Petco, where I dont go...Anymore!(img INTENSE)

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If a clownfish gets somebody started in reefing then it's all worth it IMO () : )
Also, we need to remember that not everyone is going for RC's TOTM...most people just want a FO with a clown pair and a damsel or two and some fake coral...I'm not gonna tell them that that's not worth it, or that I think the plastic sucken ship is cheesie and they should get some real corals. I sell them a tank, some sand, filter, salt, hydrometer, thermometer, test kit, and a heater, load them up with info, give them a web link or two, tell them I'll be at the store if they have questions, and tell them to come get some fish a few days.
LR, skimmers, MHs, massive CA/Alk dosing...we take them for granted here, but most people don't need them if they follow a few basic husbandry rules that are no less difficult than your average FW tank.
LS has more than enough bacteria to handle a decent load, nitrates are less of an issue cuase of the FO and low lighting, and if any algea grows they more than likely will think it's pretty and if not it's easy to take care of since it's not embedded in LR. With no LR/corals your SW lasts lots longer and doesn't need 20 gallons of kalk a day or 20mls of B-ionic, not that the fish care that much anyway as long as the pH is decent, which is easy in a FO. Basically, most FOs just need some FW every few days, well within the abilities of most "impulse consumers," and if one of them becomes a member here, or decides that they want to upgrade and go reef then kudos all around.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371354#post6371354 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by beeker

also the store itself probably doesen't have anyone that comes in to train people for the types of animals they is all word of mouth care advice which is normally really bad advice...unless it's a dog or a cat something that everyone has/knows about saltwater fish are like tarantulas sure people will by them and keep them but most likely the care requirements and needs will be done poorly and most likely any pet like this will die eventually.

There are training booklets that all aspiring "specialists" have to read and take a test on..covers the basics of maintanence and husbandry. Everything in the store also has a coresponding "care sheet" that buyers can take home with them. There is also a hotline to a district animal care specialist to help with any concerns/Qs and a district animal care guy comes around every so often to make sure things are going kosher.
Tarantulas for instance, decent heat, decent humidity, 5 or 6 small crickets a day, water always clean and full, complete tear down, clean and rebuild of the enclosure every week.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371399#post6371399 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grimmjohn
If a clownfish gets somebody started in reefing then it's all worth it IMO () : )
Also, we need to remember that not everyone is going for RC's TOTM...most people just want a FO with a clown pair and a damsel or two and some fake coral...I'm not gonna tell them that that's not worth it, or that I think the plastic sucken ship is cheesie and they should get some real corals. I sell them a tank, some sand, filter, salt, hydrometer, thermometer, test kit, and a heater, load them up with info, give them a web link or two, tell them I'll be at the store if they have questions, and tell them to come get some fish a few days.
LR, skimmers, MHs, massive CA/Alk dosing...we take them for granted here, but most people don't need them if they follow a few basic husbandry rules that are no less difficult than your average FW tank.
LS has more than enough bacteria to handle a decent load, nitrates are less of an issue cuase of the FO and low lighting, and if any algea grows they more than likely will think it's pretty and if not it's easy to take care of since it's not embedded in LR. With no LR/corals your SW lasts lots longer and doesn't need 20 gallons of kalk a day or 20mls of B-ionic, not that the fish care that much anyway as long as the pH is decent, which is easy in a FO. Basically, most FOs just need some FW every few days, well within the abilities of most "impulse consumers," and if one of them becomes a member here, or decides that they want to upgrade and go reef then kudos all around.



mostly agreed...but unfortunatly...some of those "impulsers", im not saying any names...think that Nemo can go with there "pretty" chinease fish in a bowl, i was sort of adressing how unaware most people are going into Petco, that keeping salt water isnt "exactly" like FW.

