ozone help!! ...on sps tank!


Active member
I just got done setting up my Ozone Unit, 100mg Red Sea controllable. I plumbed it into my ASM g3 (which is ozone safe), I used a check vavle between between the OZone and the Skimmer as per instructed,, but fired it up to see how it worked.. Set the ozone to 50mg to test,.... no more then 5mins later RAGING headache in the other room!!..

What do you guys do? How did you plumb your ozone into your skimmer? I didn't use carbon because this is dosing a "remote" equpiment tank, which then goes back into my 200 gallon sump and from there splits back into the tank so I wasn't to worried about stray ozone making it threw it back to the tank..

but if after 5 mins i'm getting a headache.. there is no way i can run this for hours..

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Wow! I had no idea ozone could do that. I just set up a red sea ozone like you and I had a really bad headache last night. I get migranes so I just thought that was what it was. I hope this isn't always how it is.
absolutely ozone can do that... you should read the ozone articles in the chemistry forum. they will tell you the effects and show you how to administer the ozone in safe ways. In my gallery is the way administer ozone to my tank
I stopped running ozone, mostly because of this. (I also now run 8 cups of carbon passively in my sump and my orp is 400)

I tried the little bag of carbon over the skimmer cup vents, I tried running the skimmer outflow into a pvc pipe with carbon inside.

Still got a headache, running only 50mg.

Eventually, I put the ozone on a timer so I would only run when I was asleep or at work. (also had it set up to turn off if orp > 400 )

how does your skimmer "exhaust" the air from the foam? If it is just open to free air, you will be dumping ozone into your home. You need to put a carbon filter on the skimmer oulet, and the air outlet. I dont know how gsm's work, but on many skimmers, it is divertede through the waste line, which you can mount top a waste container with a carbon filter.
I run my throught my aquaC ev240 and it is vented though carbon, and I never even smell it or get a headache. Try the way Randy set it up, that is kind ofthe way I do it. Good Luck.

for those of you not familar with the ASM skimmers, it's basically this

(although mine is slightly smaller)

To hook it up, I put a T in the airline, have the ozone being pushed into 1 Side of the T via airpump, with a check valve inline, and nother on the otherside. (should I use another check vavle on the other side of the T, I assumed that the air would be sucking in at all times from the skimmer so ozone couldn't escape the vacum that way)

So.. besides that it's pretty simple. There is a basic collection cup up top, and a return on the side, which I use a 180 degree bend on mine to point flow back down into the tank instead of up and over.

Which can be seen in this photo below (my skimmer pre mod)

Randy, I was looking in your pictures and i'm not quite sure what is going on sorry, can you please explain what you did?
bumpity bump for more info...btw I can't smell anything, but i do get a headache think it might be um.. in my head ie.. i know ozone is bad, thus since i see the red light on, i get a headache regardless of if it's the ozone?
Hmm--wonder if your elevation, and the lower atmospheric pressure, has something to do with how ozone reacts or behaves in your environment?

I'd ask this question over in the chemistry forum

hey i can help you out. I have a similar problem on my g3. For starters, you do not need 50mg of ozone running EVER. Turn that puppy down to like 20 or so and that will help in a major way. Second you need to filter the air leaving your collection cup (the little slots ont he top lid) with carbon. If you did your research on ozone you would know that ozone can be FATAL! (even though your ozonizer probably cant kill you) The way I fixed the ozone smell was to turn my ozonizer down a bit. I actually only run 10mg now. Also I keep a stocking full of carbon wrapped around the top slots (openings) in the collection cup that release air. Lastly, I recirculated the air of my skimmer by drilling a hole in the top lid of the collection cup and allowing the sedra to recirculate the air by pulling it from the top of the collection cup. If you think about it, it is not only recirculating the air but also the leftover ozone. Kinda makes it extra efficient, as well. I am going to go take pictures and post them in one second. I will edit this post with the pictures when I do.







If you have any questions or antyhing please just ask.

