Our tank's biology up close








You have intrigued me enough to want a microscope of my own! I know this is a new piece of equipment for you. But I am interested in knowing if you would repurchase the same item or would you look for other features this microscope doesn't have. Please give us your evaluation after you have used it for a few months....
And thanks for taking to time to post this!
You have intrigued me enough to want a microscope of my own! I know this is a new piece of equipment for you. But I am interested in knowing if you would repurchase the same item or would you look for other features this microscope doesn't have. Please give us your evaluation after you have used it for a few months....
And thanks for taking to time to post this!
For the money it has been very much worth it. There's cheaper but I wouldn't want less then the 5MP. I like having both eye peices for the eyes so the trinocular was worth it to put the camera in the 3rd top slot. I like that the camera isn't built in so it can be upgraded or if I ever get a really nice DSLR I can swap it out. The x/y mechanics on it are really fairly smooth. I'm glad I went with the one I did.

For the home I think it's perfect. I'd love the 18mp camera they have out now for it of course.

Edit: oh yeah and the other thing I like is this one is LED and not halogen which while trying to look for all this life the halogen lamp would be baking it all. My previous scope was a crappy tungsten lamp which was better then mirror light sources I had before that which was my first microscope.
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Very cool. There's a lot of life in all that crud in our aquarium. Floaty crud = coral food?
Basically yes. Every speck in our aquarium is food for something.

After viewing up close that tiny sample of detritus really confirms my choice to not touch it. It's food and home for so many things.
The little crustaceans with clam looking shells are ostracods. Their shells leave really interesting shapes under the scope.
I can't remember the thread but someone mentioned wanting to get a calibration slide. The kit it got came with one with the camera.

Don't know if this helps but here it is at each level. It's full scale is 1mm. Each division is .01mm or 10um(micrometer).

4x lens

10x lens

40x lens

100x lens

And to me the camera images look like viewing with around a 10x eye piece and maybe a bit more.
And tonight's viewing. Thought since it's April Fools day I'd look at something as clear as water. Water.

I pulled some water coming out of my return pipe.

Not expecting much from two drops of water on a slide