cediss, WOW!! Very nice! I love the PB Tangs, mind if I ask what they go for in CA? I think one that size here runs about 90,here in KY. Let me know if it starts to get ich at all/ My Hippo got a little spooked when we were gone one week end, I came home and it was covered, scared me to death, It was about midnight, and I read the forums on ich and someone said to get garlic oil and put 2 or 3 srops on the frozen Brine shrimp,I ran up to the store and picked up a bottle of the garlic oil liquid gels in the Pharmacy . I put 3 drops on the frozen food , after it thawed and i mixed it up,,Ied the fish, OHHHH my gosh, the fish ravished it! they looked like Piranah . when I got up the next morning there were only a couple of spots, the next feeding I did the sme thing, No spots at all. I feed it to them once or twice a week, and nothing has ever appeares again. It was amazing, this is also great to help fish that arent eating well.Dont know if you even wanted to hear all of that, but its a good thing to kkow or to have around just in case. I have a Hippo. yellow , red sea Sailfin, and the big Nasso, so I need to make sure these guys are ok, they are great to get ich. Anyway, I love your new fish, and am sorry about rambling on and on! Sorry :rollface: