Our 375 Gallon project

Figured I’d post a few more pics that I haven’t posted in this thread yet -
Blasto merletti-

Orange crush Acans-
Fireworks zoos-

Tubs blue zoos ( I think I may have posted this one before but it’s worth a second look)

Pink echno forgot to include this one in the TOTM article but it’s definitely worth posting-

You are correct- I haven't posted much about the actuator as far as a detailed description of how it works or pics. I will try to get than done soon as I know a few other have been wanting to know as well. As for your question- I would say with my current setup it would be noticable from overhead. I wasn't concerned with that at all in my setup but I can see how it would matter with yours. It would take a little more planning but I can think of a way to make it look great from above as well (just like the rest of the cabinets basically).
Scott, No good at kissing butt so I'll straight shoot. Thank you for your sense of reef camaraderie. I live on Okinawa Japan and it is very difficult to get immediate assistance to say the least, and when I do, the language barrier sets me back just a tad. You are among those that have taken the time to address/reply all the posted hitting your thread. Unfortunately, that cannot be said of others that have “made it to the wizard” sort to speak.
Your tank is excellent but in the hands of someone who cares about the “whole”, it is priceless…You and your future wife make it priceless. Many HE bless you with many little reefers!!!!!
Stickin’ around for the finalé
Just read through the entire thread. As everyone has said - just beautiful! I have a 75 Oceanic that I am upgrading to a 120 or larger once I move into my new house. I learned so much, and I just wanted to thank you. :)
Just read through the entire thread. As everyone has said - just beautiful! I have a 75 Oceanic that I am upgrading to a 120 or larger once I move into my new house. I learned so much, and I just wanted to thank you. :)
Great setup and congrats on tank of the month, Scott. I'm not sure if I missed it on not But how did you stain your skins The color is beautiful, just what I'm looking for. Would you mind telling me, type of stain,color? Thanks John
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10079128#post10079128 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
Sorry for the delay. We actually used several different shades that we mixed together to create our own custom color, which looks alot like a cherry/mahogany color. I forget the brands, but I can look it up if you want; its not an off-the shelf Home Depot brand. Depending on what part of the stand, it either got 2 or 3 coats of Helmsman Spar satin clearcoat.

Thanks everyone for the kind words about the Tank of The Month. I'm glad people have used some of our ideas as I know Reef Central has been a valuable resource for the design and building of our system. I borrowed many ideas from other people and that is what it's all about.
Congrats Scott! I was happy to see you got TOTM when I was on the RC home page. :thumbsup:
Scott, can you give me a little info in your closed loop pattern? e.g. which OM pattern; what bulkhead fitting strategy inside the floor of the tank; did you tee or elbow the output of the OM's in the tank, etc.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the kind words. I try to help others if I can as I learned a lot from others and just want to return the favor. I haven't forgotten about your canopy/actuator request- I just need to get some pics or drawing of it so I can show you how it works.

JW Jersey-
The stain color is a custom blend of 4 or 5 different colors to come out with the exact color we wanted. The brand we used was "Old Masters" and they have some great colorants as well as base stains that we blended and tested to come out with the exact color we wanted. There are 2 coats of stain and 2 or 3 coats of clearcoat depending on loacation (areas prone to water dropping on them got 3 coats and the rest only 2).

Thanks! You are one of the most valuable sources of information that I have found. Your website and dedication to this hobby are a real inspiration. I get a real kick out of your podcasts and have been through every page of your website at least a few times to learn more. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with everyone.

Do you mean which OM drum do I have? I originally ordered a version 1 drum but have basically modified it to be more like a version 2 at this point. On the inside of the tank we have 1.5" bulkheads that go directly into a 1.5" union to make removal of the "PVC rock structures easier. From there they go into a 1.5" 'T' and out each side as 1" PVC which is what most of the "rock structures" are made from. They further reduce to 3/4" only where the locline is attached. The reason behide the larger sizes is to accomodate as much flow as possible and only making it smaller where it splits off to the locline fittings thus providing more flow. Not sure if that makes sense but it's easier to explain in person.
Scott, this helps very much. I figure that the flow is being directed to dead spots in the tank in a OM motion drum #2 pattern. This helps a lot. Thanks again. No worries on the canopy info..I would hate to think of rushing you. Can you just please PLEASE list all the parts numbers and possibly were you got them from? That would help me tremendously. I went to ebay and saw a bunch of them, then realized I really don't know exactly what I'm looking for...sigh....
Side Winder....I just read the whole thread!! Great tank. I do have a couple of questions for you....I hope you do not mind.

1) Do you have a picture from the beginning that show your overflow boxes and the plumbing in tact at the top of the tank?

2) Do you have any specific scematics on the size of metal tubing etc for your framework?
I just went to ebay and couldn't find the model I used either. I think a few people purchased linear actuators when I first posted about it but no one has been able to find the same model I used shortly thereafter. I think there is a picture of it earlier in this thread but I will try to find a part number for you as well. The one I have came with a wired remote as well but someone else posted about making it wireless. I'm not sure what to tell you about where to get one but if I can find the part number that might help a lot. I do remember it was electric, 10" of throw and lifted 1800lbs.

Not sure what you mean by "plumbing in tact at the top of the tank". Are you reffering to the sump return plumbing that comes over the top of the tank or the over flow plumbing? I don't have any scematic for the steel itself but I do know it was 1.5" x 1.5" square tube steel. The main beam across the front was 1.5" x 3". I think it was all 1/8" thick..

Could you tell me what is the acrilic thick of your tank?
How many inches you put your MH lighting from the top of the tank?
and You have had any problem with the heat (from MH) on the acrilic top?

Thank you very much.

Could you tell me what is the acrylic thick of your tank?
How many inches you put your MH lighting from the top of the tank?
and You have had any problem with the heat (from MH) on the acrylic top?

Thank you very much.
The acrylic is 3/4" except the bottom which is 1/2". The back is 3/4" with another 1/4" of black acrylic to make it a balck back instead of clear for a total of 1". The MH are about 8" off the surface of the water and about 7" off the top of the tank, So far we have not had any problems with the light at this height but they are not directly over the acrylic either. I don't think I'd try a MH directly over acrylic if I were you.
Dear Sidewinder:

why if the foam in the can is black. and when you put it over the back wall of the tank it looks like a purple color?

when you installed your tank, you put in it new livesand and new live rock??
or you used the same rock and sand that you had before??
how long time you had to wait for add the corals and fishes?
or you use something for shorter the cycle time??
or what did you do,?
Cause I have in this situation. my tank is broken, my new thank will be delivered in 15 days, and Im going to add new sand and new rock but I dont want to wait long time, for add my fish and corals, ( they are now in a friend´s tank). did yu do some for eliminate this time.

thank you very much
Another question:
how many pounds of liverock do you have inside of your tank??
and if you have less rock inside your tank where is the rest??
or what is you filtration system?
thank you
Great tank.

Would like to see how your frag tank is comming along now that you have to clip some growing corals.
Ever thought about moving some of those clown eggs to your frag tank. Is that even possible?
Update on the T-5s on the display?