Please show pics of your 180 tanks

toddlaco said:

toddlaco, I take it that the x means I need more small rocks? I hope when you get home, you will show the progress of your 360 gal. tank!

:rollface: :rollface: :D
April540 said:

mdiack77, did you transfer all of that from another tank? It looks great! just seems alot for just 2 weeks.

I transfered all from a 90g except I added 130lb of LR.

For lighting, right now I have 2 250w HQI pendants and 4 24" super actinics. I'm adding a 150w hqi in the middle to cover that dim spot.
Where is eeryone! Anyone with new pics? I'm on vacation for 9 days!!!! I'm so excited, now I can catch up on some well needed tank preps. I can finally set up the new overflow that has been here for 3 months!:eek1: I may need some of your expert advise on the best way to do this!
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Qdoggie. Gosh, it has been a while since you were here. How are you? Hows the tank doing? do you have anything new to post? It's nice to see you back.
mako56 said:
Hey folks been a real busy boy here. After many days of thinking, my credit card bill, and getting last months electric bill. The contents of 75 gallon tank upstairs wound up in the basement tank. The tank upstairs was my first attempt at this and wasn't user friendly anyway so maybe after I get used to these electric bills I will set one upstairs that has a better set up. But hey the one downstairs looks great now and I used the old 75 for my sump and refugium. I will get some pics soon. Yours really looks great jarhed need a pic from the corner though.

Mike, now would be a good time for the pic update! I would love to see what you are doing. And guess what! Roger from the LFS is comming tomorrow to help with the aquascaping, I think I sort od shamed him into it when I was there today! Am I bad? :D
Well, I'm still not recovered emotionally from the major fish wipe out I had. Lost all but my velvet wrasse, cleaner wrasse and GSMC. Corals are doing great. Got an awesome colony of orange capricornis. Only benefit to losing fish, if you can see a bright side is that my water quality is improving! Well the ozonizer also has helped! I'll update some pics soon!
Well not all but most! I had a parasitic outbreak after adding the PB Tang. Lost the last fish about three weeks ago! Thanks for the empathy!
Bummer Cediss I had a little mishap here to came home one morning and all the power was off. Something tripped my gfi and the tank water was dead not good, now I see I need a generator just in case. I put the close loop and the return pump on a different circiut now so at least that won't happen again. I lost two fish, two sally lightfoot crabs my cleaner shrimp and five peperment shrimp. Sure hate killing my animals. Heres some pics.

Right side.




Left side.

Updated pic of mine. Can't see much because the pic is far away but I added more rock and I made a path in between the rock.

Mie, thanks fort the update. I am so sorry about you loosing some of your stock. I know how it hurts, we buy them and want to do everything we can to give them good homes nd have a tiny part of the sea to watch every day. And we try so hard to keep them happy and healthy. When something happens we feel a little helpless I guess. But it looks really great! And switching it over should prevent that happening again. I think I will take before and after pics of mine today. Going to do the scaping today. And finally put on the new overflow. should help move this water more. Glad you are back with us.

Jason, looks really good, thanks for your update too, Do you have any problems with your Copperband,picking at your corals? I think they are so pretty. I had one years ago, but lost it to a huge carpet anenome. I was so upset when I saw it . Glad to see your back too!
Looks great Mako and Jason! I deliberately intalled my aquarium off the GFI for that very reason. But, I would like to have a generator as well. It really sucks to loose livestock. I'll try to update my pics later today! I need to replace my yellow tang, but I don't have the time to set up a quarantine. I hate having to take such risks, but I may just have to!
April, I tried crushed garlic cloves, but was not religious about it. I'll have to try the oil next time, if there is a next time. It was more than just ich though. I now have an ozonizer which should help!
If you have a Krogers, go to the vitiman isle, get the Kroger brand Natural Garlic Oil in the caplets. When you go to thaw the frozen food, use a pin to stick the end of the caplet and squeezeout 3-4 drops on the food, then mix it up and feed the fish. maybe twice a week for a while. wouldn't hurt to do it now with the rest of the fish, another GREAT product is Reef Vital DNA, and Pet Solutions has it on sale now too. that should be added before you add the fish, but still feed for a while the garlic, the garlic is also great to feed to the fish if they are not eating very well. They love it. Cheer up, you will be up and running again real soon. :D
642642, Wonderful, you know what that means.......your going to have to keep us up on the progress. Nice tank!!!