Petco, where I dont go...Anymore!(img INTENSE)

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368373#post6368373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rizkeeper
petco can be bad, but I don't see much wrong with those pics...other than the brown GSP....

No LFS is going to put 3 small yellow tangs in a 200g's product in and producto out at all LFS, petco or not....

I've seen way way worse at Petco and other LFS....

I don't think your interview summary is too accurate...very hard to believe

Well if you visited this fish store you would believe, they hired employees totally unqualified for the job description!

It wouldnt be too hard to remember answers like that... If the person who I asked was qualified then I would have looked stupid asking the question about the 30 gallon fresh, but I took my chances in search of the truth about Petco...
They can keep alot of tangs in a smaller tank because the tangs won't be there for long before they are sold. Flamming lfs isn't a good idea. If you don't like the lfs then don't go to it.
The first coral is a badly receded bubble coral. Probably a goner.

There are so many problems with most Petco's, where to start?

First, they have a regional manager who oversees many stores and makes sure things are run according to the corporate "plan". Even a skilled aquarist working in the fish department has little leeway on what products can be ordered or used. Thus they are not up to date on decent equipment or techniques. The petco in my area had to wait a couple of months before they could have corporate fix their already crappy skimmer in the sump chamber at the bottom of the marine system. Upgrades on lights, pumps, skimmers, etc. are not allowed.

If the aquatics manager or a specialist is not available you have someone from another department to "help" you. For a novice hobbiest this is bad news.

Corporate HQ will buy lot orders of fish, many times in the thousands. They are then distributed to stores across the states. The manager at our Petco has complained many times about receiving way too many fish of a type not needed such as 20 perculas when there were already 15 in the store. The aquatics manager can make orders of needed fish but many in the shipments are sent without a request. The last few shipments that came into our area store were at about 60 degrees as well. They bag and freeze any DOAs or casualties and do not take a financial loss on them, thus there is little pressure to improve things.

At least twice someone in the store has left the FW top off valve open overnight, flooding the marine tanks and killing every fish and invert in the system. Corporate won't let them put a lock on the sump/top off chamber.

They will sell obviously sick and dying, unhealthy fish. Reduced price? That's a laugh. Quarantine? Hehe. Doesn't happen. Not at our area store. Corpaorate will not allow them to set up a real display or a quarantine tank. All the marine tanks are one system so all fish and inverts are subjected to the same conditions.

Best policy is to try not to add to the problem by buying their live animals or products. In an area like ours it is hard though, the nearest real LFS is 2 hours away.

They should not be in the business of selling ANY live animals AT ALL. It's funny because a point of pride with them is that they do not sell puppies or kittens. I suppose smaller animals like the birds, rodents, fish and reptiles just don't rate.

Beleive it or not, most of the knowledgeable employees feel a sense of frustration as well. Their hands are really tied in alot of ways.

I wrote a letter a couple of years back to corporate HQ detailing what I see to be big problems. I received no reply.

I guess I wasn't suprised.
I can top this! I once went into Petco and ALL THE FISH WERE DEAD. The entire stock was killed, massive wipeout.

I still shop there, tee hee.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368564#post6368564 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefshadow
The first coral is a badly receded bubble coral. Probably a goner.

There are so many problems with most Petco's, where to start?

First, they have a regional manager who oversees many stores and makes sure things are run according to the corporate "plan". Even a skilled aquarist working in the fish department has little leeway on what products can be ordered or used. Thus they are not up to date on decent equipment or techniques. The petco in my area had to wait a couple of months before they could have corporate fix their already crappy skimmer in the sump chamber at the bottom of the marine system. Upgrades on lights, pumps, skimmers, etc. are not allowed.

If the aquatics manager or a specialist is not available you have someone from another department to "help" you. For a novice hobbiest this is bad news.

Corporate HQ will buy lot orders of fish, many times in the thousands. They are then distributed to stores across the states. The manager at our Petco has complained many times about receiving way too many fish of a type not needed such as 20 perculas when there were already 15 in the store. The aquatics manager can make orders of needed fish but many in the shipments are sent without a request. The last few shipments that came into our area store were at about 60 degrees as well. They bag and freeze any DOAs or casualties and do not take a financial loss on them, thus there is little pressure to improve things.

At least twice someone in the store has left the FW top off valve open overnight, flooding the marine tanks and killing every fish and invert in the system. Corporate won't let them put a lock on the sump/top off chamber.

They will sell obviously sick and dying, unhealthy fish. Reduced price? That's a laugh. Quarantine? Hehe. Doesn't happen. Not at our area store. Corpaorate will not allow them to set up a real display or a quarantine tank. All the marine tanks are one system so all fish and inverts are subjected to the same conditions.

