
Just dont give them business I know most petcos arent great but I bet there are some out there that are good but I havnt seen one yet.

Ooo mine mine
green polyped leather not opened yet. Most everthing has been in the system atleast 3 to 4 weeks. Frogspawn has been here for 5 weeks star polyps been here for 2 months

Raffle grabber
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i was just going to ask if you could post up some pics scion !!! thanks , i think its a good idea to show that there are stores/employees that do care .
Is there a way we can force petco to stop selling
saltwater fish n coral? It really hurt me to see those beautiful tang in the tank wit a dead fish floating. The dead fish is already decomposing cant say how long it been dead in the tank it look like a week. What worst i feel like the manager of that department is neglecting their duty for taking care of the fish or dont know a ding things about them as well. so I got fed up wit n brought one of the tang tht struggling in tht tank hoping that tang still have a chance to recover.

Post negative reviews on the google places page, and check in on foursquare with your phone and add photos of the dead fish.
There are a handful of people at petco higher up that try to push for better in store husbandry but its the CAS( companion animal specialist) that have the opportunity to make they're store shine. Petco use to allow anything to be ordered now store can only order certain things. So its getting better. I also feel that its not right to put all stores into the same category just cause you found one that sucked or didn't live up to your standards. If it so bad do something to make a change in the store. Like I did I was tired of the bs and applied and git hired becuase the general manager is a fish head and couldn't be in aquatics all the time so he hired me to take care of it. Now its me and two other guys who run aquatics. These tanks use to look horrible now they look great. And I get cool discounts on fish and supplies that I never would before and its not why I decided to work here either. Just my 2cents.

Raffle grabber
There is one Petco that I will go to that takes better care of their livestock than some of the local reef specialty stores. The workers are members of the local reef club. They are trying to work with corporate to get the other stores to follow their example. This particular store has changed my view on Petco since they do such a great job.
There is one Petco that I will go to that takes better care of their livestock than some of the local reef specialty stores. The workers are members of the local reef club. They are trying to work with corporate to get the other stores to follow their example. This particular store has changed my view on Petco since they do such a great job.

Sounds like me and my coworkers we are also members of a reef club. There are two lfs in the area that look really bad but talk about how bad petco is.

Raffle grabber
Doubt Google reviews will do anything. We have a hotline to call though.

Google reviews is the first place I check before going anywhere since I usually use maps when checking out new places. I'd think anyone who normally uses maps at least notices the good/bad reviews on the sidebar, even if they aren't really paying attention. In fact, when you click on something, sometimes review stars will pop up too. If I see a 1 or 2 star rated place I always check reviews to find out why.
Google reviews is the first place I check before going anywhere since I usually use maps when checking out new places. I'd think anyone who normally uses maps at least notices the good/bad reviews on the sidebar, even if they aren't really paying attention. In fact, when you click on something, sometimes review stars will pop up too. If I see a 1 or 2 star rated place I always check reviews to find out why.

I do the same. I misunderstood what you was sayin I guess. But you can't always trust it the bigger lfs here in Ar has a Google page but they tell select few to post good reviews about them the people who have bad experience don't know only 3 to 4 people have left bad reviews I'm one. I know of another 20 or so that can't stand the place.

Raffle grabber
There is a really good Petco close to me in Sanford, Fl. They have one employee that takes care of the tanks, never seen any ick or sick fish/corals. It sucks that so many other can't or won't take the time to make sure their animals are well cared for...
My tanks look good. :D

Raffle grabber

Your tanks do look good, unfortunately you work for a corporation. The profits of one store help to buffer the losses at others. By purchasing corals from you consumers are helping to support and encourage other petco's to commit the atrocities that they do.
An all out and total ban is the only way to stop petco from it's continued irresponsible treatment of animals. It's not only fish that suffer in these stores. If all you care about is saving money when you purchase animals then you will undoubtably end up purchasing animals from stores that only care about making profits.