Everyone that knows Nemo should also know that he swam around in the ocean () : )
I've had to tell a few people which is which, but the chances of a SW fish getting out the door destined for a FW tank are slim to none...I'd say it's higher at a LFS, where that knowledge is more likely to be assumed than questioned. The chances are Zero on my watch ;)
It's not "exactly" like FW, but for a FO, it can be pretty darn close...easier than keeping cardinal tetras alive, or a planted FW tank () : )

Something that seems to be forgotten is that petco doesn't win by selling dying fish or SW fish for FW tanks...there is a 14 day guarentee!! You could keep bringing your fish back forever as long as they died within 2 weeks and your ammonia isn't sky high. So petco would rather not have their fish die in your tank, whether or not the person that bags your fish for you knows enough to head that off at the pass is another matter () : )


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371618#post6371618 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAreefer1
too bad theres no gaurentee for there saltwater( which is too expensive)

That is true unfortunatly, best to let those die in the store.
There are already too many things in this world to be concerned about. How a fish store operates is just a spit in the bucket. No matter what you do or say won't change a thing. It just causes mental anguish.
well its better to discuss it than keeping it to yourself...but you have a point, there are many other things that we take advantage of in this technological era the 21 century.

If they are keeping their live stock in poor condition contact the RSPCA and tell them, they will put the store and franchise in order with the fines that they could get...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6371249#post6371249 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MAreefer1
Another issue needed to be adressed:

its called the impulse consumer, when someone goes to a Petco and sees how good those CLOWN FISH look, they dont think about all the work and care that little Nemo needs, so they dont think or plan, or even consider what the condition or health the fish is in... and they wont even bother to ask the underqualified employees( not all are, but most), they just buy buy buy, for instant graftification...then Nemo dies.

What are you even talking about? You think this only happens in Petco? What solution do you propose, shutting down all fish stores? Come on, does anyone else think this is getting a little rediculous?
So... thats your opinion, Its good to get a topic like this "out there" once in a while, I dont think anyone is going to really go to drastic measurments...
If you are having a problem with a local PetCo, FishCo, Fish-er-ama, etc., simply write a letter of complaint to your local Better Business Bureau and encourage all your friends to do the same. The BBB is a great tool in the battle against shoddy business practices and it is a very under used resource. Now, that being said, most people don't bother to check the BBB's website before impulse buying, but if enough complaints are recieved, the BBB will notify the company of the issue and put them on notice. Also, I've found in the past, that actually writing and snail mailing a letter to a company, actually get's a more thorough response than an email. As stated before though, we are an instant gratification society and we want results now. Patience is a virtue in trying to change mentality and in the example of PetCo and crappy LFS, we'll need lot's of it.
Ok so you think that the info that they are giving out to nebies is ok? did you read the questions and the answers that they gave to them? also no thank is big enouf you can always give your fish more space, even if you are selling them!

dont take this the wrong way

and to the coment do you want to shut the company down, in my opinuin (cant spell) YES if thats their knowledge and care then YES
The BBB is a tool unfortunatly a lot of the time, you can often buy your way to a good rating.
"Hey Petco, you have a lot of complaints against you and we're gonna have to give you a bad rating unless you join the BBB and pay your dues...Oh you will join, that's great, send us your check and we'll give you five stars."


Ok, I will admit that I didn't read all the posts here but I will give you some info from my opinion.

My Background. I worked at PetSmart in Rockville for a few months in the small critters section. I can truly say that I would without a doubt go back for FW fish. The people in "THAT STORE" really care about their animals. The fish, hamsters, birds, and reptiles are really given great care. Now moving to the local Petcorporation.

There was a petco about 3 or 4 blocks from our location. I was getting into saltwater fish so I thought I would visit the location because it was across the street from a LFS in our area. When I got there I met a really nice guy who knew a good amount about SW fish and inverts. He told me that he was fighting the manager to not buy any more anemones for the store. He told me that he even offered to give the store his PC lights for the store setup but they reffused. In the end the store stopped getting anemones and switched to only fish. If you confronted him in a personal way he would tell you not to buy anything from the store, but that was only a front for those in the know! He had really good intentions with the livestock that came in but he said he was limited by management.

In the end you have to realize that these stores make more money off those who buy dry good items. If 1 in 10 buys a fish then they will make their money back in fish losses. While some petcos have employees that are uneducated there are those where the knowlegeable have their hands tied by management.

I will not rule out a local petco for fish because they do bring in captive bred fish. But I will ask first if I can buy fish in their shipping bag before they hit store waters.
good Idea about buying from the shiping bag..does anyone know when PETCO norm. gets there shipments in? or does it vary from store to store?
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