paulthomas' 400 Gallon Reef Build

Do you have an active email address you can shoot me: ? I was part of the BK BB last year and would like to send you an email along with a picture. I have an old PM from you with a comcast email address, but it's not active any longer.

By the way, looks like we have a lot in common. My tank (Miracles 240) has a been a long work in progress as well. ;)

Watching intently for updates Paul!~ Hope it's gonna be soon....

I'm sure all your careful planning and patience will pay off for you though!~
hows the build coming? Any update pics? I just read the thread and it looks awesome excited to see how it all comes together.

Dave's Reef said:
Watching intently for updates Paul!~ Hope it's gonna be soon....

I'm sure all your careful planning and patience will pay off for you though!~

LOL. Thanks guys. I'm sorry to say that the build has been put on further hold. My wife and I decided, last fall, to sell our house this spring (crossing fingers) and move to a more kid friendly neighborhood with good public schools. I'm pretty bummed about it. I love this house and its proximity to the ocean. But we gotta do what we gotta do. :(

I wish I hadn't spent all that money on electrical, plumbing and reinforcing the floors. But I didn't think we'd be moving any time soon. Poor planning on my part...

Until we move, I've been preoccupying myself with keeping live rock in my frag tank. But sitting in front of a virtually empty tank, for an hour at a time, was getting to me. It was a sorry sight to see me excited at the glimpse of an amphipod. :hmm3: So I went as far as to throw some sand, a cleaner shrimp, some hermits and snails in there. I posted pics of my sorry setup elsewhere and got cracked on for the "anticlimax." :lol: I should post pics for a good laugh. :D
Paul, what up dude? How's it going, did you guys get moved and settled yet?

What up, doo? Things are good. How's everything with you?

We decided to stay. It's not a good time to sell, as everyone well knows, so we're going to stick it out for a few years.

Right now, I'm curing rock, working on a little here and there :D and QT'ing some fish. Unfortunately, I lost a Pylei wrasse this morning during hypo. It was not doing well the past day and a half at 1.0082 (Pinpoint salinity monitor). Last night I decided to take it out of hypo and I raised the salinity by .0005. I think I was too late though as it was already on its way out.

No more pricey fish for me. I think once all is said and done, I'm going to concentrate on corals and stick with relatively cheap fish. OK, lots of cheap fish :D... and maybe a nice tang and Mystery wrasse. ;)

I've also got a YT, with ick, and a yellow tail damsel in hypo. Once they're out of hypo, the tang will go in the display and the damsel will be banished to the sump. ;)
heh. i've been terribly lazy about updating it. tank's doing very well. lots of equipment changes happening atm. i'll update soon.