Our 375 Gallon project

Scott & erin...
Just wondering, about how often do people come to look at your tank? I wonder if you ever get tired of the attention? :)
I remember the first time I came over and saw your tank I had no idea you had this thread, was just coming to pick up an RTBA clone (I think it was april or may?).
Hopefully the visitors/emails/questions do not get old! You guys asked for it with such a great set-up!
i'm a fan too. thanks for taking the time to show me your setup. i just wish my pictures had turned out better.

i have some of the pictures from the thread in my screensaver and one day my wife saw them and asked whose setup that was. i told her that was Scott's tank that i went to look at when she dragged me along to the lecture in AZ.

she said when i do our new tank it better look that nice. and then i showed her the flow charts. yikes. i can't live up to that.

I must say that you have the best looking tank that i have set my eyes on. One Word for your tank is WOW!!!!!! I am very impressed w/ your set up. I am speechless acutually. One question I would like to ask you though. Overall, is that setup a very high maintenance setup? Also, how did you attach the wood skins to the metal frame? I am doing a metal stand and would like to get a good idea. Also, the foam is it easily removable? I'm guessing its reef safe also.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8442949#post8442949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lilchris
I must say that you have the best looking tank that i have set my eyes on. One Word for your tank is WOW!!!!!! I am very impressed w/ your set up. I am speechless acutually. One question I would like to ask you though. Overall, is that setup a very high maintenance setup? Also, how did you attach the wood skins to the metal frame? I am doing a metal stand and would like to get a good idea. Also, the foam is it easily removable? I'm guessing its reef safe also.


Welcome to Reef Central!!!
Sorry for not posting in a while. Not much new to report on the tank- everything is just going along as it should- haven't added any fish in the last few months and hardly any corals either. I do have a few things to do in the next few months (like finish those darn cabinets I keep putting off) and a few other tank related projects but nothing to major. I'll try to get the cabinets finished and get some pics of that up soon. If there is anything else people would like pics of just let me know!

Thanks! the garage sump room has been a great thing to have and I am very glad it's there instead of in the house- makes for easy maintenance. Gotta love the reefcasts! I try and listen to them every episode and I certainly didn't expect my thread to be mentioned- it was pretty cool.

There are a few places where the foam is mentioned in this thread but you can also look here for some more info-


How is the RBTA doing? Good I hope! We haven't had any other splitting on ours since then so who knows when we'll have more. As for people coming by- it seems to have slowed a bit the last few months- in the beginning we had a few people over every few weeks. There are quite a few locals that don't even know about it until they come by to pick something up from us or a group buy or something just like you did- I don't think many locals follow threads in the large tank forum so that helps. I don't mind showing people the tank or answering questions about it but it is nice that we haven't had too many people come by lately. I do seem to get a steady stream of emails and PM's asking questions :).

Happy to show it to you and sorry your pics didn't turn out very good. When are you going to start that new tank? I thought you'd have be well into the setup of it by now. Be sure to take lots of pics and start a thread on it when you do start it!

Welcome!! Maintenance isn't very bad at all really- I designed it to be low maintenance and easy to take care of- I don't really do much other than feed, make water, and clean the skimmer every once in a while. The tank keeps itself cool or turn on its own heat, lights itself and tops itself off with water. Every 2 weeks or so I change out the carbon and once a month I try to do a water change and at that time I change the phosban, clean the sump, scrape coralline etc, etc. As for the skin attachment- like mflamb mention there should be some pics on page 22 and if you have other questions just let me know and I'll try to help out where I can.
Scott, Can you post some pics of the linear actuator attachment. I am going to use that idea on my 390, but not sure of the best way. Are you pleased with the way yours functions?
The anemone, or shall I say, the anemones are doing great! They split a month or two ago, and now both are the size of the original before splitting (8" across or so.) One of the best purchases I ever made! Also the GSP and brown zoas doing great too. Thanks!
do you have any issues with the hammerhead getting to your display. im setting up something very similar and am trying to pick put my main pump.

also at this point is there anything you wish you could change or had done differently?
Hey guys I was wondering if you could post some recent pics. of the display tank when you get a chance . I have been following this thead for a long time and I must say you have done a great job. It looks wonderful I wish I was closer to check it out in person.

