Please show pics of your 180 tanks

cediss, WOW!! Very nice! I love the PB Tangs, mind if I ask what they go for in CA? I think one that size here runs about 90,here in KY. Let me know if it starts to get ich at all/ My Hippo got a little spooked when we were gone one week end, I came home and it was covered, scared me to death, It was about midnight, and I read the forums on ich and someone said to get garlic oil and put 2 or 3 srops on the frozen Brine shrimp,I ran up to the store and picked up a bottle of the garlic oil liquid gels in the Pharmacy . I put 3 drops on the frozen food , after it thawed and i mixed it up,,Ied the fish, OHHHH my gosh, the fish ravished it! they looked like Piranah . when I got up the next morning there were only a couple of spots, the next feeding I did the sme thing, No spots at all. I feed it to them once or twice a week, and nothing has ever appeares again. It was amazing, this is also great to help fish that arent eating well.Dont know if you even wanted to hear all of that, but its a good thing to kkow or to have around just in case. I have a Hippo. yellow , red sea Sailfin, and the big Nasso, so I need to make sure these guys are ok, they are great to get ich. Anyway, I love your new fish, and am sorry about rambling on and on! Sorry :rollface:
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No worries, thanks for sharing your experience. Tangs are always sensitive to parasites, and you experience is valuable.

I got this PB for $58 an amazing price even out here where it would go for $80-120 normally!
Well he is a beauty! Thats for sure, and what a price! Great! I never had an ich problem before, it scared me alot, I thought I was going to loose everything! I had only had him a couple of days before that happened. I guess he was just scared, But I am here to tell you, the garlic was a cure and a half, I didn't want to medicate. And all is well! And I am happy! What else are you thinking of putting in?
I will not likely add any more fish for a while if at all. Everyone is getting a bit edgy with each other and I don't want to push my luck. We'll see. Now it's time to find some good deals on corals. I'm mostly into SPS, but anything with good color and adaptability to my system is fair game. I'll keep you posted.

I'm not sure how you got so many tangs in there and they all get along? I may eventually add another wrasse or goby. Currently there are 9 green chromis, 1 yellow tang, PB tang, Emperor Angel, GS Marron clown, Percula clown and Velvet Wrasse. Pretty well stocked with fish!
We added the Naso,Sailfin, and the Foxface Lo at the same time, to keep the riff raff down, the Yellow Tangs are the most territorial, I wish now I would have added him last. But they all stay together and are fine ,. I also have 2 Dragon Gobies,1 tiny Yellow Clown Gobier, Mandrin Gobire,Maroon Clown, and a Royal Gramma. I'm done with the fish now! The Hubby likes the fish the best. I like the corals and clams. Well I like the fish too. But I really didn't want that many big fish, I wanted the little guys!

I have soft and stony corals, clams. and Sponges, and of course, the snails ,4 kinds of Shrimp,the Hermits and the Urchin and the Flame Scallop that hitched on a piece of live rock. I think that's the whole crew.!! LOL I guess I just love it all.:bounce1: :bounce2: :bounce3:
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my 300 saltcreeper

my 300 saltcreeper

Very nice Hawaiianwargod and RRodriguez. HWG your tank is very well stcked with a good variety of coral. RR I agree your rockwork is very nice!
OMG!!! How nice those tanks are!!! Great job Ricardo and hawaiianwargod, Wow! Richardo, is that Tonga rock? I like the spaces you have, lotsof room for the Tangs to play in.

300 gal. I guess you dont need the cubbies! LOL, What are the dementions of that one!
hawaiianwargod said:
my 300 gal dimension is 96*24*30

It's really nice. The only thing I would do to that tank is add a couple of red corals. How long have you had this one up and running? It is really beautiful? :D

I'm planting my gardens around my ponds outside, I keep looking at the tanks the same way, a little red here, a little blue there,so on and so on---- It never ends does it? :rollface:
Hey! I've got a question for you all! We just had a guy make our kitchen cabinets! They are so nice! I think I want him to make me a canopy for the 189. Have no idea on the design to give to him, can anyone give some advise on this? he will need as much information as he can get, He has no idea on what he needs to do and the kind of sealer to use for it. I would really appreciate the advise.
Here's my 187g - 60"L x 30"W x 24"H 3 sided tank:

This is an older photo, before I added most of my coral's and changed from 10K to 14K bulbs. Will try to get some new photo's soon.
April, I really don't know where the rock came from! But I guess here in Portugal Tonga is not common. Maybe from Indonesia.

Very,very nice ozfish!! I like the 30 in. depth! Nice tank! Do you have a recent pic too! nice to see how they turn out later. Thanks for posting from so very far away, I've noticed we have a few from a great distances. Thats great!