Please show pics of your 180 tanks

No problems yet. I got it from a girl in orlando who needed to give it to someone with a larger tank. It was eating her clown eggs. So far, it has been doing really good.
It's a really beautiful huge fish.
Thats great, it is a beauty, you may just want to keep an eye on it. Just in case. I am going through withdraws, I want to buy something else in the way of corals, it has been quite a while now! I will take pics of the tank after it clears up a little, I was scraping The macro algea off the glass,

The guy did come today to help with the rock, he said that the rocks were fine the way they were, but I need some base rock to fill in and build up with, so I guess I'll have to do that first.
How do you get your full pics on the site? It allows me 50K but all the pics on the camera come out 295K. by the time I crop the pics, there is nothing left..
April540 said:
642642, Wonderful, you know what that means.......your going to have to keep us up on the progress. Nice tank!!!

Thanks. There wont be any updates for another three week (moving out of the apartment into our house) but ill definitely post back then.
Wonderful! Love to see all of the great ideas everyone has on their set ups. what are you going to do put in it?
No the gallery here limits the size which is the problem you run into. I host them somewhere else and don't upload them here. Then I just link them to here. 50kb imo is really too small. But I guess at least they do provide some space.
I'm sure this is all a very simple procedure, but I cant figure it out yet. I'll get it sooner or later I'm sure lol
April540 said:
I'm sure this is all a very simple procedure, but I cant figure it out yet. I'll get it sooner or later I'm sure lol

Well I can get this on here, I will try the other later
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This came in on a piece of liverock,must have been eggs on it or something. I have pulled out 10 of them now, but they killed 2 of my clams and a yellow leather. Please watch for them and get them out as soon as possible. They are pretty tiny. This one is about 1/2 in. across. I saw 1 a while back, and thought it was pretty neat. When I asked about it at the LFS, they said they are BAD and will eat your clams,snails and some corals!!!! Just an FYI
They have 3 long legs and 3 small legs
Alright here. Just trying to stay cool. Tank has been running 78.5-80.5 with fans running, air conditioner running and on really hot days I delay turning on 2x400 watt MH's until later in evening when it cools down outside. I'll try to update pics later tonight if I can find the time. I finally purchased a small Lipstick Tang to try to keep the algae from getting out of hand after loosing all those fish including the tangs. He has done well so far (3 weeks), and no sign of parasites (knock on wood).
Heres a semi-update of my 180G



As you can see the stand is about a foot higher then the sofa, I think it will look nice once it goes into the wall.
642, that is going to be an In-wall setup?

Also, have you thought about drilling that bad boy? I cannot emphasize enough how much easier it makes life.
cediss, Well it is so sad about the fish, but the tank is beautiful, I'm really partial to the right hand side, It is so colorful,. I think the Hailides are best off too. This heat is terrible,It's suppose to be 98 here tomorrow, heat index will probably be about 107, it has been sooooooo humid too. A horrible summer this year.

642642, it will really look great there, I love the in wall tanks, Jarhed is about done with his, He has really done a great job. there are alot of beautiful tanks in here lots of know how,if you need to know,dont be afraid to ask.

And jarhed, I finally found a great deal today, (since your the king of great deals) I found someone that had upgraded his system from 180 to a 200 and something,and had alot of equipment from the old tank, a Beckett skimmer, and has 1 175 Hailide liight, there are a few more pumps and things, I go sometime this week to pick the skimmer and the light up for sure! I'm excited, I rarely run into a good deal. I will still need more lighting but I will see what he has and go from there. Anyway I thought I would let you know, Oh I guess I should tell you how much huh? LOL He only wants $80, for the 2. I cant wait to see what else he has to get rid of/
Hey Jason! How is everything with you? I really love the pink cap too! We never see anything like that here.