Thanks all for the compliments. Not much new to report lately- everything seems to be going along as it should. I still haven't added the T5 lights or gotten a good picture of the cabinets yet but hopefully soon.
Tank102a- I seem to get at least 2 PM's a month on the subject of the foam. So far no problems and it is holding up just fine. It's basically live foam at this point as it looks just like the live rock.
jnarowe- Actually- I think you are reffering to my Chevron tang- it is almost completely black now and at least twice as big as he was 6 months ago. This is what he use to look like-
kconboy- I was a bit concerned with a sealed canopy and not providing any ventilation or A/C to it. I had initially planned to vent the canopy but it just never seemed to need it. it also keeps the house cooler in the summer as all the heat is contained in the canopy and doesn't get into the house. I still think it may be a good idea to vent it but it seemd to be working just fine for me without.
Alphabet- How long the T5's will last being overdriven? You got me

. So far they have heald up just fine. I was thinking about replacing the bulbs soon but just as a "do it every year" kind of paranoia. i think the amount of light and great color is worth the shortened life span of the bulb- i have a few friends that do the same and they all like it as well. Especially if you have the 660's laying around- go ahead and do it- I don't think you'll be disapointed.
markmcc- The dual chillers are controlled by the aquacontroller. The units are turned on and off by x10 modules. I basically rigged it up to turn on automatically whenever power is applied to the unit so the x10 modules work great. One comes on at 79.5 degrees and the second if it gets to 79.6 degrees. it turns off again at 78.8 degrees and it's based on the sump water temp. My flow from the display tank is about 3000 GPH so the temp in the tank is almost identical to the sump temp.
tk1360- Like jnarowe says- just do it!

. I guess I can say that because I had the full support of my girlfriend and she was right there with me saying "we could just drill a hole here, and here, and here "

. She wasn't excited about the canopy system at first but I think she likes it now that it's up and working. Hopefully she'll come around to the idea. I like the cabinets as well and hopefully I'll be able to get a better picture of the whole display tank with cabintes soon. it's just hard to get a good shot as I have window reflections during the day and at night the light from the tank washes out the color of the cabinets. I'll see what I can do though.