Please show pics of your 180 tanks

RRodrigues said:
My 6 month old 190 gal:


Ricardo Rodrigues

Was just curious, how are you holding the rock together? they look like you have stacked them up, but it doesnt look like they have alot of rock to support them , Do you use the sealing putty or pins to keep them locked together, or am I just looking at it wrong? I dont think I could stack nime like that, But I wish I could, it is really very nce.:rollface:
RRodrigues said:
My 6 month old 190 gal:


Ricardo Rodrigues

Was just curious, how are you holding the rock together? they look like you have stacked them up, but it doesnt look like they have alot of rock to support them , Do you use the sealing putty or pins to keep them locked together, or am I just looking at it wrong? I dont think I could stack nime like that, But I wish I could, it is really very nce.:rollface:
April540 said:
Was just curious, how are you holding the rock together? they look like you have stacked them up, but it doesnt look like they have alot of rock to support them , Do you use the sealing putty or pins to keep them locked together, or am I just looking at it wrong? I dont think I could stack nime like that, But I wish I could, it is really very nce.:rollface:

Sorry, I hit the submit button twice!
It may be, there is a big shell in front of it looks to be about 6in. or so from the left side of the tank in the front.
Ok? I just coulnt tell what it was for sure. Its pretty. I havent seen a yellow one before. But your tank is very nice! How long have you had this set up?
Total of about a year and a half, but we just added some more live rock. It seems as though we are always changing things in it.
I know! But it is so much fun. I love all of it! I think I am going to have to attempt doing the aquascaping by myself again, was hoping the little guy from the LFS would get over here to help me out! He keeps saying he will, but it has been almost 3 months now and I need to do something. I hate the way it looks and I'm no good with the roccks at all! I need to stop adding the new corals till I get it situated or its going to be a pain in the neck to try and chang it! lol

BTW, I see there is one on the right hand side too! Love that one too!
Did you guys experience any issues with your sand? I'm pushing about 2200 gallons per hour through the tank with a pump and a powerhead. It used to be micro bubbles but I'm now believing it to be sand particles from my playsand. Does this go away? It constantly coats all my rocks. Quite annoying to say the least. Not only that, but it makes indentations in the sand. That's why I believe it to be sand. Also I notice a fine silt in the bottom of my sump that is sand.
Jay, Are your powerheads aimed down at the sand? Sounds like a little too much flow I could be wrong, Did you rinse the sand really well?
I rinsed it but not sure how really well though. I'm considering stirring everything up off the rocks and getting a micron sock to catch it all. I point it about 20 degrees south of the water line. I can't imagine 2 nozzles pushing out 600gph in a 6' tank doing that much. I could be wrong though.
Does it move the sand around, I mean, can you see the sand moving? A micron sock will take the particles out of the water,but you will stiill have the problem untill you figure out where this is comming from, you really have to rinse the sand alot! Can you siphon the sand good without sucking the sand out of the tank?
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Never tried siphoning it. It's a new sand bed though. I moved my 44 over to it and didn't care for the thick TBS sand. I put that sand in my sump/fuge area. The sand has been in there for 3 weeks with base rock and then about 2 weeks with my current rock from my 44.

It seems that last week before I moved some stuff that the water had barely any particles and now it's everywhere.
Jay, I remember you were doing that. I bought some really fine reef sand, I cant remember now the name of it! I loved it, but I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed it. lost alot of it due to it being really fine, I got tired of the rinsing so i rinsed the rest of it not as much, OMG my tank was a milky color for about two weeks, and never cleared up. I too had the white film all over the rocks, but I took it out and put in live sand instead, it is really fine too, but is already rinse and you just put it in the tank. I wish now though that I would have added the live sand to the top of it , but then as much as my sand sifters move the gravel, it may never have cleared up. but then maybe they may have cleaned it out, who knows now! I wish I could give you better advise. This was my only experience with the problem you are having now. I bailed. Maybe try the siphoning it first, that should take the milky stuff out of the sand. but dont do all of it at once, you dont want to disrupt the whole sand bed due to the good bacteria that has started to set in. maybe do in in portions one week and them do the other part the next.
Jay, do you hav a pic of the whole tank? Let me see what your seeing. And was it the Sowthdown play sand that you used?
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