (pair)

Cleaner shrimp (4)
Fire shrimp (2)
Serpant stars (4)
Blue Linkia starfish
Amazing tank, and some awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing... I hope one day I can put together a system like that...

One question.. What did you use for substrate? I think I noticed in an earlier picture it was sand, and not cc.. Was it just a regular play sand, or an aragonite sand?

Plus, I can't beleive you don't have a Copperband Butterfly in that tank. It's one of my favorite fish, and would be a nice addition I think...