Best policy is to try not to add to the problem by buying their live animals or products. In an area like ours it is hard though, the nearest real LFS is 2 hours away.

They should not be in the business of selling ANY live animals AT ALL. It's funny because a point of pride with them is that they do not sell puppies or kittens. I suppose smaller animals like the birds, rodents, fish and reptiles just don't rate.

Beleive it or not, most of the knowledgeable employees feel a sense of frustration as well. Their hands are really tied in alot of ways.

I wrote a letter a couple of years back to corporate HQ detailing what I see to be big problems. I received no reply.

I guess I wasn't suprised.

Wow...thanks for your input, I have a much better understanding of the corperate side of the story, but I still feel that condition should improve(which they never will), so your right, just dont feed the fire, thats buring down a house.
Flamming lfs isn't a good idea. If you don't like the lfs then don't go to it.

Agreed, but Petco is not an LFS. It is a huge corporation.

An LFS cares about the health of their livestock because their livlihood depends on happy customers and repeat business. They specialize in the husbandry of fish. Even the most hole in the wall LFS I have seen far outstrips Petco.

Petco cares about being in the black. Bottom line. I can guarantee they don't get there by fish sales.
I don't either, MAreefer :(

I think though that Petco is often a jumping off point for hobbiests. I had never seen a real marine aquarium but I fell in love with the clownfish when I went there for something totally unrelated. Before I knew it I had bought a 29 gallon tank, 1 Azoo powerhead, a HOT magnum filter, crushed coral substrate and a piece of tufa rock, 15 watt No fluorescent. I then stocked according to advice. 2 perculas, a small YT, 5 damsels and a LMB. Predictably, everything died within a few days. I wonder how many potential hobbiests stop there thinking they can't do it?

I think Petco snares many brand new marine aquarists.

Thanks for starting this thread, I think it's an important issue.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368709#post6368709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefshadow
I don't either, MAreefer :(

I think though that Petco is often a jumping off point for hobbiests. I had never seen a real marine aquarium but I fell in love with the clownfish when I went there for something totally unrelated. Before I knew it I had bought a 29 gallon tank, 1 Azoo powerhead, a HOT magnum filter, crushed coral substrate and a piece of tufa rock, 15 watt No fluorescent. I then stocked according to advice. 2 perculas, a small YT, 5 damsels and a LMB. Predictably, everything died within a few days. I wonder how many potential hobbiests stop there thinking they can't do it?

I think Petco snares many brand new marine aquarists.

Thanks for starting this thread, I think it's an important issue.

Yep...sometimes it looks too drawing in, and with the large big and tuff looking corporation that Petco is, new hobbiests will start out there on the Wrong foot, with untrained employees,and end up getting discouraged when nemo dies because someone told them at Petco that he could go in a glass bowl with "one eye" the gold fish( sarcasm, hopefully has never happened), that is a setback for marine aquariust everyhere.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368693#post6368693 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stevebydac
I saw a similar thread on another website two days ago and got so upset I wrote an email to them telling them about their poor husbandry. I also mentioned that if things didn't improve at my local stores I would report them to the ASPCA. Here is their contact info:

Do you notice how they adress what the email is about:


wh can't it be a COMPLAINT... did they ever respond to your Concern?:rolleye1:
1) That sales person you are jumping all over, and fooling with your 'clever' questions, probably works very hard for minimum wages. Why are you suprised that some high-school aged, minimum wage employee does not have in depth reef aquarium knowledge. That employee is not even paid enough to have their own reef aquarium.
Minimum wage does NOT attract skilled employees.
2) Unfortunately lots of aquarium stores, even "good" stores, give terrible advice, and try to sell product you do not need.
3) While it would not be appropriate for tangs to LIVE in that tank FOREVER, it is probably an appropriate holding tank until they are least on par with what is standard in the industry.
4) Yes PetCo is a terrible store. It's hard to imagine that anyone on this board seriously shops at big box stores like that! My guess would be that their business is almost totally restricted to impulse buying first timers.......

Reefshadow, you think a LFS doesn't care about being in the black? All businesses have to make money or they go out of business. That said, I didn't see bloody murder in the initial photos except maybe the coral. You saw several tangs in a small tank. Did you see several large tangs in a small tank? Fish in ... fish out.

But the employee answers were seriously messed up...
$109.99 for a 3 inch clown trigger is high. I bought my 3 inch clown trigger NOT on sale for $25.00. All i could do when i read the questions was laugh although its sad. We dont have a Petco here in South Carolina where i live. Reading this thread makes me appreciate our LFS so much.
Reefshadow, you think a LFS doesn't care about being in the black? All businesses have to make money or they go out of business.

