PAR concerns

Lights just started coming on. 2 ATI Blue Plus, 8" below the reflector, just under the surface of the water, gives me a reading of about 100.
Is the meter set on LED mode? It should read less than 2000 in the sunlight. Those Giesmann fixtures should be putting out 700-1000 @12" under the fixture.

You also might want to check those fixtures on an amp meter, none of those readings make sense.

Check out these par #'s for the 250 infiniti:

I just retested my other Giesmann. I am getting 1200 about 8" from the light and 650 about 12" from the light. The 150 watt just doesn't appear adequate. My upper most coral is getting 200 tops. It's the one that looks th ebest and has actually shown growth, albeit non recently.
I put a 400 watt Radium over the tank with a Lumanmax 2 reflector and a Galaxy ballast. PAR should no longer be a concern lol.