Thanks for the link, Booze! I wasn't aware of the Atlantic silverside which is a saltwater species. It gives me a lot more information to perform searches, that's for sure!
Hi Jason! How's your tank and your daughters tank doing?
Victor! How the heck are you man?!?!? It's great to see that your anemone hasn't EATEN you yet! :lol:
I stopped at the store and bought some Trochaes snails and scarlett hermits and added them to the tank.
When we setup the 120g, one of the first fish we added was a little yellow tail damsel. Patti would get a kick out of standing at the tank, yellow tail would swim over to her, and she would put her finger up to the glass. Yellow tail would turn black and swim away, then he would turn around and swim back to her. This would be repeated for quite some time. It was hilareous to sit and watch.
Well, I bought Patti a present for the 450. A little yellow tail damsel. Poor thing looks REALLY small in this tank though. :lol:
We still have the original yellow tail in the 120g too.