Owners Thread: Innovative Marine Fusion 40

Yea, too powerful and too big for tank. I would try one in the back and turn it down and see how it does.

Getting back into the Hobbie after a four year break. I have 2 Vortech MP40 w, will the be to powerful for this tank if I turn them all the way down?
I would shoot IM an email. They respond quick. I would think it would be standard but could be totally wrong, haven't seen a drilled IM before.

I was just given the 40 mini and need to know if anyone knows if the tank is tempered glass or standard glass. I'm not using the rear sump chamber as I want to tie it into my display sump and set this tank up as a frag tank only. Thanks in advance.
I've been thinking about drilling mine... Keep us updated on your progress

what are you plans as far as overflow/return?
I ordered an M1 for my main display tank and was going to tie the 2 together. I want to run a separate ( quarantine ) tank so I've decided to go with my old return pump and an eshopps 3 Gen RS-75 with a Reef Octopus 100. I've ordered a Radion XR15 pro. Running 2 MP10S also.
I've been thinking about drilling mine... Keep us updated on your progress

what are you plans as far as overflow/return?
So I had my LFS drill the holes and I grabbed bulkheads and 90s and had to step down the return to fit the line from factory for the return jet nozzles. Local plumbing store had all the parts. I've ordered a eshopps R-100 and Reef Octopus classic 100. Going to use rubble rock in back chambers and find as much room in the sump for more LR. I'm doing a bare bottom frag display tank so maybe a 6 line but that's probably all the fish I will use.

I still have to cut down the drain pipe and add slits to silent the drainage slurping sound and build the stand. One day at a time.
Waiting on the cement to dry and adding clamps to the barb fittings and it will be time to leak test this tank. Built the stand and got the skimmer and sump in today also. So close.

So in other words you're using the back chamber as one big overflow box, siphoning it down into the sump then using the original return nozzles connected to a return pump in the sump? Genious!

I wonder if I could turn the returns off, drain the back chamber and drill it while it's upright?
So in other words you're using the back chamber as one big overflow box, siphoning it down into the sump then using the original return nozzles connected to a return pump in the sump? Genious!

I wonder if I could turn the returns off, drain the back chamber and drill it while it's upright?
Yeah that's all I did. 1" for the drain line and 3/4" for the return. A buddy ordered this tank and the pump broke the flat glass plate for the left chamber and they shipped him a new one and he gave me this one. I cleaned it up and drilled the back and used bulkheads and pvc to barbs for most of the fittings. Leak testing it now.
Here's mine after a few weeks set up. Sorry for the bad pic, typical Iphone. (Before I get the normal, to new for coral comments, live rock, sand, and water from my 10 year old 180 gallon, everything perfectly stable)

Mine came in the mail yesterday! :celeb2:

I'll be adding some established rock (rubble - I have my display aquascape built out from dry rock from previous tanks), sand and water from my buddy's tank on sunday.

I went with a custom (super overkill) stand, built my my boatbuilder neighbor. It's built short, as I most enjoy looking at my tanks from above.

Here's the basic aquascape idea:


HERE is my build thread. I've ditched the idea of the current orbit LED and am leaning toward a kessil a160we/spectral controller combo now.

I'll be doing a big mix-n-match package from IPSF next week, after I put the established water in, to jumpstart my bottom-of-the-foodchain ecology. A buddy has a female black ocellaris he wants to give me (she was pawned off on him and he already has a female in the tank. she's a bully...) sooner rather than later. I usually wouldn't add a fish so quickly, but starting out with all established material and jumpstarting with the IPSF stuff, I'll make an exception.

I want to do a bunch of frogspawn on the sandbed, a couple tabling acros up top, a couple montis in the middle, add another 1-2 small black ocellaris for her to boss around, and maybe a court jester goby or a midas blenny. Obviously... I'm likely to change my mind about atleast one thing :spin2:
Let me know how those go.. You throw the whole unit away after use, which I am not too excited about with the cost per unit

No Biz, you don't throw them away... You throw them in the washing machine. No soap. Sanitize cycle. If your machine has that cycle. Otherwise plain hot water. Bleach and rewash as needed.

I've been using socks in my new build. I bought 4 pair. Change them every 3-4 days. Once a week, she washes them all and I start over.

If you think you are going to get away with one pair, I can pretty much tell you that your nitrates will start climbing as they hold onto rotting food etc..You might get away with just rinsing well for a few days, but eventually they will become saturated with yuk.

Honestly... I'm not really even planning on relying on them. I've always (since my first time trying it anyway) been a big proponent of naturally filtered tanks. I'm going to getting the IPSF sand activator pack, worm starter and amphipod starter packs to jumpstart the tank.

I start with a high density of zoo/phytoplankton, bacteria and other microinvertebrates and allow them to thrive and sustain. The water stays clean, levels stay in the sweet spot and maintenance is a breeze. I just do regular water changes and occasionally supplement the system with plankton. Think about it - none of the crazy equipment we rave about exists in the wild. The most balanced system is fundamentally hinged on thriving planktonic, bacterial, microinvertebrate and benthic invertebrate populations. Keep the bottom of the food chain solid and everything else finds the balance. Everything is food for something.

I'll be filling the filter baffles with rubble, with macroalgae at the top (just behind the overflow), and a bit of sand at the bottom. This will effectively function as a moderately lit, high flow refugium. I will stock it with amphipods and copepods, which will also go into the main display. Worms will be added to the main display. Bristleworms are my best friend. I specifically chose to use the pieces of rock I'm using because they have so many nooks and crannies for pods and worms to populate while avoiding predation by fish.

I'm begrudgingly adding a fish a lot earlier than I would normally like to. Coralhind has a female darwin thtat was given to him and is beating up on his other female. When I told him I was planning on having a couple darwins, he basically said 'great! Gt this one out of my tank'. I couldn't refuse, lol.
I know that is how regular socks work, but I believe that the fusions have that molded plastic connected to them, so I don't think you can wash them. I guess you can rinse them.

All I know socks can get ugly :)
No Biz, you don't throw them away... You throw them in the washing machine. No soap. Sanitize cycle. If your machine has that cycle. Otherwise plain hot water. Bleach and rewash as needed.

I've been using socks in my new build. I bought 4 pair. Change them every 3-4 days. Once a week, she washes them all and I start over.

If you think you are going to get away with one pair, I can pretty much tell you that your nitrates will start climbing as they hold onto rotting food etc..You might get away with just rinsing well for a few days, but eventually they will become saturated with yuk.

I know that is how regular socks work, but I believe that the fusions have that molded plastic connected to them, so I don't think you can wash them. I guess you can rinse them.

All I know socks can get ugly :)
There's a video on the IM youtube page showing them putting them in the washing machine. I'd also have no qualms about cutting the sock off and cutting and attaching a new sock to the IM frame with a zip tie

In any case I ordered 2 yesterday on amazon should get them by Sat
Really? I stand corrected then. Keep me up to date how you like them.

There's a video on the IM youtube page showing them putting them in the washing machine. I'd also have no qualms about cutting the sock off and cutting and attaching a new sock to the IM frame with a zip tie

In any case I ordered 2 yesterday on amazon should get them by Sat