Pics to share from Penn State


In Memoriam
I just got up here to University Park at Penn State, and went to the local "hub" (huge common area, restaurants, studying..etc...) and I ran into this NICE reef tank! It has been up and running since 99, and they say on a piece of paper that everything in there started as frags.

All the corals were FULL of color, and the tank looked VERY healthy!

Sry for the bad pics, I just had my cell phone on me....


I believe that tank is maintained by a fellow RC member named Sanjay. Beautiful tank! Take a digital camera next time and get some more shots.
I was there when they actually were building the 2 aquarums....there's also one behind around the corner smaller and used for freshwater fishies. They had a lot of coral and fish deaths before they got it right!
Anybody know how to get ahold of Sanja? I would love to see "behind the scenes" on all the filtration, lighting, etc...that they use for it......
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8116356#post8116356 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by daaaaaan
Anybody know how to get ahold of Sanja? I would love to see "behind the scenes" on all the filtration, lighting, etc...that they use for it......

There is usually some of us at the aquarium Friday around lunch and after lunch. Whoever is there can give you a peek in the back room.

Alright I sent you a PM, not sure if you got it.....what time is best to show up....and any particular person i should look for...I mean there are literally 100's if not 1000's of people in that hub at times....gonna be kinda hard to pick you out.
There will only be a couple of people in the back room and it will be open, so its not difficult to find people there.

I do not know when I am going to be there... most likely I will be there Friday, but it depends on what else I have going on.
