Petco, where I dont go...Anymore!(img INTENSE)

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6368792#post6368792 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAreefer1
Do you notice how they adress what the email is about:


wh can't it be a COMPLAINT... did they ever respond to your Concern?:rolleye1:

No response yet. In fairness to them, I sent it two days ago, and few companies respond quickly. We'll see...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6369314#post6369314 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ricky@3rdshift
I myself work at the local Petco part time to suppliment my income to buy my Sw equipment fish etc...

The above statement is very true in many ways. I help out in the aquatics when the "specialist" is backed up or has Sw ?'s or needs help w/ Sw issues.

I have finally worked my way into the consulting process when it comes to ordering fishes, and I have also taken on a project of changing out the CC substrate to Live sand. However this will be slow as they will only allow me 1 bag of sand per month so 1 small tank at a time and then 2 months wait for the bigger ones.

I do get frustrated, and I am by no means an expert, but I am more educated than most emplyees at my store about SW.

Its a start...slow and steady,
Another issue still needed to adress is how diseased there fish are. Petco is truning aound and selling these fish, even infested with disease!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=5767100#post5767100 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tom_Nev
In the area I live there are 3 Petco's (and only 1 real LFS which isn't that local and of dubious quality at best). Here's my problem, I've been in each of the Petco's several times over the last few months. EVERY time I've been in, in each store, the marine fish are INFESTED with parasites and diseases. Additionally, they commonly have fish dying or dead in the tanks.

Yesterday, I went in to one of them and spoke with the attendant. They just received a shipment of fish that day (earlier in the day). A number of the newly arrived fish were already infested. I'm talking about 1 powder blue tang, a half dozen bursa triggers, 3 scopas tangs, some tomato clowns, 2 ocellaris clowns and a dozen varied damsels (At LEAST). I asked the attendant (short form), "what is going on with the fish, every time I'm in here they fish are infested and dying". She says, "I know it's very sad. Corporate won't even let us treat them, but sometimes we try to anyway. We just got some new ones today and they were really stressed out, some already had ich". This store is the best of the three with regard to the condition of their marine fish.

I went into another today. Half the tanks empty (I thought whew!). Then I see a volitan lion bloated and dead in the corner of one tank with a pair of niger triggers lying next to him panting.

This is despicable. Anyone else see anything like this at Petco? I'll be writing and calling them to complain LOUDLY, as well as suggesting they either get it right, or get out of the marine business. I had given it a few months to see if it was just an aberration, buts it's not, it appears as if this is business as usual. I have seen at least 4 shipments of fish, in each of the three stores (12 total), each end with similar results (once in awhile a particularly hardy specimen makes it a month).

If anyone else has seen this, I hope you'd also write, call, whatever (more voices is likey to make more of an impression)
All LFS stores have to be in the black if they are to stay in business. I am lucky to have many in my area. If I don't like one I tell them why and spend my money else where.
If you want to make a difference, then effect their bottom line.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6369755#post6369755 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mikeatjac
All LFS stores have to be in the black if they are to stay in business. I am lucky to have many in my area. If I don't like one I tell them why and spend my money else where.
If you want to make a difference, then effect their bottom line.

