
We have one here that actually has a coral table as well as a bigger saltwater fish section then most petcos. Still don't know if I'll buy from them.
The petco near me got rid of all of they're saltwater fish about a month ago.
Not sure if it's just the one local, or if they're making some changes throughout
they're stores.

Thank You Petco for sparing the lives of the fish that would have went into your system!
My petco has bubble algae in ALL of their SW tanks. I asked a knowledgable employee there about getting emerald crabs for it, and he said they can't find a large enough source for them.
Also, I saw all the clownfish swimming into the farthest corner of the tank one day, and the next day they were fine. What's up with that?
The petco near me got rid of all of they're saltwater fish about a month ago.
Not sure if it's just the one local, or if they're making some changes throughout
they're stores.

Thank You Petco for sparing the lives of the fish that would have went into your system!

It's on a store by store basis. One of mine did the same ditching the saltwater. One has never had it, and a 3rd actually has a decent sw section, with clean tanks and healthy lookin fish.
I just bought a Vortech MP10es for $210 shipped from Petco. Should I return it?

PETCO's website is separate from their live fish in stores. We aren't going to make petco go out of business, but if they don't sell live fish they will stop carrying them, which many have (or possibly treat the fish better).
oh i agree wit u but i doubt tht the guy would set it up right lol

n here the pics of the tang tht i save from petco it doin better but acting little weird
To be honest, it's somewhat hypocritical to say that you're "saving" the fish, while supporting a business that (supposedly) abuses their fish. By "saving" him, you're just allowing them to get more to abuse... however, I understand why you would buy him. I went to a LFS in another city and saw a dying lemonpeel angelfish that I came *so* close to buying, but I just remember that it wouldn't help things in the long run. my local Petco is actually great, and I've talked with the manager and he's extremely knowledgeable. :wave:
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Is there a way we can force petco to stop selling saltwater fish n coral? It really hurt me to see those beautiful tang in the tank wit a dead fish floating. The dead fish is already decomposing cant say how long it been dead in the tank it look like a week. What worst i feel like the manager of that department is neglecting their duty for taking care of the fish or dont know a ding things about them as well. so I got fed up wit n brought one of the tang tht struggling in tht tank hoping that tang still have a chance to recover.

The same questions could be asked about 2/3 of the non-chain stores out there selling corals and saltwater fish.

Petco, like all other chains, is completely dependant on the quality of the local managers. There are some Petcos that have fantastic reef departments, and some that are terrible. Just like any other LFS.
I would never shop at petco for any kind of fish and coral. Why? I've been told by a ex-employee that they are told to dump the fish in right when they come in, dont feed them, and sell as many as possible as fast as they can. he quit because he wanted no part in this. I have also seen this with my own eyes. i went in to buy some dog food an i see this petco worker just dumping in the fishes strait out of the bag from the shipping box.
I guess I'm pretty lucky. I have a newer PETCO close to me and they hired a aquatic specialist that actually knows her stuff. She makes sure fish are drip acclimated and in the proper sized tanks.
thats whats up man. my local petcos finally took out all their salt water tanks. but i still go out of town and see other petcos doing the same thing. its foolish and sad.
I would never shop at petco for any kind of fish and coral. Why? I've been told by a ex-employee that they are told to dump the fish in right when they come in, dont feed them, and sell as many as possible as fast as they can. he quit because he wanted no part in this. I have also seen this with my own eyes. i went in to buy some dog food an i see this petco worker just dumping in the fishes strait out of the bag from the shipping box.

Again, that completely depends on the store, and that particular manager.