Pictures from my 20 filled with rics!!!


New member
just some pics of my ricordea filled 20 gallon, sorry for the crappy quality. i have trouble getting closeups and keeping it in focus...




this is my one of my favorites, as you can see its ontop of a baby blue ric. i gotta move it soon.

feel free to comment!
thanks, i have an addiction to rics, palys, and acanlords. i have about 75+ rics on my 20 gallon sandbed. i have trouble finding nice palys around ct though, im only 16 too so money is short.
You have a saweet tank. I have just started getting into rics and you just wait I am going to catch up to you... 6 right now, 9 next week, then hopefully a hundred soon enough, haha.
check out zomania, thats where i get mine. they have great deals if you order in bulks. i bought a 50 pack for 450 and got about 20 oranges, 10 multi colored, 10 greens, 10 blues, and a few golds.
will post one this weekend. need to clean my sandbed. i also have a clip on fixture, so in order for me to take a full tank without the light shinning right into the lense would be to have my bro block the light. will do though
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10808967#post10808967 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by b0bby1
check out zomania, thats where i get mine. they have great deals if you order in bulks. i bought a 50 pack for 450 and got about 20 oranges, 10 multi colored, 10 greens, 10 blues, and a few golds.

What I was 16 yrs old, I don't think I ever had $450 in an entire year.

You're like Ricky Schroder :rollface:
lol, i got a pretty nice job though. i make on average 20 bucks an hour bussing at an italian restaraunt. my bro who is 15 also pays for some stuff. sometimes we split 50/50. thats y i have all of the cool stuff in the tank. im cheap, but payin 225 for 50 fl rics is a deal.
i will soon, my fixture lights up my whole bedroom so i always get a glare in the camera. i need my bro to block it from shining in the camera though soon. will post in a few days.
i tried and it sucks, its a little better when my bro is blocking it but not much. my camera is terrible sorry. i guess i can only take decent close ups. im getting some rare palys in next week though, will post pics on zoa forums.