Well said, its true (im sayin it again but), dont feed the fire.
LArge corporations are slowly taking over This country, and im not to fond of it. Another instance is Walmart, Dont even get me startred about there Fresh water "FISH CARE," there so bad, its beyond anything... but big companies like Petco, and Walmart, are becoming The base of a future where, the Producers control what the consumers get, no longer a consumers game, we go to Walmart now because its cheap, and the prices seem to good to be true, but just wait 5-10 years, and watch how there company will grow and many other buiness will be abolished, it will sadly become the,
(sarcasm)--->"united states of Wlamsts," <---(sarcasm). Walmart seem dormant now, but it is slowly creeping up on us.:eek:
I worked at Petco in Temecula,CA for 5 years running the fish department and I can say that Petco DOES NOT practice very good animal care. I have seen many mass dieoffs and cruelity do to lack of knowledge. You have to take into consideration the people who work there. Most people who work in Petco dont know much about the livestock and the corporate big-wigs are in it for the money NOT the health and longevity of the animals. I know for a fact!
I visited an LFS once and there was a 300gal marine tank with two yellow tangs, a Trigger, and a GROCERY STORE LOBSTER on the bottom! Seriously. It still had the rubber bands on it's pinchers! This is what tops it off, though: THE FILTRATION WAS A TINY LITTLE BIO-WHEEL FILTER!!!
I don't work at Pet cp , But have in the past met some folks that know fish and corals that do. Not all are doing a good job but some are, I have been to small LFS that are not any better.
I have yet to see any LFS put any care in the fish they carry and sell. They are in it to make money and make a living. It's a business. Of course, some stores are better than others but I still see fish crammed into small tanks at the 'best' stores. Fish in, fish out. I don't shop at Petco. I really wish things could be different with all the pet stores. Makes me sad when animals suffer.

I don't belong to PETA nor do I support them in any way. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for abolishing animal cruelty but I just don't support their methods. But they do try to get the word out. I don't want to link it but google "kentuckyfriedcruelty" or "dog cat fur china" and you will cry at the things you will see.
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Give me a break. I dont think youll find any pet store willing to give each yellow tang it's own 9834502843 gallons or whatever they suposedly need. ITS A STORE! And honestly, that tank does not even look that crowded to me. If that is a 5 inch angelfish then that is not that small of a tank. As far as prices go, I bought my 4" majestic angel for $125 from a LFS. Live Aquaria sells 5" Majestics for $119-$145 and 3" Clown Triggers for $139. So pretty much I have no idea what you are talking about price-wise.

No comment on the employee knowledge. I am not going to defend that - you've got me there.

P.S. Petco has the nicest looking clowns I have yet to see in anyones tank, hobbiest or store. They also happen to be the cheapest I have seen anywhere.
What's wrong with Petco is whats wrong with America! Money drives everything. Consumers( usually uneducated, looking for instant gratification) spend money. Look inside Walmart or Kmart or Target. Almost everything is made in China. Why- because instant gratification Americans won't pay more for quality, that would also put jobs in their own towns. This mind set will ultimately cost us much more than all the terrorists. OK I'll shut up now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6369162#post6369162 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kidzatheart
$109.99 for a 3 inch clown trigger is high. I bought my 3 inch clown trigger NOT on sale for $25.00. All i could do when i read the questions was laugh although its sad. We dont have a Petco here in South Carolina where i live. Reading this thread makes me appreciate our LFS so much.

Considerring that a diver risked his life to get that clown trigger, I'd say thats cheap. The number of divers that have died due to collecting little clown triggers (they're deep) is staggering. No other MO fish has such a death trail. There's a village in PI with almost no men left due to them being a baby clown trigger hotspot. Great odds for a single guy, but horriable loss of life for something now being sold for $25 :( Not to mention a cheap clown trigger is most likely been cyanided as they're one of the top cyanide "target" species.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6369729#post6369729 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAreefer1
Another issue still needed to adress is how diseased there fish are. Petco is truning aound and selling these fish, even infested with disease!

I watch the SW fish very closely. When I see some stress, or ich I usually try and search all he tanks to get a observation tags on them. Lately we have been keeping less fish so I am hoping we will have time to straighten the tanks back up with the substrate change.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6370931#post6370931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moogoomoogoo
What's wrong with Petco is whats wrong with America! Money drives everything. Consumers( usually uneducated, looking for instant gratification) spend money. Look inside Walmart or Kmart or Target. Almost everything is made in China. Why- because instant gratification Americans won't pay more for quality, that would also put jobs in their own towns. This mind set will ultimately cost us much more than all the terrorists. OK I'll shut up now.


We have a Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

I totally agree with this statement!!!!