PS: you might notice the skimmate is pretty light. Well, our tank has no fish! That is why :)
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8376808#post8376808 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Conceyted
hey i can help you out. I have a similar problem on my g3. For starters, you do not need 50mg of ozone running EVER. Turn that puppy down to like 20 or so and that will help in a major way. Second you need to filter the air leaving your collection cup (the little slots ont he top lid) with carbon. If you did your research on ozone you would know that ozone can be FATAL! (even though your ozonizer probably cant kill you) The way I fixed the ozone smell was to turn my ozonizer down a bit. I actually only run 10mg now. Also I keep a stocking full of carbon wrapped around the top slots (openings) in the collection cup that release air. Lastly, I recirculated the air of my skimmer by drilling a hole in the top lid of the collection cup and allowing the sedra to recirculate the air by pulling it from the top of the collection cup. If you think about it, it is not only recirculating the air but also the leftover ozone. Kinda makes it extra efficient, as well. I am going to go take pictures and post them in one second. I will edit this post with the pictures when I do.







If you have any questions or antyhing please just ask.

PS: you might notice the skimmate is pretty light. Well, our tank has no fish! That is why :)

Thanks for tip The recir mod is great! I also have a small ozone reactor, that i've been thinking about hooking up instead of the skimmer, but.. I need a new gasket for it., fyi I don't smell any ozone, just get the headache, and I know it can be fatal, I actaully bought this ozone unit a year ago after much reasearch and never set it up.. Also i'm running around 500g of actaully water in my system.
oh yea then maybe you will need a bit more ozone! :) the only problem with the air recirc mod I did is if your skimmer collection cup was ever to fill up to the point that it hit that air intake for the pump, it will put the pump up to full blast (no air being taken in). However by then you are already overflowing your collection cup so now the entire skimmer is overflowing :)
after much thought I decided to shut it off, for now my orp sadly.. is about 310-320, I think im' going to try to find a gasket tommorow @ the hardware store for my corallife reactor and set it up threw that instead of the skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8377763#post8377763 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MammothReefer
after much thought I decided to shut it off, for now my orp sadly.. is about 310-320, I think im' going to try to find a gasket tommorow @ the hardware store for my corallife reactor and set it up threw that instead of the skimmer.
from what I have heard, the coralife ozone reactor leaks ozone no matter what you do. if you do find a way to seal it off and completely get rid of the ozone smell coming from it PLEASE let me know via pm or this thread. I don't like running ozone through the skimmer if I don't have to. I hear mrc makes an ozone reactor but its 400 dollars hehe
Dont get so down-that ORP is not that bad, considering. I really think ozone reactors are quite unnecessary in the presence of a good skimmer. I LOVE conceyted's technique of recircing the ozone and air. Just be sure your not recircing the skimmate, too. The skimmer with do a superb job of "blowing off" the ozone, provided yuo protect yourself and your tank inhabitants from residual. Just lay some media bags with carbong over any opening to the skimmer, and it should work.

Realistically, you should not ever smell ozone if you are running it. Ozone has some bad health effects, including cataracts. If you are, reconsider your setup to be sure of your safety.
funny you should say that conceyted, i just set it up 5 mins ago, and at first I smelt it, I messed with it a bit and now i can't i'll see if my headahce goes away, and then go from there basically I plumbed it so it goes into a phosban reacotr full of carbon, and from there back into the tank. If this doesn't work I"ve got a small knop calcium reactor laying arond I'll try to mod it, and see if that will work as an ozone reacotor.

..fyi my orp is like 250 :(
Re: ozone help!! ...on sps tank!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8369886#post8369886 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MammothReefer
I just got done setting up my Ozone Unit, 100mg Red Sea controllable. I plumbed it into my ASM g3 (which is ozone safe), I used a check vavle between between the OZone and the Skimmer as per instructed,, but fired it up to see how it worked.. Set the ozone to 50mg to test,.... no more then 5mins later RAGING headache in the other room!!..

What do you guys do? How did you plumb your ozone into your skimmer? I didn't use carbon because this is dosing a "remote" equpiment tank, which then goes back into my 200 gallon sump and from there splits back into the tank so I wasn't to worried about stray ozone making it threw it back to the tank..

but if after 5 mins i'm getting a headache.. there is no way i can run this for hours..

I run ozone still running it now and never had any headache.
I look at your set up and i saw only one thing i like to know are you using a air pump and air dryer? if you do take a picture and up load it..
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hmm.. no luck.. your right it won't seal up! I even sealed that extra open hole up so ALL water is forced threw carbon.. I Think i might need a bigger air pump, so i can run more current threw the reactor. My other option which I think im' going to try tommorow is just to relocate the ozone unit, and everything that goes with it to the garage and have it feed directly into the RK2 bin, this way even if it does "leak" a little it isn't such a big deal as the gargage isn't very sealed, and has much more air/movement going threw it unlike my equipment room which is a sealed up 10x3 room.