Pictures of Ricordea in the ocean

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10430804#post10430804 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisstie

Do you think those zoas grew there with the right kind of zooxanthelle to be green as if to have camoflauged with the surrounding seaweed\algae? Or do yout hink it was just an accident?

Not sure, but there where many different shades and color combinations of light and dark greens. Unfortunately, the cameras batteries died before we could capture them all.
wow! i have been snorkeling for a little while now, (when i visit mom and dad) but these pics make me want to get certified! they are awesome man! i'm going to chek out your other pics now! thanks and post more when you get 'em! thanks!
We just got back from the Keys and a full weekend of diving. This time I have pictures of orange and blue ricordea aswell as some blue bubble mushrooms.....
Stay tuned....Pictures of Ricordea in the ocean Part 2 is coming your way :)