PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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no list provided. However, in a 8x2x2 tank the fact the flasher wrasses eat copepods is irrelevant.

I forgot to attach list opps

Aquarium 240 Inhabitants:

Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Paracheilinus carpenteri
Quantity: 3

Green Mandarin
Synchiropus splendidus
Quantity: 2

Lyretail Anthias
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Quantity: 4

Naso Blonde Tang
Naso elegans
Quantity:1 (unless I can do two)

Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

Whitecheek Tang
Acanthurus nigricans

Zebra Barred Dartfish
Ptereleotris zebra
Quantity: 9

Get aquaPlanner, http://*******.com/6rklsdy

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I forgot to attach list opps

Aquarium 240 Inhabitants:

Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Paracheilinus carpenteri
Quantity: 3

Green Mandarin
Synchiropus splendidus
Quantity: 2

Lyretail Anthias
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Quantity: 4

Naso Blonde Tang
Naso elegans
Quantity:1 (unless I can do two)

Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

Whitecheek Tang
Acanthurus nigricans

Zebra Barred Dartfish
Ptereleotris zebra
Quantity: 9

Get aquaPlanner, http://*******.com/6rklsdy

That should be fine. Wait until the tank is 9 month mature until introducing the mandarins. I don't know that I would do 9 dartfish . . .

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I've heard they school and most keep small schools of the zebra dart fish... Do they have some behavior I should be worried about?
If you are expecting schooling behavior, I suspect you will be disappointed.

Not so much schooling, but I assume (correctly or incorrectly) that it's better for socially schooling/shoaling fish to have like company?

Is nine a lot? To much? Just curious as to why?

Back to the original list. It 2 blond nasos to much?
Not so much schooling, but I assume (correctly or incorrectly) that it's better for socially schooling/shoaling fish to have like company?

For anthias, it would work well assuming multiple feedings per day.

Is nine a lot? To much? Just curious as to why? no behavior issues, I just would not do it.

Back to the original list. It 2 blond nasos to much?

hey guys, i have an algae problem also, except i have like.. green algae growing on the surface of my liverock, and i want it to stop before it gets out of hand, also i have alot of brown algae all over, i water changed last night and scrubbed the walls clean, and today ... more brown algae.. will the "algae blenny" aka lawnmower blenny take care of this? Please help, this algae is making the tank look bad. (20 gallon tank). also i have four fish in there, they are one nemo clown fish, 1 blue spot puffer, 1 azure damsel, and 1 purple dottyback. heres my concern, will the dottyback and the blenny get along? if not i can easily take the dottyback back to the LFS. since hes a bit mean to my damsel.
hey guys, i have an algae problem also, except i have like.. green algae growing on the surface of my liverock, and i want it to stop before it gets out of hand, also i have alot of brown algae all over, i water changed last night and scrubbed the walls clean, and today ... more brown algae.. will the "algae blenny" aka lawnmower blenny take care of this? Please help, this algae is making the tank look bad. (20 gallon tank). also i have four fish in there, they are one nemo clown fish, 1 blue spot puffer, 1 azure damsel, and 1 purple dottyback. heres my concern, will the dottyback and the blenny get along? if not i can easily take the dottyback back to the LFS. since hes a bit mean to my damsel.

You have too many fish, all of which are potentially aggressive, in too small a tank. Your problem sounds like over feeding (by the way)
You have too many fish, all of which are potentially aggressive, in too small a tank. Your problem sounds like over feeding (by the way)

Okay thank you also should I bring my dottyback back? He's seems a bit aggressive and overcrowding could be it also.if I wete to get rid of the dotty and get the lawnmower blenny would I be good then?
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Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse Pair?

Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse Pair?

I'm getting a 75 gal setup with sump and live rock/sand which has been cycled (although I'm moving it two hours away so planning to be cautious and test, test, test before adding anything.)

I'm trying to research the fish I want to keep, plan ahead, and stick to my list as closely as possible.

I know I want Bengaii Cardinal, Pajama Cardinal, Blue Green Chromis, and some sort of Clown, so I'm trying come up with something compatible that won't grow to be more than 6" as an adult. I see the Fairy Wrasse couple as lovely, peaceful, and only 5" max. Could a pair be content in a 75 gal reef setup with these tank mates?

I would like a yellow tang but don't think it would really be happy.

All suggestions considered! :beachbum:
Okay thank you also should I bring my dottyback back? He's seems a bit aggressive and overcrowding could be it also.if I wete to get rid of the dotty and get the lawnmower blenny would I be good then?

Well, better but not "good". If you want to have the lawnmower blenny (which is a fun fish) remove any two of the existing, but preferably one being the dottyback.
I'm getting a 75 gal setup with sump and live rock/sand which has been cycled (although I'm moving it two hours away so planning to be cautious and test, test, test before adding anything.)

I'm trying to research the fish I want to keep, plan ahead, and stick to my list as closely as possible.

I know I want Bengaii Cardinal, Pajama Cardinal, Blue Green Chromis so I'm trying come up with something compatible that won't grow to be more than 6" as an adult. I see the Fairy Wrasse couple as lovely, peaceful, and only 5" max. Could a pair be content in a 75 gal reef setup with these tank mates?

that would work, but a pair of flasher wrasses would be more interesting and less potentially territorial

I would like a yellow tang but don't think it would really be happy. that would require a larger tank

All suggestions considered! :beachbum:
Bio Load Question

Bio Load Question

Do corals add to the bio load when considering the optimum number of fish a given size tank can support? (75 gal reef w/sump & LR)
Well, better but not "good". If you want to have the lawnmower blenny (which is a fun fish) remove any two of the existing, but preferably one being the dottyback.

Okay thank you so much, ill keep my favorite two which are the puffer and clownie (: thank you so much means a lot
Do corals add to the bio load when considering the optimum number of fish a given size tank can support? (75 gal reef w/sump & LR)

No. Corals and inverts do not contribute to bioload. However behavior is always the binding constraint on tank stocking rather than bioload. That is one of the reasons this thread has tens of thousands of questions (the thread was split three times) and hundreds of thousands of views.
Peppermint Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

I'm seeing a huge disparity in opinion regarding these particular shrimp. Some say they are great for beginners and others say they wish they never got them. Can anyone offer me a basic list of pros and cons and/or suggest a "better" variety of shrimp?
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