Great Idea to have the Controller go into a computer failure or power failure mode!! I love it!!
I think the X-10 modules and interface is way to expensive and to complicated requiring numerous modifications to make it work and ultimately being limited on what it can do.
My list is:
4 x separate Halides
2 x actinics (can be run together)
2 x VHOââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s (separate)
? x night viewing bulbs, (dimmable)
1 Or 2 surge Pump(s)
1 return pump (off at low level)
1 Top off Pump (when at low level)
4-6 Powerheads (either each one separately (with wave making control) or an outlet for an external wavemaker)
1 Water changer
1 Calcium Reactor
1 Skimmer
Heater x 2
Chiller (actually just a pump to my cooling tower, more on that later)
Some kind of dosing setup, (to adjust PH, ectââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦)
4-5 Fans (different places, basically the need for all the temp sensors)
Sensors: (just to start) this list will probably get longer, depending on what is available
Temp x 4 (tank, refuge, cooling tower, light fixture)
In power/computer failure mode I would like my return pump to run, as well as the heating cooling aspects of my system, and maybe a VHO or two.
I want to log and graph all readings from all sensors in real time,
I also want to have the ability to create Lunar cycles, overcast days, (less lights or on for less time, or random outages) Tide control, (via surge & powerheads)
Now the real fun stuff, Some type of control on the tank for a feeding time, instant Night viewing
The biggest thing is interconnecting them all. I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t want my skimmer to turn on, if all my extra water is in my surge buckets, I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t want my float to fill my tank, when the surge is going, ectââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦. Lots of logic controls need to be set up, I want an emergency light kill if the temp gets too hot. Emergency notification (via e-mail or pager) if the situation gets out of control) And of course Remote control and statistical viewing, from any computer.
I know this is a large list, now you know why I wanted to build one, I just cant find one to fit all my needs.
I can provide whatever kind of DEDICATED Pc to run this setup, I was thinking of an old 486 laptop with an Ethernet card (located near the stand) plugged into my LAN, mostly controlled by my computer in the office, but able to make changes remotely.
Well here we go, looks like this is going to be a FUN RIDE.