We as americans are some CHEEP BASTARDOS!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6370908#post6370908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LobsterOfJustice
Give me a break. I dont think youll find any pet store willing to give each yellow tang it's own 9834502843 gallons or whatever they suposedly need. ITS A STORE! And honestly, that tank does not even look that crowded to me. If that is a 5 inch angelfish then that is not that small of a tank. As far as prices go, I bought my 4" majestic angel for $125 from a LFS. Live Aquaria sells 5" Majestics for $119-$145 and 3" Clown Triggers for $139. So pretty much I have no idea what you are talking about price-wise.

No comment on the employee knowledge. I am not going to defend that - you've got me there.

P.S. Petco has the nicest looking clowns I have yet to see in anyones tank, hobbiest or store. They also happen to be the cheapest I have seen anywhere.
I posted the price of the majestic angel...because it was nearly dead, coloration gone, and its eyes were infested with some disiease, it also had Ich, did your LFS sell you your majestic Angel for 125 looking like that?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371023#post6371023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GreshamH
Considerring that a diver risked his life to get that clown trigger, I'd say thats cheap. The number of divers that have died due to collecting little clown triggers (they're deep) is staggering. No other MO fish has such a death trail. There's a village in PI with almost no men left due to them being a baby clown trigger hotspot. Great odds for a single guy, but horriable loss of life for something now being sold for $25 :( Not to mention a cheap clown trigger is most likely been cyanided as they're one of the top cyanide "target" species.

Gresham, have I ever told you how much I love your info on the industry around.
Oh wait...
I guess I have told you () : )


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6370931#post6370931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moogoomoogoo
What's wrong with Petco is whats wrong with America! Money drives everything. Consumers( usually uneducated, looking for instant gratification) spend money. Look inside Walmart or Kmart or Target. Almost everything is made in China. Why- because instant gratification Americans won't pay more for quality, that would also put jobs in their own towns. This mind set will ultimately cost us much more than all the terrorists. OK I'll shut up now.

It is true... on the way home not just a few minutes ago, Me and my mother were listening to the radio, and a comercial for Welches Grape Juice came on, we listened to it, and Regous Filmin was talking about how great it was, the same great taste you grew up with, and with the Antioxidents and such "its good for your heart", be as my mother is( the typical consumer), as soon as the commercial was over, we pulled into the gas station and she came out with 3 gallons of welches grape juice.

Another issue needed to be adressed:

its called the impulse consumer, when someone goes to a Petco and sees how good those CLOWN FISH look, they dont think about all the work and care that little Nemo needs, so they dont think or plan, or even consider what the condition or health the fish is in... and they wont even bother to ask the underqualified employees( not all are, but most), they just buy buy buy, for instant graftification...then Nemo dies.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371248#post6371248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grimmjohn
Gresham, have I ever told you how much I love your info on the industry around.
Oh wait...
I guess I have told you () : )



That is true...people do go to great risks to recover fish and corals... now it is even harder to collect such specimens.

The fastest grow phenomenon is LR aquaculturing... Its much better than Collecting LR off the coast and destroying reefs, but you still need alot of Real lR to sead the growth of this "base rock", and this is a long and tedeous process, they have to dive to gather the LR, and its pretty dangerouse considering the Sharks that populate most hotspots for LR... but thats why LR can get a little pricey...once you collect the seading rock, you have to invest TIME & money to create the aquacultured LR, it takes about 2-8 years to sead and promote good growth of Inverts and other micro-orgonism that make LR truely LIVE-Rock.

Heres a video link to an early 90s documentary about Acuaculturing corals, And LR... Pretty interesting its a good thing to check out...
well most of the people that work in LFS's and places alike don't make more than 8 bucks an hour at most and well at that rate they probably don't know ish about saltwater because they are not finding the information on their own(IE: because they don't get paid enough to care)

also the store itself probably doesen't have anyone that comes in to train people for the types of animals they is all word of mouth care advice which is normally really bad advice...unless it's a dog or a cat something that everyone has/knows about saltwater fish are like tarantulas sure people will by them and keep them but most likely the care requirements and needs will be done poorly and most likely any pet like this will die eventually.
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