Overflow Tank/Zero Edge Fish Ideas, Fish keep Going over the falls!


New member

So here's my dilemma. I recently purchased and set up a custom 220g zero edge overflow aquarium. I built a solid birch cabinet and have it centered in my study and just ordered a few pieces of CeramEco pieces to redo the aquascape. Here is my problem...the tank is 18" high and has 2 Vectra L1 pumps totaling about 6000gph so my flow is pretty high. Unfortunately, that means that fish keep going over the falls. There is a small drain trough around the tank about 4" wide where I keep finding fish. Here is what has gone over so far.

dragon face pipefish-survived lost tail fin
dragon face pipe fish-survived is fine
black ocellaris clownfish-survived
falco hawkfish (7x)-again and again but fine
black ocellaris clownfish pair-dead:thumbdown:thumbdown
red dragonette-dead:thumbdown
lighning maroon clownfish-dead:thumbdown
powder brown tang-dead:thumbdown

Currently I have a niger trigger, marine beta, flameback angel, and a purple firefish that have not gone over. These with my 2 dragonface pipefish, falco hawk, and 2 black ocellaris that I got to replace the pair are still with me.

So here it is: Anyone have any ideas on what fish might be good. I know now that this design although beautiful is not practical AT ALL. I don't mind buying new fish I just honestly hate killing them.

I'll post more photos if anyone is interested.


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First off thats an awesome tank. Second, I dont really have any good advice, I have never encountered one of these tanks. That being said, why dont you call the manufacturer, you cannot be the only person with this problem. Perhaps they have a solution that is not an eyesore, but will help keep your fish from going over.

If you put a goby or fish that stays in the rockwork like a possum wrasse, would they still go over?
First off thats an awesome tank. Second, I dont really have any good advice, I have never encountered one of these tanks. That being said, why dont you call the manufacturer, you cannot be the only person with this problem. Perhaps they have a solution that is not an eyesore, but will help keep your fish from going over.

If you put a goby or fish that stays in the rockwork like a possum wrasse, would they still go over?

Thanks for replying, I appreciate any advice.

I may try to company. Dealing with them is either amazing or absolutely dreadful. Lately,(after my purchase) its been horrible. They owe me parts and $.

I have a falco hawk and he has literally gone over 7 times! He's tough as hell and is fine. I'm a bit weary of the weaker swimmers. Most fish I've noticed with the night camera swim around with lights off before bed, even my pipefish, dragonette, etc.:headwally:

I'm tired of murdering fish.
I do not think your problem have a solution other than removing the zero edge overflow. I am sorry. You can add a row of teeth on the edge. You see what I mean.
Best of luck