Our 450g reef, 360g predator tanks

I just went looking for information and it doesn't look like it. There aren't any jacks on the unit either where a cord could be plugged in. I imagine that if they are set with identical settings, then they should operator identically. I'll find out tomorrow.

I just programmed the new one so it matches the other one.
I also just purchased the top of my list fish. I FINALLY was able to beat everyone else to LiveAquaria to purchase an Achilles Tang. :D
I don't think I ever posted what a mess this tank was when I first got it. It was obviously used and abused. :)

Nah, the lights will do what they do and I'm sure they will closely match each other in behavior. There are a bunch of configuration settings though so I'll probably be tweaking (playing with) them for the next few years. :lol:
Thanks Cracker. We really like them. :)

Yeah Motokorth. The transaction was perfect! I messed up our end though. :lol:

I did suggest that they use FedEx if they are shipping to the states though. Apparently they don't charge anything to bring things across the border. UPS is the only one that does that. I read about that in Euro-Reef's sponsor forum.
Hey Terry, the lights look great. could you mount a 4" fan on top of the lights where they meet instead of in back of them. this way the fan pulls the hot air up & away from the tank. i was thinking if you have the fan behind the lights, it would push the hot air toward you while you're watching the tank. just a thought.
Hey JoJo!

I'm going to just monitor the temps of the lights today and see if anything needs to be done. That's a good idea though. These lights really don't generate much heat at all so I'm not sure there is a problem. I don't want to fix something that isn't broke. :lol:
very true. did you figure out a way to raise & lower the 48", i'm remember you saying you wanted to be able to do that.
We have about 20 feet of cable that we'll string through eye hooks along behind the tank, attached to the wall. At the edge of the tank, I'll put a hook into a stud, and then attach two cable clamps, at the low position for the light AND at the high position for the light, that I can fasten into the hook. So I can pull on the cable to raise the light until I have it high enough to catch a cable clamp on the hook. That would keep it raised.

It's hard to explain I guess... :lol:

I will work though. :D
Thanks Booze. I just sent them an email.

We went to a pretty good LFS today, one that others rave about but we hadn't been to yet. They have a ton of corals, fish, inverts, all those things. We ended up stocking the tank with some animals already. We got 5 female anthias and a male. A coral beauty. And a Powder Brown Tang.

We also got a small frag of Zoas, Pulsing Xenia, and a Florida Recordia.

I now have flow flowing through the sump to the 450. The water cleared up within 15 minutes. Amazing! It's only about 1,500 gph but at least it will eventually have the same water as the rest of the tanks in my system. Maybe next weekend we'll move everything out of the 120g reef, down to the 450g. That will depend on how the three small frags we got do. :)
Thanks JoJo. Patti loves the anthias. :)

I'm amazed at how clear all three tanks look now. My euro-reef RS-250 took out two containers worth of muckity muck and it's settled down now. It's barely covered the bottom of the skimmer cup after running all day.

I'm REALLY happy with the circulation in the tank though. We threw in a cube of mysids shrimp this afternoon and an hour later, they were still being blown around in the tank. They never settled to the bottom.

In fact, I was watching a little hermit crab trying to crawl up a small hill in the sand and he would get about half way up and the current would flip him over. He would slide back down and the current would flip him over again. He repeated this for a while until he decided to try a different direction. :lol: