PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Give us your size of tank, and type of water treatment (filter/live rock, sump y/n?) and tell us what you propose to buy--- But I have just read two really sad posts from people whose lfs sold them impossible-to-keep-alive creatures that are sadly dead or dying right this moment.
We can't answer without info, so describe your system (best yet, fill in those questions in My Profile under My RC, and give detail the way us old hands do)---and we'll be ever so glad to tell you whether your fish will have a good life in your tank.

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i have a 40B with a 20L sump with about 50 pounds of BRS reef saver rock and was thinking of adding 2 clownfish, a coral beauty, purple dottyback, and a yellow prawn goby would my tank size be good to keep these?

A purple dottyback unless it is P. fridmani, is very aggressive; your bioload should be fine, but depending on the species of clownfish, they may take over your tank once sexually mature
is a court jester goby ok to be added to my 55 fowlr with a blue/green chromis, neon blue damsel, royal gramma, starry blenny, valentini puffer and clown goby? there is plenty of caves and crevices in my aquascape. i really like the coloration with this fish. thanks in advance
You have some aggressive fish in a relatively small tank. The valentini puffer and the damsel are likely to be aggressive. I cannot say don't add the court jester but there may be problems
for some reason this puffer seems to think hes in a world of its own and doesnt bother any fish or the cuc. i think the only problem would be my damsel which i wouldnt mind trying to catch and giving to someone. after i added a clown goby a few weeks ago they seemed to leave the little guy alone. i cant bare to see a fish get abused after i add it so i might wait till the damsel is removed. thanks for the advice
20L main tank with 1.5" live sand, 13lbs base rock, 10lbs tonga live rock, 24" 4x24 t5 lights, 1 koralia evo 550
10g sump/fuge with 2.5" live sand, 3lbs live rock rubble, chaeto algae, 5 mangrove seeds, clamp on hd light with grow bulb, rio 3100 return pump, cooling fan.

I am planning on a mixed reef tank my live stock ideas are:
FISH: Pair of tank bred Ocellaris Clownfish and possibly a small goby or blenny (any suggestions?)
CORALS: Montipora Cap, montipora digi, mushrooms, zoas, open brain, hammer, blue ridge coral(helipora coerulea), rose stylophora coral, cadmium pocillapora. All corals will be aquacultured and these are just a few of my ideas
CLEAN UP CREW: Not sure yet need some help with this.

FUTURE EQUIPTMENT: ATO, Skimmer, heater, and ???

Any thoughts and ideas would greatly help me!
Thanks for your time!
20L main tank with 1.5" live sand, 13lbs base rock, 10lbs tonga live rock, 24" 4x24 t5 lights, 1 koralia evo 550
10g sump/fuge with 2.5" live sand, 3lbs live rock rubble, chaeto algae, 5 mangrove seeds, clamp on hd light with grow bulb, rio 3100 return pump, cooling fan.

I am planning on a mixed reef tank my live stock ideas are:
FISH: Pair of tank bred Ocellaris Clownfish and possibly a small goby or blenny (any suggestions?)
CORALS: Montipora Cap, montipora digi, mushrooms, zoas, open brain, hammer, blue ridge coral(helipora coerulea), rose stylophora coral, cadmium pocillapora. All corals will be aquacultured and these are just a few of my ideas
CLEAN UP CREW: Not sure yet need some help with this.

FUTURE EQUIPTMENT: ATO, Skimmer, heater, and ???

Any thoughts and ideas would greatly help me!
Thanks for your time!

Well, I pretty much like what you are planning. I would avoid hermit crabs and have a variety of snails and perhaps one fighting conch. Lots of opportunity for interesting invertebrates. I would go with a skimmer addition, and depending on your room temperature, might avoid a heater.
I wasnt planning on any hermits they only cause trouble. The skimmer will be my next purchase. Money is a little tight with being back in school and the VA hasnt kicked in with my GI Bill payments yet. I am in south florida and right now the tank stays about 78-79* with a small fan blowing in the sump. During the winter the house will be in the
60's when fronts come through. So with the small tank I dont want the water to fluxuate to much. This is what says for my tank
18 dwarf ceriths
7 nassarius
11 florida ceriths
4 large nerites
4 small-med nerites
and possibly a few Dwarf Planaxis
should I tweak that at all?
I wasnt planning on any hermits they only cause trouble.

Yes, for sure. Like killing your snails to see if they like their shells.

The skimmer will be my next purchase. Money is a little tight with being back in school and the VA hasnt kicked in with my GI Bill payments yet. I am in south florida and right now the tank stays about 78-79* with a small fan blowing in the sump.

I keep all of my tanks at 76 F; sixties might be a bit too low.

During the winter the house will be in the
60's when fronts come through. So with the small tank I dont want the water to fluxuate to much. This is what says for my tank
18 dwarf ceriths
7 nassarius
11 florida ceriths
4 large nerites
4 small-med nerites
and possibly a few Dwarf Planaxis
should I tweak that at all?

Sounds pretty good to me.

I have a 40G breeder with a 25G sump a RATZ skimmer (rated for 250G tanks!)

added my snails (two kinds, don't know the names anymore....) after 3 months
After 4 months I added a pair of clowns (occelaris)
and after 5 months one Centropyge Bispinosus ( sorry, don't know the English name )

And since two weeks some hammer coral and an anemone

I was wondering how many gobys can I put in my 40G ?( LOVE those little guys)

I really like Gobiodon okinawae , but could I get two of them?
And maybe some suggestions of other goby's

Oh, I also want to get a pair of fire shrimp:

Thank you


I have a 40G breeder with a 25G sump a RATZ skimmer (rated for 250G tanks!)

added my snails (two kinds, don't know the names anymore....) after 3 months
After 4 months I added a pair of clowns (occelaris)
and after 5 months one Centropyge Bispinosus ( sorry, don't know the English name )

I prefer the proper name since that is how I learned the fish names

And since two weeks some hammer coral and an anemone

I was wondering how many gobys can I put in my 40G ?( LOVE those little guys)

I really like Gobiodon okinawae , but could I get two of them?

I think one or two would be fine.

And maybe some suggestions of other goby's

Oh, I also want to get a pair of fire shrimp:

I have a pair; gorgeous but will not clean clowns.

Thank you


I have a 75 reef tank that houses a pair of tomato clownfish that have been in the tank for about 2 months. I am looking to add a bristletooth tang to the tank, but I am worried about the tomato's harassing the tang. Will there be issues? Should I remove the tomato's now vs. waiting it out to see what happens?

I have a 75 reef tank that houses a pair of tomato clownfish that have been in the tank for about 2 months. I am looking to add a bristletooth tang to the tank, but I am worried about the tomato's harassing the tang. Will there be issues? Should I remove the tomato's now vs. waiting it out to see what happens?

Unfortunately your clowns, once sexually mature, will want to control about 50 gallons of your tank. They are one of the more aggressive species. I cannot predict how badly they will eventually act with regard to your tang, which is one of the more docile of the tangs.
Unfortunately your clowns, once sexually mature, will want to control about 50 gallons of your tank. They are one of the more aggressive species. I cannot predict how badly they will eventually act with regard to your tang, which is one of the more docile of the tangs.

Sounds like my tomatos will be exiting my tank and be swapped out for a pair of false perculas. Thanks Steve
What is the real tank size for an Emperor Angel? why does Live Aquaria say 220 and Bluezoo 100?

I ask because I am thinking of going with a bigger tank with these dimensions

72 x 18 x 22 and a 30g sump.
What is the real tank size for an Emperor Angel? why does Live Aquaria say 220 and Bluezoo 100?

I ask because I am thinking of going with a bigger tank with these dimensions

72 x 18 x 22 and a 30g sump.

Live Aquaria's minimum is better. I have one in my 350 gallon and it is about the right size. A 100 gallon minimum is somewhat absurd (sorry)
Live Aquaria's minimum is better. I have one in my 350 gallon and it is about the right size. A 100 gallon minimum is somewhat absurd (sorry)

Thanks for the reply. Although a beautiful fish I think that is a bit too large for me. I think I will stick with my 55 and look into dwarf angels.
Thanks for the reply. Although a beautiful fish I think that is a bit too large for me. I think I will stick with my 55 and look into dwarf angels.

Well, if it were me, I would watch for one of the incredibly colored flame angels. Simply amazing coloration.
Well, if it were me, I would watch for one of the incredibly colored flame angels. Simply amazing coloration.

Flame angels are actually the ones I had in mind :D
I really love the Hawaii and Vanuatu specimens.

Since this is my first SW I think this revised list for a 55 w/10g sump is much better for a beginner than my first expensive moderate care list. (stocked in this order)

Royal Gramma (too shy?)
Blue/Green Chromis
Occ Clown
Midas Blenny
Flame Angel
I just moved a 120 gallon tank into my place. I have never owned a goldfish in my life, but decided that it was time to own a fish or 4.. I have been as diligent as I can in doing all the research that I can. But I think it's time that I put my plan out there and get torn apart by the wolves. So..

120 gallon; 55 gallon sump; life reef (self claimed 250g) skimmer, seems to be working quite well though; 140lb live rock, about 70lb of which is in the sump; 2" coarse sand bed; 3 - 250w MH, with 2 actinics.

The tank is currently coming off a cycle caused by the tank move. Things are coming along nicely though. There are several mushrooms remaining in the tank, along with some frogspawn, 2 3" Phymanthus, 1 recovering sps, and the newest addition.. a small algae bloom(currently being worked on a by a meager clean up crew.

My fish wish list is as follows..

Bubble Tip Anemone
Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish (pair)
Chevron Tang
Tomini Tang
Sailfin Tang
Mandarin Drogonette
Randall's Pistol Shrimp
Black-Rayed Shrimp Goby (perhaps a pair, with there symbiotic pistol shrimp)
Coral Banded Shrimp
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Schooling Bannerfish (A small school)

I plan on doing mixed reef, soft, hard...anemone ... :)

I won't likely do all three Tang.. but I certainly like the chevron and tomini.

Go easy on me. Try to crush my dreams gently.

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