Planning my macro algae/ seagrass tank has a good saltwater 'ghost' shrimp. They sell them in bulk, so you get a bunch of them, which is cool, so you see them in herds.
it looks like a regular e27 size like a common reading light, but i might be wrong, i didn't see it listed. anyway, if it is just a regular screw-in bulb, you can use any old thing you have lying around for now and find something more permanent in the future. you could get a ceiling light from home depot for cheap, and hang it from the ceiling down into the tank for now, or if you have a reptile heat light lying around you could clip it to the side of the aquarium.

it wont look pretty, but you can get the mount later.
it looks like a regular e27 size like a common reading light, but i might be wrong, i didn't see it listed. anyway, if it is just a regular screw-in bulb, you can use any old thing you have lying around for now and find something more permanent in the future. you could get a ceiling light from home depot for cheap, and hang it from the ceiling down into the tank for now, or if you have a reptile heat light lying around you could clip it to the side of the aquarium.

it wont look pretty, but you can get the mount later.

Good stuff! Thanks
I must say having Amazon Prime is amazing. I get one day delivery on select things. So guess who got their light, bracket and salt in on the same day i ordered.

So I purchased a double light bracket just in case the one light wasn't enough for me. I So far it looks good on my freshwater setup, but I may order a second light and have them each cover a half.

My girlfriend walked in from work and saw it was like "damn that's bright!" so it's working :3

Unfortunately the person i planned on buying my rock and sand from has already sold all their units so I can't buy from them. Hitting up local clubs to find some rock and sand by this weekend.

Saturday is my proposed set up day. I'm going to order my mud in a bit with a bit of macro algae.
Exciting time for you! Best of luck with your setup!

Did you decide on seagrasses? If you're not going do them, there's no need for mud. Macros get all they need from the water.

I look forward to seeing how it all comes together. Post pics!
Exciting time for you! Best of luck with your setup!

Did you decide on seagrasses? If you're not going do them, there's no need for mud. Macros get all they need from the water.

I look forward to seeing how it all comes together. Post pics!

Probably going to do a bit of shoal grass.
Alright so I couldn't wait any longer. Too excited. I've ordered some Live Mud and Shoal Grass from florida pets and going to purchase some live sand tomorrow from... well I don't know yet.

When I get home from work tomorrow I am going to drain my freshwater set up and put them all in a bucket with my sponge filter and wait out the weekend to be brought to a friend who will be taking care of them from now on.
I had to break down my fully planted and overgrown fresh water planted tank, to start my current tank. The wife has me on a strict one tank deal.

Did you consider just buying live sand from Floridapets too?
I had to break down my fully planted and overgrown fresh water planted tank, to start my current tank. The wife has me on a strict one tank deal.

Did you consider just buying live sand from Floridapets too?

Considering my tank is WAAAAAYYYY smaller than yours I can get away with more than one. At one time i had... 5... those were the days.

Before I was to buy the live sand from someone in the area, but they sold all their stuff off before I could buy it, so I just decided to get 20lbs from an LFS instead.
So my mud and shoal grass came in today. Was extremely excited. I purchased some live sand and immediately got to work. Put the mud in. Covered it with sand. Filled the tank. Picked up my bag of shoal grass. Can I say I'm not happy with what I got? Don't get me wrong. I wasn't expecting a lush carpet to come to my home. Not at all, but what i did get wasn't pleasing in the least. I think all I got was runners. I saw one or two shoots of green, but in reality. Just a bunch of dead/dying runners. Once the tank clears up i'm going to plant them and see what happens.
Well that's kind of a bummer. It sounds like you got the dregs of what little they had left. Be very careful with them. When you plant them, make little ditches in the sand for them, place them, and gently cover them. They don't need to be very deep-less than an inch. Ideally, your mud won't be too deep for them to access.

Despite this setback, I'm excited for you! If you can bring them back, you'll have something to be very proud of. King of the seagrasses! Good luck!
Well that's kind of a bummer. It sounds like you got the dregs of what little they had left. Be very careful with them. When you plant them, make little ditches in the sand for them, place them, and gently cover them. They don't need to be very deep-less than an inch. Ideally, your mud won't be too deep for them to access.

Despite this setback, I'm excited for you! If you can bring them back, you'll have something to be very proud of. King of the seagrasses! Good luck!
Well I only got one cup so it's not a lot to work with. I covered that area with sand and spread the rest across the tank so my sand bed is extremely shallow. I plan to buy another 10 lbs to compensate. It's still murky so I will post pics tomorrow.

In other news, not alot of macro algae in the area to buy so I went to ebay. Hopefully will have something to work with next week.

Also. I purchased Phyto Plankton and Pods. Should I add them now? Or Wait?
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Camera made it look REALLY purple for some reason. Still clearing up though.


Now it's in "Just as macros" phase.