Please show pics of your 180 tanks

April, I haven't use anything to put the rock together, just piled the rocks securely. Put the heavier rocks on the bottom and a little away from the back.

Nice tank fishgeeksrus. Do you know the name of that red/brown coral at the right? It seems like a Psammocora sp.

Similiar to southdown but it is a silicate based sand. I'll take a picture in an hour when my lights come on
Fishgeeksrus, love that valley you created. I planned to do the same when I set my tank up a few weeks ago, but shapesw of rocks would'nt allow for it. I'll have to work on it later. Very nice tank.
I have sand getting pushed all over in my tank. I used very fine sand and as I've mentioned before I'm pushing 3600+gph. No matter how I aim my outlets sand gets pushed somewhere. I'm just gonna have to put up with it, use larger grain sand, and let the sand come to rest where it wants. I'll post a pic later, but there is hardly any sand left in the front of my tank. It's all pilled up at the two ends. We can't have everything we want, high water flow, no dead spots, and clean sand that doesn't ever shift! Somethings got to give here. I think I'll use reef rubble and larger grain sand in the front of my tank where the flow is highest.
I spent a lot of time creating caves, nooks and crannies, but now everything is so overgrown that I can hardly see my rock work!


cediss-- Great idea putting the heavier sand in front! That will work! Could solve Jay's problem too! Try it Jay. Maybe a heavier grain of LS.

And Luis, I think the tank is awsome! Its not too overgrown at all. You can Frag some of it and sell it to LFS, or on RC. it helps pay for our habit!!!! LOL
Thanks April!

Tagareef, Love it! Your tank looks awesome. Much better than the rock wall that we all to often end up making so that we have more surface area for putting corals (or so we think). Who cares about seeing rock work when you have a reef like that. It's great. If you want to ship some specimens my way, I'd be happy to help you see more rock, but be proud of your accomplishment. It is truly an inspiration as I hope my tank will one day look something like yours.
LOL!!! Sounds good to me! I'll put my bid in for a couple to help clear off those rock! Tagareef, I think we can fix your dilema really fast! :D :D :D
Here is the front view. I'm going to try to move some sand around and see what I can do. I'm also going to buy a few filter socks and see if I can get rid of the excess sand.

Jay, your water looks great so you did cleam it really well, it must just be the movement. cediss, said he has a similar problem, maybe you might want to add some heavier grain sand in you areas that are blowing the sand out. It raelly looks great!:rollface:

Also you may want to take a turkey baster and blow off the rock and make sure it is off of the live stuff.
Jay, if you ever go to the South Pacific or other reefs you will see areas where sand occasionally blow up onto corals. Most don't mind it if's not left there too long. Usually the currents will blow it off again. It depends on the species to some degree. Don't let it frazzle you too much. Try my idea of using some reef rubble in the areas where the current is picking the sand up off the bottom and or larger grain sand. Tank looks great! Love the open space. Some goves of stags will look great as the tank matures!
April & cediss,

Thanks for the comps...Your welcome to frags anytime. (but you have to pick them up!)


I think your tank looks cool like that...the sand formations makes it look very natural!.

Thanks. It looks clear from far away but there is quite a bit of particles(sand I think). I'm going to add some more rock but I don't want a rock wall at all. I'm going to add probably 40 pounds more of TBS rock slowly.

I can't really tell where the sand is coming from but I really think it is. In the bottom of my sump, you can see a layer of sand settling. I really hope over time it will stop. I think it will.

Thanks for the comments.
Well I have been working on it dumped in the sand today now to see what it looks like when the storm dies down,,,,LOL :eek1:

Jay, do you have a pick of the sump? if thats where you think its comming from maybe we can help out there.

mako56, YEAHHHHHHHH! Now the fun begins, How did you end up finishing the front, did you do the wood border?
I'll get you a pic. I don't think it's the sump per se. It was at first as my baffles were only 1 inch apart with 1200 gph of flow through it. It's only a 40 gallon. I tore it apart about 3 weeks ago and placed the baffles 3 inches+ apart. I also built a drain tower so the water has to flow under when it comes in. After that, it has to go under a baffle to get to my over under and over baffles. The return is 2 inches above the bottom as an elbow to make sure it pulls water from the bottom.

I see quite a bit of sand in that return area on the glass so I'm thinking maybe it still is sand storming.
WoW jarhed, Looking great! I was beginning to think you had plastered yourself in the room! lol I was hoping you would show your progress. mako56 is going at his too hot and heavy, this is going to be fun with you both doing your thing!

By the way do you all mind giving your first names! It makes it a little easier. if not thats fine!
Jarhead I really like your corner idea I wish that would of fit into my plan. Oh well maybe on the next one I am thinking of doing a three sided one in the future with one of the ends in a closet. Such a dreamer I am. :rollface:

April didn't get the outside done yet but I am thinkin it will be wood.
I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, ....

It's going ok, I'm just not a pro at it. Trying to decide whether I should put greenboard on the inside left of the tank above it or leave it bare and paint it heavy with semi-gloss. The lights are going to run up against it and if I drywall it in, I'll have to dig a hole so the lights can draw air into the one side. I'm leaning on the 'leave it bare and put heavy coat of glossy on the inside of the drywall' camp.

The corners are a pain mostly because of the mess I'm making spackling, then sanding, then clogging the vacuum, etc....

Oh yeah, did I mention? I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall, I hate drywall,

:mad2: :mad2: