Pics incoming!
But beforehand, I was thinking about going into the fish discussion threads and starting something up to talk about these gobies. Like i said before, when looking them up i found little info on them. I'm hoping that with pictures and info they could become a more well known fish.
Here's the Seaweed Blenny
Second shot of it
Goby time
From what I've learned about these guys by watching them, it seems that having 4 of them is beneficial. They seem to enjoy a small community and have established a pecking order with a leader. At least I think so.... I've watched all 4 closely and the largest one, whether it be by age/size/or position in the hierarchy has developed a slight coloration on its pectoral fin. I can't get a picture on it, but it's sort of like a black band running parallel to the body of the fish. Haven't seen the other 3 with that mark. Also that fish shows a bit of aggression when it comes to the others with slight chasing. It's a behaviour that I've seen before in Greenbanded gobies (those species actually change sex when 2 are held together, the male would chase the female and sometimes 'dance' to coerce her to follow him to his lair. From there they bred). It looks like these gobies could be a close relative and also change sex (that can also be correct since ORAFARM has them listed under the same genus Tigrigobius, also confirming that can be bred at home).
They have taken to pellets already and frozen mysis. I'll be purchasing live brine soon.
They also have enjoyed the rubble area as I hope and each fish looks to have gained weight since adding them to the tank (fat tummys= happy fish!)
Here is the second largest.
The largest is here, pectoral fin is down, couldnt get a pic of the band.
The mystery fish (aka the saddled blenny) was missing most of Sunday until I saw him on the other side of the tank hidden in some rock.
My porcelain crabs have been trying to catch fish.... I think my tank is low on phytoplankton, they must be really hungry.