
I don't think its fair to bash the people that try to make a difference at petco by saying boycott them. All petcos are not the same. Like I have said in the past if you have a problem just call the hotline. They will get to the bottom of it.
This discussion is like a dog chasing its tail same outcome every time. On a side note not all Walmarts are the same, there are 2 Walmarts in my area I won't go to because of how they look. So I just go to another one that's 15 minutes away instead. You don't see me putting Walmart on blast just because one looks crummy.
My point is there are some good some bad lfs can be just as bad.
And again I'm not a petco fanboy just saying its not fair to judge petco as a whole.
Sorry if I stepped on any toes.
Raffle grabber
The Petco nearest to me has a hobbyist that is there all the time running the fish section. He has his own tanks at home, does fragging, and really knows what he's doing. He brought in his own light to put over a tank so he could support some low light corals in the store. He is knowledgeable and keeps things looking great. Even the LFS that is about a minute away from them will send people to see him if they don't have it.

But, I've been to other Petcos further away that didn't look nearly as nice and luckily their SW selection was very small and basic.

Can't group them all together, it depends on the employee taking care of that section that makes the biggest difference.

My local Petco is selling pilot fish. They told me the're a nice community fish that stays small :headwally::eek2::eek2::eek2:
My local Petco is selling pilot fish. They told me the're a nice community fish that stays small :headwally::eek2::eek2::eek2:

Is it the Union Sq one? That's the one I go to if i"m in the area. I think they were better before they remodeled everything.

Some of the stores around me are taking down their s/w section.
The one in Poughkeepsie....they actually have a large SW section.....but the
employees are a little raw....they sell things like clown tangs, ghost ells...stuff like that that most people can not keep or dont relize how big they get.

Is it the Union Sq one? That's the one I go to if i"m in the area. I think they were better before they remodeled everything.

Some of the stores around me are taking down their s/w section.
My local Petco isn't bad, not everything is running off of the same system. All fish medicated before placement and inverts are running off of a separate sump. I by and far prefer my LFS for obvious reasons though.
I believe that not all of petco are bad, i believe also that not supporting them is one way of making realize what they are doing wrong, and many other more

the petco by me was once very horrible, dead fishes, cyano in most tanks, fish lying on their side asking to be shot dead and be spared of their slow death, but that was 8 months back,

moving fast forward....

i was there again last week, well my gf was on Ross next door and was surprise by the big change, new people working on their saltwater dept, fishes are healthy, couple of fish in QT.. yes they have QT section... i ask one of the guy if i can get one of the fish in the QT, and i liked his answer, " not yet for sale as she is still being observed when she is better she will be moved to the display tank for sale " i called yesterday and they say still in QT for another week or 2.. sound like someone is doing the right now and im happy for it

they do carry sps, lps now too,

for me i support store that do good with their livestock, i visit all LFS on my area every week, some dedication, or maybe jsut got nothing to do on a weekend either way its a way for me to see who's been doing good or bad, im jsut lucky i guess most of the LFS around do good job on their LS well except for that is subpar but sell cheeper the same salt brand than other store so i buy my salt their,

i dont know if what im saying here make any sense but i still believe in giving second chances, and of course those stores, petco,petsmart, LFS, they all have their ups and downs i guess its a matter of how we talk or chat with them and offering feedback, not jsut straight trashing them because they have dead fish, its my way of helping fish in store be it corporate store or mom and pop store
My dad swears the Petco by him is better then all the LFS by him... I'm skeptal. The one by me is awful. Each store is their own so I can't see down talking all of them... Just buyer beware.
As consumers we buy morally objectionable/enviormentally irresponsible products all the time:
Have you/any of us purchased:

Chicken, chilean sea bass, orange roughy, lizard skin, redwood, et et...
heck by running a light bulb you are inadvertantly supporting literally thousands of acres of destroyed hardwood forest in Ky,WVa & Va thanks to big coal & strip minning

I'm not preaching, I'm just saying the core cause of being "morally responsible" could be further up the supply chain....

...and whether that fish dies in a Petco tank or our tanks is just a matter of "location", but that it will die is a certainty....because the animal in question has been removed from the "system" and will surely die eventually w/o contributing any further to the gene pool (in 99% of the case)

....I agree the waste is a tradgedy, but lets not kid ourselves that the fish is wasted regardless even when the death occurs in our tanks
Our most local petco doesn't have salt tanks but has freshwater, a while back one the most amazing FW angelfish was in stock next week it was dead. Nearly all of their tanks have at least one dead fish in them. The next most local petco's has both salf and fresh but i've been there once and barely looked at the fresh tanks but the salt tanks had nice looking fish, there were three bad looking tangs and thats it(when I mean bad I mean a little bit of ich) the anemones and coral looked near dead under the lights they had. It depends some petco's have great employee's and manager's and some don't, it's a crap shoot imo.
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I don't think its fair to bash the people that try to make a difference at petco by saying boycott them. All petcos are not the same. Like I have said in the past if you have a problem just call the hotline. They will get to the bottom of it.
This discussion is like a dog chasing its tail same outcome every time. On a side note not all Walmarts are the same, there are 2 Walmarts in my area I won't go to because of how they look. So I just go to another one that's 15 minutes away instead. You don't see me putting Walmart on blast just because one looks crummy.
My point is there are some good some bad lfs can be just as bad.
And again I'm not a petco fanboy just saying its not fair to judge petco as a whole.
Sorry if I stepped on any toes.
Raffle grabber

My understanding is that PETCO is a corporation who owns ALL of it's stores, much like Starbucks. This means that the loses at one store are covered by the profits from another. I believe it is more then fair to judge All petco stores, because they are all under the same ownership.

BOYCOTT PETCO!!!! :fun2:
The nearest petco to me has a saltwater section, covered by ONE very nice lady. She does her best. She had no formal training, or even experience with fish of any sort. But she took the initiative to research and learn what it takes and the various requirements. I even saw her pulling 10 gallon tanks down, to set up as QT tanks. Dunno how she convinced the manager to allow her to do that.

Moral of the story: while the corporation itself may not be doing its best, there are people that work there doing the best they can.
But, lesson learned: you cannot, cannot make a blanket statement about all petco's being bad. Each is their own entity, and while the corporation as a whole may not give a crap, there are those that work there that do.
My understanding is that PETCO is a corporation who owns ALL of it's stores, much like Starbucks. This means that the loses at one store are covered by the profits from another. I believe it is more then fair to judge All petco stores, because they are all under the same ownership.

BOYCOTT PETCO!!!! :fun2:

Well your understanding is wrong. Why don't you just boycott petco yourself. Just because your petco is sucky doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of them. I have said it once ill say it one last time. If you are so worried about it then find a way to make things better.

Raffle grabber
The nearest petco to me has a saltwater section, covered by ONE very nice lady. She does her best. She had no formal training, or even experience with fish of any sort. But she took the initiative to research and learn what it takes and the various requirements. I even saw her pulling 10 gallon tanks down, to set up as QT tanks. Dunno how she convinced the manager to allow her to do that.

Moral of the story: while the corporation itself may not be doing its best, there are people that work there doing the best they can.
But, lesson learned: you cannot, cannot make a blanket statement about all petco's being bad. Each is their own entity, and while the corporation as a whole may not give a crap, there are those that work there that do.

Thank you. Some people just don't understand that.

Raffle grabber
My understanding is that PETCO is a corporation who owns ALL of it's stores, much like Starbucks. This means that the loses at one store are covered by the profits from another. I believe it is more then fair to judge All petco stores, because they are all under the same ownership.

BOYCOTT PETCO!!!! :fun2:

Gill while it is true that petco is a corporation ... what is not true is that petco should be boycotted .. yes believe it or not all stores get dead fish the lfs in your área has them too .. i worked at the petco in orlando right down the street from world wide corals .. and we Had great corals and great fish people Had a hard time deciding where to go we are not a specialty store that has all of the top of the line equipment nor does every person there know what they are doing we are limited this is true.. but u mean to tell me you never lost a fish or neglected your tank for a day or so because u were busy? Does that mean we boycott you everything u say? The store i worked at Had high sales low shrink.. yes the good stores flota the bad ones.. but let me give u some info most local fishstores mark up 300% on there products give something a fancy name then u jump at it like a trained circus chimp .. its your personal choice on what ame where to buy
i have had my personal share of problems with petco. i personally dont buy anything live from petco anymore. to my personal experience petco is crashco. i dont mind buying dry goods from them sometimes. i also agree sometimes their livestock is good but most times not here in Tulsa Oklahoma.
surprisingly enough that store has high sales in saltwater every week. Gill bucket I know you have had problems but its not fair to persuade others to boycott just because you have a certain dislike for the stores.

Raffle grabber
I dunno...this whole affair is a sordid thing....

kinda reminds me of the short sighted politcal adds that always complain that EPA regulation hurt jobs, but pollution causes birth defects....
guess what, people always think in terms of jobs/dollars 1st...they will worry about 2headed kids when that comes...

same goes for Petco...Petco employs moms, dads, kids in school...I'm not condoning PetCo, just saying for every suffering clownfish, theres a employee with a paycheck...
My understanding is that PETCO is a corporation who owns ALL of it's stores, much like Starbucks. This means that the loses at one store are covered by the profits from another. I believe it is more then fair to judge All petco stores, because they are all under the same ownership.

BOYCOTT PETCO!!!! :fun2:

I'm sorry but this is just so closed minded.

It makes me think of all the trust fund babies out there with protest wall street. They hate big business but jump infront of those network cameras for an interview, then tweet about it from the iphone they pulled out thier amberchombie hoodie. Let start protest petco. Go make a sign, camp out & let me know how it goes.

Do we blame petco for the deaths in thier tanks or do we blame ourselves because we THE NEED are pushing them to supply THE DEMAND. They are only 50% of the problem, the consumer is the other 50%. There IS NOT a LFS out there that has a 100% arrival and survival rate. Somewhere at sometime they had a bag with something dead in it arrive at thier store, or shipped out a box that had something dead in it when it was delivered. I love liveaquaria personally, but how many DOA do you think they have in a week compared to ONE petco? Should we shut them down?

Not every fish sold is going to come from a LFS that has a marine biologist on staff, and not every person that buys a fish from them is likewise a marine biologist or has on to do tank maintenance for them.

I will just say that when I get home I will feed my hawkfish that I bought at petco as one of my first livestock purchases in the hobby nearly a year ago. He seems to be doing pretty good.