Peninsular 280 bar build

Yea i really liked the waves too but they didn't end up making sense b/c i had 1 vortech on each side doing the wave action but when I hooked up an additional on each side doing the reefcrest mode the waves were significantly reduced. I seem to get much better flow with all of them on reef crest with 2 synced and the other 2 anti-synced.

Thanks for the comments. Everyone was out eating again this morning. The trigger looks like he has a little scratch on his head, i will keep a close eye on him.

I tested the water and the magnesium could be raised a little and the nitrates need to come down a little more but no phosphates.
Well I am supposed to be getting my algae and deitrus eaters tomorrow from reefcleaners and I am also supposed to be getting my Convict tang, flame angel, and royal gramma.

I am praying for the flame to behave as I love there coloration but the last one I had only made it a week before he started eating my corals and since has gone to a fowlr tank. It is going to be a lot harder to get him out this time around if he doesn't behave.

I will get some more pics up after the addition.