Looks like sponge spicules in there
Sponge spicules.I noticed a lot of those Y structures at various magnifications.
Which one?
There's a lot going on with that one. Do you have a specific timestamp? There's cyano that is constantly moving, nematodied worms, and some kind of critter that moves like a screw.My original question:
What is going on in the cyano video where it looks sort of like matter flowing through a pipe?
Can you explain that?
cyano 1000x4
It's hard to say how long that skimmate has been down in the bottom of the collection cup. Haven't touched it since 9/11/2015.I like your new toy!
There's lots of live in the skimmer. How long was that skimate in the skimmer. I'm curious to know if the life is there because it has been removed from the water or because it is proliferating in a veritable smorgasbord.
What happens if you clean the skimmer, run for 24 hours and look at the skimate again?
All in all, very cool though.
This is the kit I gotI this is really really cool jason, might have to get me a microscope to toy with... what did yours run you?