Living animals deserve to be treated with a morality that the petco corporation has proven time and time again not to have.
Unfortunately the world isn't bunnies and rainbows. Money makes the world go round. Not saying its right but it is what it is. I have seen lfs with multiple stores and one store was terrible the other was great. People are people they go where they please. I am by no means sticking up for the other stores. Like I said earlier if you have such a problem with petco they do have a hotline to call.
I'm sure some department stores do the same thing but people still shop there. If you want something done send a letter to your senator governor or somebody that can help pass some kind of law. If anything it would make it harder for other lfs and " corporate stores" to operate without the peoples breathing down the backs of necks.
Or we can just boycott all the bad ones and support all the good stores. Sorry if I went on a rant.
Raffle grabber
could be worse....wait till your local Walmart gets hip to SW; balloon damsels, "glow" tangs & "painted" clowns anyone?
could be worse....wait till your local Walmart gets hip to SW; balloon damsels, "glow" tangs & "painted" clowns anyone?

Exactly what I'm thinking. If Walmart got into it people would " boycott and/or ban Walmart," but I don't think doin all this will stop anything. Get the senate or some government official involved. And like I said before mom and pop stores would suffer way more than big box stores.

Raffle grabber
OR just be disciplined and don't buy sick fish at a store that keeps unhealthy fish in bad conditions? Everyone KNOWS you aren't saving a fish, and everyone KNOWS buying that sick fish means it's going to get 2 replacements, and yet there are people who know this and STILL buy that sick fish that will most likely die anyway to try to save it. If you really want to make an impact, don't even frequent fish stores with bad housing conditions. Buy all of your equipment etc somewhere else and support a store that takes care of their fish. A huge chunk of the money a fish store makes is in food and equipment and medicine - the daily stuff. Fish are expensive to sell - especially for a store that keeps them in good condition. There will always be new people to fish that are just walking in and buying everything at once and supporting bad stores because the bad stores let them do that - but aren't hobbyists better than that?

The government does not need to get involved. People just need to have some discipline to buy from quality shops they like and be willing to pay a little more to keep the mom and pop shops in business if they like the mom and pop shops. Walmart is not the problem. It serves a purpose to people that want to get things cheap and at one place. But with cheap, you lose quality. That is where local stores have a niche. And in the living animal business, paying just a little more for quality is a no-brainer.

South Park did a great episode about Walmart and the local businesses, if you're into that. And I agree 100%. :p
OR just be disciplined and don't buy sick fish at a store that keeps unhealthy fish in bad conditions? Everyone KNOWS you aren't saving a fish, and everyone KNOWS buying that sick fish means it's going to get 2 replacements, and yet there are people who know this and STILL buy that sick fish that will most likely die anyway to try to save it. If you really want to make an impact, don't even frequent fish stores with bad housing conditions. Buy all of your equipment etc somewhere else and support a store that takes care of their fish. A huge chunk of the money a fish store makes is in food and equipment and medicine - the daily stuff. Fish are expensive to sell - especially for a store that keeps them in good condition. There will always be new people to fish that are just walking in and buying everything at once and supporting bad stores because the bad stores let them do that - but aren't hobbyists better than that?

The government does not need to get involved. People just need to have some discipline to buy from quality shops they like and be willing to pay a little more to keep the mom and pop shops in business if they like the mom and pop shops. Walmart is not the problem. It serves a purpose to people that want to get things cheap and at one place. But with cheap, you lose quality. That is where local stores have a niche. And in the living animal business, paying just a little more for quality is a no-brainer.

South Park did a great episode about Walmart and the local businesses, if you're into that. And I agree 100%. :p

I was saying that because that other guy seemed so fanatical about it. Also keep in mind there are mom and pop stores that suck. Paying a little more downstairs always mean higher quality either. All we can do is look individual stores and purchase accordingly. If you find a bad store just don't go that goes for big box and mom and pop.

Raffle grabber