Welcome BSJF! I ALMOST fell in this evening installing the locline fittings to the inside of the bulkheads. But I caught myself, and really quickly lifted myself out of the tank, hit my head on the ceiling, fell of the ladder, hurt my bum, BUT I didn't fall in! I consider it a success. :lol:
Spitefull, isn't that a song? "Over there... Over there..." :lol:
For my RO/DI, I've been adjusting the mix of hot and cold water to get the input to about 75 degrees. That REALLY increases the flow. I also bumped our house water pressure up to 90 psi. The reading on the RO/DI unit bounces between 75 and 80 now. That increased the flow even more. I might actually be getting close to the 150 gpd this unit is rated for now.
Spitefull, isn't that a song? "Over there... Over there..." :lol:
For my RO/DI, I've been adjusting the mix of hot and cold water to get the input to about 75 degrees. That REALLY increases the flow. I also bumped our house water pressure up to 90 psi. The reading on the RO/DI unit bounces between 75 and 80 now. That increased the flow even more. I might actually be getting close to the 150 gpd this unit is rated for now.