I would not do both. If it were my choice, I would get a goby/pistol shrimp and NOT the sand sifting goby. First of all, sand sifters make a mess, secondly they deplete your sand bed of beneficial organisms.
Thanks again, decision made

I would not do both. If it were my choice, I would get a goby/pistol shrimp and NOT the sand sifting goby. First of all, sand sifters make a mess, secondly they deplete your sand bed of beneficial organisms.
Needs excellent lighting and mature tankim setting up a 40 gallon breeder i got from petco. its going to be conected to my 40 gallon reefs sump, the sump is a 55. im going to have both tank using the same sump.
fish list:
2 Kaudern's Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni) must be M + F
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 Jawfish, Yellowhead (Opistognathus aurifrons) Be sure your tank is covered
1 Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima)
invertebrates list:
15 hermit crabs I strongly favor snails over crabs
1 Porcelain Anemone Crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai)
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
2 Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
I am 2 1/2 months into my 65G tank. It cycled in a month and I added a Semi Snowflake Clown. He was the only occupant for 1 month when I added a Kole Tang. Last Wedneday I added a Swissguard Basslet and a Blue Spot Jawfish on Friday!
Remember that BSJ are prolific jumpers and do best with cooler temperature (74/75 F)
I am done adding fish for awhile but still like to browse and plan the next additions. The next things I want is a school of fish (3) and a fish that perches on the live rock. For the schooling fish, I am thinking Anthias or reef sale Wrasses.
Well neither will really "school" but the anthias come closest and these really need a larger tank for more than one
Which would be the better choice to be housed with my Blue Spot and Swissguard as they are timid fish? I would be selecting from the more peaceful species of each.
As far as the rock perching fish, what's the favorites as far as color, beauty and behavoir goes?
this is not for my current tank, but am thinking of what i would like to do in a few years when I can get a larger tank (am thinking of a 90 gal) & would appreciate some thoughts.
flame angel or cherub angel not reef safe
atlantic longnose butterfly or yellow longnose butterfly excellent
small group (3) of anthias - what variety would work? you really need a larger tank for a group, perhaps 125 (carberryi and resplendants are excellent)
red sea mimic blenny
yellowheaded jawfish
green chromis
flasher wrasse
longfin fairy wrasse aggressive, pick another species
yellow assessor
a few small gobies (maybe a blue neon, a greenbanded and a yellow clown goby)
Well if you do not have shrimp, various hawkfish would work
the reef has been running for around a year and the 40 breeder im going to use was my frag tank. i have a 4 bulb t5 light over the tank.
I have a 90 gallon tank with live rock, sump, and protein skimmer.
I have acquired a Goldrim Tang. He's beautiful and I want to keep him.
I'm going from a 57 gallon to a 120. Presently in the 57 I have a clown (false?), bicolor dottyback and flameback angel. They get along fine. Both tanks are reef with sumps.
Going to the 120 I'm thinking I would bring the dottyback back to the LFS; he's somewhat territorial and I don't want problems adding other fish.
So I'm thinking of the following along with my clown and flameback:
a Kole tang (Would a yellow tang and this guy get along?) The Kole is fine, I would not do two tangs
Blue green chromis (live aquaria suggests these in a group) These will winnow down to one
Foxface? (problem with the tang?) Well, probably ok with the kole, too many large fish if you do two tangs
What about a cardinal fish? No problem but if Bangaii must be a pair
Any other suggestions?
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the input. Curious why you said a blue green chromis group will winnow down to 1.
I am done adding fish for awhile but still like to browse and plan the next additions. The next things I want is a school of fish (3) and a fish that perches on the live rock. For the schooling fish, I am thinking Anthias or reef sale Wrasses.
Well neither will really "school" but the anthias come closest and these really need a larger tank for more than one
What would be a good trio of fish that would school, be peaceful and reef safe? No damsels!