Mie, thanks fort the update. I am so sorry about you loosing some of your stock. I know how it hurts, we buy them and want to do everything we can to give them good homes nd have a tiny part of the sea to watch every day. And we try so hard to keep them happy and healthy. When something happens we feel a little helpless I guess. But it looks really great! And switching it over should prevent that happening again. I think I will take before and after pics of mine today. Going to do the scaping today. And finally put on the new overflow. should help move this water more. Glad you are back with us.
Jason, looks really good, thanks for your update too, Do you have any problems with your Copperband,picking at your corals? I think they are so pretty. I had one years ago, but lost it to a huge carpet anenome. I was so upset when I saw it . Glad to see your back too!