That was my point, maybe I didn't state it very clearly. Of course
LFS's care about being in the black. FISH are their livlihood. (thus the F in LFS). PETCO, however, is NOT an "lfs". They don't make their profit off fish and invert sales and their business does not depend on presenting a good image with their fish department. They make their money off of pet supplies.

Also, FWIW, Those pics don't look so bad and I didn't say anything about them except to point out that the first one was a receding bubble coral. But IMO there is a big problem with Petcos corporate tactics and policies. They should not sell animals, period. They have problems in all their animal departments. The design of the reptile system is bad too. The rodents are often overcrowded and have wet tail, and they sell very sensitive birds that are definately not for novices.

Employees at minimum wage with poor training and incentive just cannot keep up, and corporate HQ won't let them anyway.
From the inside looking out () : )

I second the underpaid () : )
I work about 40 hours a week and I'm on track to make a big'ol 1K a month...that's what I get for trying to make a difference :rolleyes:
If I'm not in the store and/or at the aquatics and reptiles dept. then they go to hell and God knows what you'll get told...unfortuantly when I'm in the store I'm more likely to be stocking or running little errands or the cash register than where I applied/hired to be *sigh.*

The pics don't look worse than any LFS I've been to, around here the clown trigger would go for $80 though. If you've never seen a coral skeleton at a LFS you haven't gone enough () : )


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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368564#post6368564 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefshadow
The first coral is a badly receded bubble coral. Probably a goner.

There are so many problems with most Petco's, where to start?

First, they have a regional manager who oversees many stores and makes sure things are run according to the corporate "plan". Even a skilled aquarist working in the fish department has little leeway on what products can be ordered or used. Thus they are not up to date on decent equipment or techniques. The petco in my area had to wait a couple of months before they could have corporate fix their already crappy skimmer in the sump chamber at the bottom of the marine system. Upgrades on lights, pumps, skimmers, etc. are not allowed.

If the aquatics manager or a specialist is not available you have someone from another department to "help" you. For a novice hobbiest this is bad news.

Corporate HQ will buy lot orders of fish, many times in the thousands. They are then distributed to stores across the states. The manager at our Petco has complained many times about receiving way too many fish of a type not needed such as 20 perculas when there were already 15 in the store. The aquatics manager can make orders of needed fish but many in the shipments are sent without a request. The last few shipments that came into our area store were at about 60 degrees as well. They bag and freeze any DOAs or casualties and do not take a financial loss on them, thus there is little pressure to improve things.

At least twice someone in the store has left the FW top off valve open overnight, flooding the marine tanks and killing every fish and invert in the system. Corporate won't let them put a lock on the sump/top off chamber.

They will sell obviously sick and dying, unhealthy fish. Reduced price? That's a laugh. Quarantine? Hehe. Doesn't happen. Not at our area store. Corpaorate will not allow them to set up a real display or a quarantine tank. All the marine tanks are one system so all fish and inverts are subjected to the same conditions.

Best policy is to try not to add to the problem by buying their live animals or products. In an area like ours it is hard though, the nearest real LFS is 2 hours away.

They should not be in the business of selling ANY live animals AT ALL. It's funny because a point of pride with them is that they do not sell puppies or kittens. I suppose smaller animals like the birds, rodents, fish and reptiles just don't rate.

Beleive it or not, most of the knowledgeable employees feel a sense of frustration as well. Their hands are really tied in alot of ways.

I wrote a letter a couple of years back to corporate HQ detailing what I see to be big problems. I received no reply.

I guess I wasn't suprised.

I myself work at the local Petco part time to suppliment my income to buy my Sw equipment fish etc...

The above statement is very true in many ways. I help out in the aquatics when the "specialist" is backed up or has Sw ?'s or needs help w/ Sw issues.

I have finally worked my way into the consulting process when it comes to ordering fishes, and I have also taken on a project of changing out the CC substrate to Live sand. However this will be slow as they will only allow me 1 bag of sand per month so 1 small tank at a time and then 2 months wait for the bigger ones.

I do get frustrated, and I am by no means an expert, but I am more educated than most emplyees at my store about SW.
I usually won't go near a store that sells anything but fish. I've seen much worse than the photos here. And as far as employees, at the big dog, cat ,fish ,bird and reptile store...most are just happy to have a job, but there are some people out there (usually at a smaller LFS than bigger multiple pet stores) who really know their sh** but are way underpaid.
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