Planning my macro algae/ seagrass tank

I wonder if you could just scrub them off. I've not encountered them, so I don't know. I've read the most humane way to euthanize our critters is to freeze them, if that helps.

On another note, pics?

Ah! I was so worried about hydroids I forgot to take pictures!

If I don't pass out when I get home today I'll take a few.
I guess my question is... how bad are hydroids? i've read different things about them, like they come and go; nothing to worry about, or nuke the tank....

If these are just a fry killing, seahorse killer and I won't be able to have seahorses then that wouldn't be the end of the world...

I don't personally keep dwarfs, (I have standard seahorses)so I am not an expert on the dangers of hydroids to dwarf seahorses. I only know that I have read posts from folks who kept them that they could be a problem, especially to fry but I am pretty sure that i read that someone even had trouble with them killing adults. Maybe if you post in the seahorse section rayjay will answer your question. He has kept dwarfs and standard seahorses with good success.
I plan on adding some more live rock and looking for a local reefer to who is trying to get rid of some pulsing xenia.
Great looking tank you got there.

I wish macros were more available in lfs's and what not instead of having to obtain most species through the interweb: p


Yeah, only 3 of my 5 species are available in my LFS's

Actually I think I may have 6 species.

One of my dragons breath looks like a dragons tongue...
Hah, ive never had any experience with shrimp in my tank but have seen them in other tanks doing their thing. I can understand why you would think they'll dig up your mud.

I dont know why, i always think of any reef shrimp as being of french decent.
In my mind, its halarious.

Anyways, off-topic my bad

Have you noticed any growth in any of your 5-6 species of macro?
Hah, ive never had any experience with shrimp in my tank but have seen them in other tanks doing their thing. I can understand why you would think they'll dig up your mud.

I dont know why, i always think of any reef shrimp as being of french decent.
In my mind, its halarious.

Anyways, off-topic my bad

Have you noticed any growth in any of your 5-6 species of macro?

Doesn't matter where a shrimp is from. It ALWAYS has a French Accent.

End of the weekend update:

This weekend... hmmm... how to say this. I either lost both or just one of my neons. Well I definitely lost one because I found the corpse, but I haven't seen the other at all either. Definitely a sad weekend. Still no reason why they are gone as it's weird that only a singular species of fish have died and no other fish looks any different. As this weekend has been very busy for me I haven't had a chance to test the water yet.

Today I met up with a local reefer and purchased a few lbs of rock and sand from him really cheap. I have enough rock and sand sitting wet to propel my next two projects!

So this week i'll be keeping an eye of my fish.


Like usual Caulerpa is growing like a weed and I love it.

Seems like the Dragon's breath has been getting bushier as well as the gracilaria.

Halimeda hasn't changed. I may not have enough calcium in my water, I may change out halimeda for another caulerpa.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hate it when they jump out!

Sounds like your plants are doing well. What other caulerpa are you thinking of trying?
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hate it when they jump out!

Sounds like your plants are doing well. What other caulerpa are you thinking of trying?

Thanks. Neither jumped though. They died in the tank. Which is just really weird.

I want Fern and Grape.

More so Grape. It can grow on rocks and can take over the rocks all together which is the look I would like. Also it's a lighter green than the prolifera so it's a nice contrast.
I have caulerpa racemosa peltata, which is similar, except it has flat round leaves rather than grapes. I like it. It provides contrast with the seagrasses. It responds very well to iron and nitrate. It soaks up nutrients, effectively filtering the water.
I have caulerpa racemosa peltata, which is similar, except it has flat round leaves rather than grapes. I like it. It provides contrast with the seagrasses. It responds very well to iron and nitrate. It soaks up nutrients, effectively filtering the water.

They sound lovely!

So I have no idea where it's come from, but there is this black ball behind some caulerpa. I'll have to snap a pic later on, but its about the size of a nickel and it seems to have moved. Not sure if a hermit pushed it from somewhere, but it's weird....

The LR i got from a local like i said before has some Zoa on it. Hoping they become something more.

Unfortunately it looks like there's also some aiptasia on the rock or some kind of nem.

So my missing hermits resurfaced. Looks like both had molted and stayed hidden for almost days.

Seems i've gotten too my green hair/ green bubble algae phase. Hermits have been munching on some.

I think I may have decided to not go through with my 2.5g tank build and focused solely on my 29g build. My girlfriends brother and sister asked me what i wanted and i replied with refugium mud and a certain chinese LED. If I get those I will be in the green to start my build since I have both the sand and rock needed. I already have the idea and plans out for everything in that tank. I plan on having an area that I will dedicate solely too mangroves and then an area that will have a six inch sand bed for a jawfish (ive wanted a jawfish for YEARS).

No plans to neglect my 20g of course. Other than adding the other few macros I want, I don't really have many plans for it. Possibly a mating pair of cleaner shrimp and hope it get them breeding.
I had some aiptasias and I bought two peppermint shrimp, and they took care of them. Downside is once they finished the nems, they went after spaghetti worms. That's when I removed them.

It's pretty tough not to have some kind of algae phase in the first 6 months. Keep after it, and the macros will take over.

Your 29 build sounds cool. Mangroves and jaw fish. Fun!
I had some aiptasias and I bought two peppermint shrimp, and they took care of them. Downside is once they finished the nems, they went after spaghetti worms. That's when I removed them.

It's pretty tough not to have some kind of algae phase in the first 6 months. Keep after it, and the macros will take over.

Your 29 build sounds cool. Mangroves and jaw fish. Fun!

I drew out plans that i shared somewhere else. I plan on making an updated plan to share over here when I start getting more ideas down and know exactly what I want to do.
Fish problem...

So I think I know what killed my neon gobies.

Ich. I see it now. On my Royal Gramma. I need to get them both out of the tank (blenny and gramma). I'll possibly use my 2.5 gal as a quarantine for a few weeks until I get a 10g and use that. So now to figure out how to get them out....

working on a fish trap tonight and hope for a win...
So. A win and a loss.

Royal Gramma was found dead last night, but i was able to catch my blenny.

Through him in a FW bucket for a quick dip and then into the 2.5g. Waiting for an LFS to open to purchase some meds.