Our 375 Gallon project



How did you manage to sign up to RC 2 years ago and only post today for the first time? Talk about discipline! :D
i just love this setup

i just love this setup

i know i just read alot and no action. this thread impressed me so much that i actually order the same size tank this morning want to see what the height of the stand. will be starting thread on it soon.
I think that sounds about right for the first chiller. When I added the second one it only ended up costing about $900 since I was able to get shipping and misc parts prices down quite a bit.

Sara B-
I hear ya! Can't be said enough- latex gloves and several pairs and be sure to practice a little first. Glad yours turned out good- post some pictures of it if you have any.

Let me know how yours turned out- I'm sure you'll be happy with it as I and others are.

Welcome! I'm honored to be your first post and good luck with the tank. I love the dimensions of it and I'm sure you will as well. The stand is 34" tall- 37.5" from the floor to the top of the sand (3.5" for foam, bottom acylic and sand) give a little for the crunch factor of the carpet. 66.25" from floor to the outside top of the tank and 69.75" from the floor the the bottom of the canopy doors. Looking back I wouldn't change it at all- it's the perfect height for sitting on the couch or standing and unless you're over 6' the canopy doors will open without wacking your head on them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9517423#post9517423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770

Sara B-
I hear ya! Can't be said enough- latex gloves and several pairs and be sure to practice a little first. Glad yours turned out good- post some pictures of it if you have any.

I will be sure to post a few photo's soon! I also asked the Dr. today for a couple pairs of gloves to finish up the project ... I'm hoping they work better!
thanks for the info im excited about the new project i was wondering if you can give measurements where you drilled the holes for the close loop system it seem like its working great for you. so why not copy it .
Scott- could you post some more pictures as the tank matures?

the tank is even more amazing in person. i appreciate you opening your home to me last year to pick your brain and see the tank in person.

however there is one BIG problem. my wife saw your equipment room pix and now she wants ours to look like that when i set it up in a few months. there is no way i will achieve your level.

soo.... i was wondering if you would come out to LA for a couple of weeks, i will have everything here to facilitate your work. how much would you charge for an all expenses paid "vacation" in los angeles? it will probably be during the hottest time of year, we have sunny cool beaches that we could visit after working on the system all day.
Below is the diagram that I made for Tenecor- it should have most of the dimensions you want. I also have one of the front view if you want.

I'm going to try to get some pics of it soon. I still have to get some good shots of the stand skinning now that it's 90+% finished. I'm always up for an expenses paid trip to LA :). Just let me know when and I'd be happy to help out. Just be prepared for a few trips to Home depot :D. If you're out this way again your more than welcome to come by.

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thanks so much scott for drawing the front view would be great to if it has the measurement for 4 coming out of the the over flows
Don't feel blue Kermit! The reality of it is that smaller tanks take more skill to keep the animals thriving. :)
I tried to get a good full tank/stand shot but the lighting is just not condusive to it. I get to many shadows, bright spots and reflections (not to mention the darn ceiling fan :rolleyes: ) but I guess it's not to bad. I'll keep trying and maybe I'll get a better one.
