Our 450g reef, 360g predator tanks

Yeah, we were sitting and thinking about what to do about that too. For a canopy, we really like the look of some other tanks we've seen where they just hung a curtain, from the ceiling down to cover the top inch or two of the tank. We think we can use curtains, and black paint, and kind of hide the main beam for the house.

This is really our only stumbling block that we see at this time. Of course, we'll feel a LOT better after the top is done and the tank is on the stand. :lol:

Nice up date that really brings into perspective what your overall project will look like ... AWESOME! Is the word that comes to mind.

Are you using a Solaris over the predator too? Given your clearence that or PCs may be fine choices. You could build a frame that hangs from the ceiling and the beam and attach wooden finished pannels with magnets. That way both cabinets could match.

I have the same low bean issues at my house where, one day, a new reef project will go, magnetic pannels seem to resolve a lot of issue in my space.
We're going to get an eight foot T-5 or T-8 fixture from Lowes and hang it over the predator tank. I think it depends on the bulbs that I can find. I might need to do two 4 foot fixtures. I'd like to use 14,000k bulbs so the blueness appears the same. Obviously, there won't be any corals or clams or any lighting requiring animals in the predator tank, because they would get eaten.
Good point, Frankie. I'll have to look around for 8 foot bulbs and fixtures. The predator tank is going to have a glass top on it in order to keep the eels in the tank so I could just get two 4 footers and sit them on there for now.
We haven't, but I like the idea already! I'll pass that along to Patti and see what she thinks.

We got the stand positioned where it's going to be. We leveled the base. Then we leveled the legs. We got the first layer of the top, the planks, glued on tonight. We have around 600 lbs of stuff sitting on top of it applying pressure and keeping everything level. No groans, no creaks, no nothing. It's seriously solid.

And when I say leveled, I mean meticously leveled, all the way around in every direction imaginable.

Tomorrow evening, we'll glue on the oak vaneered plywood as the final top layer. Then the foam sits on top of that, then THE TANK!

Dayum! We're going to make it and be ready! :lol:

I'll get pics tomorrow night after the plywood is glued into place. Definitely after the tank is sitting on it. :D
The plywood has been glued on, sand piled on top to make a nice, tight seal, and the stand will be ready for the tank tomorrow morning.


Nice, Oak vaneer plywood. We'll stain it to match the 450g stand.

Another view from the corner. The salt is here and ready to be added to the 360g too.

And an updated FTS of the 450. Sunset had started to set in already though.
I like how tall that 450 is. Looking good Terry! The reef looks like you can just sit back and watch it grow now :)
Man, I've had that floor jack for probably 15 years now. It's really unbelievable what kind of jobs I use that for and how often it gets used. I even jacked up the 150g tank and moved it around when we redid the floor in these rooms. :D

Thanks Frankie. There are still a few different types of corals I want to add. Once we get the 360 up and running, THEN it will be time to slow things down. We obviously still need to skin the stand for the 360g, but at least that will be done as time permits, instead of hurrying to get it done because of other things happening, such as the tank is being delivered.

I must say though, the stand is level. I have an eight foot level and when placed on the stand, in any direction, the bubble is exactly in the middle. The floor actually rises from left to right so using the bolts to level everything works like a champ.
We got the tank, put it on a trailer, brought it home, managed to get it through the door and up on the stand. No scratches or knicks in the tank. Can't say the same about all the help we had though. Man, that thing is HEAVY!!!

One side of the tank:

Other side of the tank, looking towards the 450:

Corner view from the couch:

On the stand!

Looking along the 450, towards the 360 predator tank:

And I need to mention Glass Cages too. The tank is IMACULATE! Holes are exactly where I wanted them, the drilling is extremely clean, the seams all look fantastic, they installed a TON of extra bracing. This tank is built like, well, a TANK! :lol:
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Thanks Bax! Real soon, spitefull. There isn't "might" about it, Jonathan. :lol:

I was sitting here, looking at the tanks, and I got to thinking (speaking of a mental problem). Anway, I now have THIRTY FEET of glass that is all three feet tall, to keep CLEAN! *gasp* I need to invent a little robot glass cleaner... :lol: