
Do we blame petco for the deaths in thier tanks or do we blame ourselves because we THE NEED are pushing them to supply THE DEMAND. They are only 50% of the problem, the consumer is the other 50%. There IS NOT a LFS out there that has a 100% arrival and survival rate. Somewhere at sometime they had a bag with something dead in it arrive at thier store, or shipped out a box that had something dead in it when it was delivered. I love liveaquaria personally, but how many DOA do you think they have in a week compared to ONE petco? Should we shut them down?

that is the point stop buying salt stuff from them and they wont carry it.....
So we stop buying frm petco. They stop carrying SW. OK, got it.

Bob's local LFS had a fish die...... Do we now stop buying from them? Shut them down too? Cause like I said EVERY fish store EVERY where has had a fish die, be it during collection, shipping, in the store, shipping to a customer. EVERYONE OF THEM!!

So what youre saying is to shut down the hobby. We should shut down RC & all the sponsors too then cause its all part of the merchants of death.

Your fixating on just one business, when its the hobby at fault hate to tell ya.
Careful of what we wish for. We could boycott this publicly and watch our whole hobby get shut down, or inadvertently bring the wrong kind of attention to the hobby, which we already have to an extent. You have to take the bad with the good or there could be nothing.
Thank you. My point exactly.

I can apprecaite the compasion and caring that some people have. I really do. But to foucs youre emotion on one specific place isnt necessarily the right answer. Yes some places are better than others, I agree.
So we stop buying frm petco. They stop carrying SW. OK, got it.

Bob's local LFS had a fish die...... Do we now stop buying from them? Shut them down too? Cause like I said EVERY fish store EVERY where has had a fish die, be it during collection, shipping, in the store, shipping to a customer. EVERYONE OF THEM!!

So what youre saying is to shut down the hobby. We should shut down RC & all the sponsors too then cause its all part of the merchants of death.

Your fixating on just one business, when its the hobby at fault hate to tell ya.

This is the point I have been trying to make since I have been posting on this thread. I for one have worked at mom and pop stores and they have just as many fish die as we do at petco. Yes I work for petco.@ Gillbucket and truly if you want to point finger at someone point it at collectors who collect **** poor specimens. And pawn them off on vendors who have to sell them. Personal problems don't justify what your advocating. If your not going to find a way to make it better then move on.

Raffle grabber
Funny how everyone seems to love Petco when its time for the Dollar a Gallon sales they have. lol.

Although I did give attr's viewpoint some thought, maybe it is time for action & I think I have a better solution:

I figured out how to fix this. We create a "Federal Fish Offender Database". Anytime a store has a fish that dies, all store employees, to include management and family members must register as 'fish offenders'. We then fire them on the spot, and burn the store down (hope shopper make it out). Fish offenders will never be allowed to sell or own a fish for the rest of thier lives.

To be fair we should also extend it to individuals too. When you have a fish die at home same thing, except once registered we can send in Delta Force and stealth helicopters at night. They will return all your fish to the ocean, even tank raised ones, and smash all your equipment.

Offenders will also have to perform community service for PETA, Whale Wars, and be on an episode of Tanked!

Sorry for the over extended sarcasm but this whole ranting thread is rather laughable.

No I dont agree or support poor livestock keeping regardless if is swim, flies, walk, talks whatever. I do agree that businesses that keep poor livestock conditions should be taken care of, and there is legal and law enforcement agencies to do that. Try contacting them.
Funny how everyone seems to love Petco when its time for the Dollar a Gallon sales they have. lol.

Although I did give attr's viewpoint some thought, maybe it is time for action & I think I have a better solution:

I figured out how to fix this. We create a "Federal Fish Offender Database". Anytime a store has a fish that dies, all store employees, to include management and family members must register as 'fish offenders'. We then fire them on the spot, and burn the store down (hope shopper make it out). Fish offenders will never be allowed to sell or own a fish for the rest of thier lives.

To be fair we should also extend it to individuals too. When you have a fish die at home same thing, except once registered we can send in Delta Force and stealth helicopters at night. They will return all your fish to the ocean, even tank raised ones, and smash all your equipment.

Offenders will also have to perform community service for PETA, Whale Wars, and be on an episode of Tanked!

Sorry for the over extended sarcasm but this whole ranting thread is rather laughable.

No I dont agree or support poor livestock keeping regardless if is swim, flies, walk, talks whatever. I do agree that businesses that keep poor livestock conditions should be taken care of, and there is legal and law enforcement agencies to do that. Try contacting them.

I love it. Best thing I have read since this thread has begun. Petco should have that for stupid people who keep killing their fish.

Raffle grabber
I have to put in a plug for Scionreefing. I know that cat personally. There is a huge difference between Petco at large and the Petco we have here. I doubt the livestock at many of your favorite LFS is as well taken care of as what happens here. I really can't stand to see the whole thing get bashed when I know one person is trying so hard to make a difference. So you can hate on your local Petco if you want, but don't hate on them all because I know of at least one that isn't so bad.

Matter of fact, I'll put my money where my mouth is. The next time I get to finish the day on the north side of the river, I'm going to go by Petco and see if Scionreefing can help me find some new critter for my tank. Just on general purposes.

Now if we can just get this guy to stop hogging all the winning raffle tickets we'll be in business.
I have to put in a plug for Scionreefing. I know that cat personally. There is a huge difference between Petco at large and the Petco we have here. I doubt the livestock at many of your favorite LFS is as well taken care of as what happens here. I really can't stand to see the whole thing get bashed when I know one person is trying so hard to make a difference. So you can hate on your local Petco if you want, but don't hate on them all because I know of at least one that isn't so bad.

Matter of fact, I'll put my money where my mouth is. The next time I get to finish the day on the north side of the river, I'm going to go by Petco and see if Scionreefing can help me find some new critter for my tank. Just on general purposes.

Now if we can just get this guy to stop hogging all the winning raffle tickets we'll be in business.

Lol I'm no longer raffle grabber Mr. Greg Eller has taken that tittle for now.

Raffle grabber
Lol I'm no longer raffle grabber Mr. Greg Eller has taken that tittle for now.

Raffle grabber

Lol. I've missed a bunch of meetings lately. I'll be there for the Christmas party. I still have a pretty blue chalice frag for you. I had one that was even nicer but I set it a little too close to the frogspawn and now it's a half chalice half skeleton zombie frag.
Lol. I've missed a bunch of meetings lately. I'll be there for the Christmas party. I still have a pretty blue chalice frag for you. I had one that was even nicer but I set it a little too close to the frogspawn and now it's a half chalice half skeleton zombie frag.

Lol. Hey I'm smoking 2 turkeys for the Christmas party.

Raffle grabber
We create a "Federal Fish Offender Database".

Well, I guess I better turn myself in. I lost two fish this week. A FW discus that was about 4 years old and a PJ cardinal (no clue how old this one was).

So, what's my punishment?
An important note should be that AFAIK, most of these stores pay retail wages. That is a limiting factor. I'd love to work at a fish store and 'play' with fish stuff all day, but it won't happen, because I can't support myself with the pay. If they paid more, they might get more knowledgeable staff, but I don't see that happening. This goes without saying that its not impossible for a knowledgeable aquarist to work at one of these stores, it's just not as likely.

Then again, I have no idea what they pay. I know I've asked a few LFS owners what they pay and unless your doing in home/office maintenance, it's retail wages.
I like petsmart, the people I've always dealt with seemed knowledgeable... but agree with the petco needing to stop treating the fish terribly, both fresh and salt water.
I like petsmart, the people I've always dealt with seemed knowledgeable... but agree with the petco needing to stop treating the fish terribly, both fresh and salt water.

The petsmart here constantly has ich and fungus and tons of death. Are you speaking from personal experience with petco or hear say?

Raffle grabber
My local petco is also very sad I see large yellow tangs beat up and in maybe 10g tanks.
I always want to save them but would hate to bring home a problem. I would never buy anything live from them.
My local petco is also very sad I see large yellow tangs beat up and in maybe 10g tanks.
I always want to save them but would hate to bring home a problem. I would never buy anything live from them.
My local petco is also very sad I see large yellow tangs beat up and in maybe 10g tanks.
I always want to save them but would hate to bring home a problem. I would never buy anything live from them.

Our tangs are kept in 4ft. 30 long tanks. Could be worse could be a 4"x4" enclosure at the vender with no feeding.

Raffle grabber
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@ Gillbucket and truly if you want to point finger at someone point it at collectors who collect **** poor specimens. And pawn them off on vendors who have to sell them.
Raffle grabber
Just to point out the hypocracy of this post in contrast to all your other ones. The retailer creates the demand for the collectors who supply it (Sound familiar? Customers create demand for fish and the retailer supplies the fish.) Nothing is actually "pawned off" nor is anybody forced to sell anything. I'm sure you didn't mean this in the way it came off, but there it sits...

Anyway, If you don't like a place, vote with your dollars, that's what really matters. And just because one is terrible, and the people there don't care, doesn't mean they all are like that.