Thanks Adam
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7440490#post7440490 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gobygoby
sorry it took so long to get the pic up. I got a virus and had to reformat my computer.

anyway, here is how I got my actuator wired up. let me know if you have any questions.


I want to set up a similar lighting canopy... i want to use both T5's and MH but when the MH come on i want the T5's to swing out of the way and then swing back out of the way then they turn off? is this possible? How would i go about doing this?

i have a question and i couldnt find a answer for it. I am sorry if it has already been asked. Do you have any heat issues in the summer. I am going to put a sump in the garage and and was wondering if there was any issues. does closing it off help with the heat.
messy1messmer...the fishroom in the garage and the canopy over the display are both airconditioned from a dedicated unit.
mflamb- Sorry for not replying earlier- I am having a bit of a problem with my camera (user error of course). I'll try to get it working and take some more tank pics soon.

sarahdae- Glad to hear your anemone is doing well and that it has split for you. Ours looks like it will be splitting again soon but I guess you never know- it hasn't split since the one you got so it's about time. I don't mind answering questions and PM's- I never thought I would get so many but I try to help when I can. Not too many people come by the house anymore- I think most of the locals have seen it already.

achillesheel- Yes- I used the hammerhead for a few months and then swapped it out for a Barracuda since the Hammerhead was to much flow- my overflows couldn't keep up. I think if there were one thing I would change (not exactly sure how I could have done it) but I would have made my mixing tank bigger and maybe installed T5's at the same time I did the light rack since i have been wanting to add them but haven't felt like pulling my light rack out to add them.

aha24- I'll try to get some more recent pics up. Right now my camera is on the fritz (don't ask :(). I'll try and get it up and running again this week and hopefully get some pics of the main display put up since most of the cabinety work is now completed.

Bebo77- I'm sure it is possible- I think you may have to get a linear actuator that has more of a adjustable limiters- mine is only limited at the fully extended and fully retracted positions- if you can make full use of the 10" of throw this one would work fine but having one with adjustable limit switches would be nice. I only use about 6' of actuator travel to have my canopy fully opened or fully closed. Maybe one that has a "one touch" button to extend and retract the actuator since I'm not sure how you could tell the controller when to "stop lifting the actuator". With a one-touch setup you could wire it up to 2 seperate controller ports- one to raise and one to lower when the T5's go on and off. Getting it to lift "up" is easy as well as "back"- it's the "up and back" that is a little more complicated and requires a little more room and engineering. My lights go up about 6" and back about 4-5" and open/close the front of the canopy at the same time. Did you want the MH to raise as well? and seperately from the T5's? I think that would require a seperate actuator and make it way more complicated since you only have so much room on top of the canopy but it could certainly be done.

messy1messmer- Heat issues? We are in Arizona! :). I do have a dedicated A/C system for the garage but I actually don't use it much. It's more of a backup for the dual 1 ton chillers (usually only need one except when the temp gets over 108 or so). Obviously the garage can get to 120+ degrees in the summer which definately makes the chiller come on more often but it's not to bad really. As for the canopy- I never got the canopy ventilation system up and running so right now that does get quite warm but the house A/C work a lot less now that the canopy doors are on (in the summer). I barely have to run my house heat at all in the winter which is nice.

mflamb- That was the original plan- I actually got all the duct work and everything to ventilate the canopy but never got around to installing it and since I haven't done it yet I probably never will :). but yes- the sump room in the garage does have it's own A/C unit.
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Very nice work!

About the foam, I guess it would float in water, so how would I do a removable back in my tank? Does it stick to acrylic as good as glass?