Our 375 Gallon project

Icefire what ever u do dont try to apply it to star board then try to put it in a tank full of water. : ( does not work so well.

Not sure as I've never tried it on a removeable back. I've also never tried placing foam on glass, but from what I've heard it works OK. Sorry I can't help you more.

We did some tank cleaning and rearranging this weekend and was able to take some pictures. Hopefully I'll have some good shots of the cabinet work later this week, as it's hard to get cabinet shots at night when these were taken.



Scott the tank looks incredible.

Are you are satisfied with the 250W Phoenix 14K with the 30" height of your tank or have you wished for more light ? My tank will be smaller than yours (mainly the length) at 73L x 30W x 27H and am torn between my MH options of 3 x 250W DE Phoenix 14K (mimics 20K when used with electronic ballasts) or 3 x 400W SE 20K like Radium, Helios, etc. I will also be adding some T5s, which will probably only be used for dawn/dusk transition if I go with 400s. With the 250s I may run the T5s throughout the day to get extra intensity if needed. Pendants will be Lumenmax III, Lumenarc mini, or Sfiligoi.

Reef will be mixed LPS and SPS, I don't want to restrict SPS to the highest levels in the tank, nor do I want so much light that the LPS do poorly. I generally don't like the mixed bulb look so prefer to be consistent across the tank.

Thanks, Eric
melev- you are more than welcome to come visit anytime! I'm still hoping to be able to make it out by you as well.

ekovalsky- I'm pretty happy with the 4x250w Phoenix 14k setup. I do wish I had a little more light but mainly on the sides and the middle. I think 5- 250w would be the best setup for me but I have a brace on the center so I can't really put one there. I do intend to add some T5's in the near future just for a little filler but the 250w seems to work just fine as far as depth is concerned. You may have better luck with the spread using the lumenarc reflectors as well.

MSM- ya- things are growing nicely but I wish they would grow a little faster. Thanks for the compliments and you are always welcome to come by if your up in this area to check it out again.

Hopefully I'll be able to get home early enough this week when there is enough ambient light to get a good shot of the cabinets.

Here are a few I forgot to post yesterday-

sidewinder770 - very nice tank and setup. Looks like a lot of care and hardwork have paid off!

I quickly looked through all the pages of this thread but didn't find any details on your lighting. Was mainly looking for close up pictures of what MH and other lights you were doing for your main system. I saw the pictures for your frag tank.

Would you mind explaining in detail what your lighting setup is and where you purchased your lighting equipment? Thanks
Icefire...the foam works well on glass. No water in mine yet, but you can't pull the foam off.
Scott...WOW...the tank is looking incredible. The caps on the right are great.
Corals growing faster? Bah. Enjoy what is happening and be glad you don't have to deal with pruning as they continue to sting each other to death. You've got some nice big pieces in there; I count at least 6 biggies. :thumbsup:
I just read this whole thread, and have to say your tank is gorgeous, I really think the dark cherry stand is very classy, as well as the way you placed the tank room outside in the garage. This is definitely the type of tank I would like to have once I go big. Something that is unobtrusive for the viewer, tastfull,and neat and clean.
I'm setting up a similar tank with a remote sump-reg-frag-wc room, but I must go up and over through my garage ceiling, about 40 ft away. How did you determine to use 2" pvc? I think that may be too much head pressure for my application.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Many thanks,
Below is a picture of one of my "light racks". The racks themselves are DIY. I have 2 of these over the main tank. They consist of 2 PFO pendants. I am using 250w DE Phoenix bulbs and each pendant is driven by a IceCap HQI ballast. Hopefully in the near future (when i find the time) I will be adding some T5's to these light racks as well. I have 1 rack on each side of the tank and it moves up and back out of the way when the front of the canopy is opened. There should be some other pictures of the light racks in the canopy as well a a video farther back in this thread but I'm not sure what page that is on. Hope that answers your question- just let me know if you have any more on it.

Glad to hear the foam works well on glass. I've heard of people using it on glass but didn't want to say for sure as I've never tried it myself. The red cap on the righ is a new addition that we placed in the tank the same day the picture was taken.

Thanks. It does look pretty good in person but when I haven't cleaned the glass in a few weeks the pictures do look better :)

I guess you're right- prunning them doesn't sound like much fun either :). We do have growth but the really nice ones always grow slower. We actually had to prun the big blue tip stag in front because it was almost touching the front glass about 12" away from the base.

The cabinets was actually the hardest thing to make a decision on. I knew how I wanted to build it but it took forever to decide on the wood and stain. In the end we ended up using a stain that I blended from 5 or 6 other stains to end up with the final color. What a pain to say the least and it's not totally done yet. I still have some trim pieces to stain and a few pieces to permenantly attach but it looks pretty good for now.

Not sure how you'd go through the ceiling like that. Our sump is gravity fed and going higher than the bottom of the tank wouldn't work to well. In our case gravity works for us- even though it's a 80' run from the tank to the sump it's an overall lower level so gravity does the work. To go up you would need a pump and that is something I would never do- that's just asking for trouble if you ask me. We actually downsized from our original pump as we had less head pressure and loss than we expected. As for the 2" PVC- it actually creates less head pressure and resistance than using smaller PVC. I think 1.5" would have worked as well but making it bigger definately doesn't hurt- we also used sweeping bends or flex PVC instead of "street" 90's or bends. Of course if head pressure is your issue then just get a bigger pump :).

Thanks for your reply. There would still be a gravity fed sump under the tank with a return, but in addition part of that sump would be pumped to a second sump. What are the issues you are concerned about regarding pumping from one sump up and over to another?
I have a similar question and have been envious of your setup Sidewinder

My build is in the center of my home and is a "See-Through" tank built into a dividing wall. I don't have a basement. I would like to convert part of my second garage to a fish room, but I don't know how I would go up through the ceiling and down without creating flood issues. The garage is about 30ft away as the crow flies.

Any thoughts guys?
Scott, this was a blast to read after seeing your tank for a few minutes last night. Absolutely incredible is how I described it to my wife. She now believes me after seeing many of the pics in this thread.

cbeitel, I used aquapex to get from my sump inside the house to some brute cans outside the house for water change and top-off purposes. One piece, no place for it to leak. I've seen it up to 1 1/2". Only problem I found was connecting the aquapex to pvc was difficult as they are two different materials(chemically) and there aren't any fittings to easily connect the two.
cebeitel, I'm going to have the same problem when I set mine up. I've decided to cut rectangular holes in the slab so I can make a trench to feed the drain and return lines from/to the garage. A couple threaded elbows at the ends that are below the surface level will allow me to put in a plug and fill the holes if I ever sell the house. After I get the PVC in place, I'll epoxy in some rebar and fill the holes with hydro cement.
My bravery ends at cutting holes in my slab! :)

My wife even said once, "Why don't you just drill some holes and stick a pipe in the there?"

Even with her blessing, I can't bring myself to do it. Are there any threads ou there with that done?
I have watched your thread since pg 3 and WOW! it is one well thought out system (although I still have no idea how your chiller works). How is the foam working out for you? It's on coming off or shrinking? Any mature glass tanks with foam out there?