Please show pics of your 180 tanks

cediss, I hope you dont mind, but I have printed out your pic of the pink cap. It is the prettiest picture, I have this on my frig. If I ever find one I'll have to get it. Although ,here I have never seen one. So chances are pretty slim, but I will still have it on the frig.
It is just too perfect, I wouldn't want you to touch it,it looks like an open rose! I'm just amazed by it.

Now if you happened to accidentally bump it someday,then I
might just have to take you up on that, but I would want to buy it from you for sure. So be very careful ok? I will love to watch that one grow. And thanks for the offer.

Well that works, but I still cant get the pick without the URL, I guess thats better than nothing. LOL And I have changed it again so I'll have to retake it again, I added more rock and a few more corals and a big red sponge. :rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
off topic!

off topic!

I became a father this week! :D

Baby boy! :D

Looking forward to raising up another reefer!

It's gonna be fun to see things in the tank every couple of days rather than twice a day. It is easier to notice new coral growth that way. Anyone else ever notice that?

We'll, won't be buying any new stock for a long time! Hope things fill in fast! Sure looks sparse right now.

Dang Rose Anemone still moving around. Stung my leather coral some!

Any one with new pics?
Awwwww cedliss, is this your first baby? Congrats, how much did he weigh? They are soooo much fun, And before you know it your new little reefer will be trying to take a swim in your big ole tank!

We are due 2 new grandbabies by Jan. They are great. And I am sure you will come to a screatching hault on the new stock for awhile. LOL, But your tank is in great shape and will be filling out like crazy, so you may not need anything else.

I need to get my sons camera again though, I would like to show the new rock and the new stock I put in since that pic was taken.

Put that rose on a time out!!! They are beautiful, but when they move around alot, they can be so harmful. My big LTA has moved to the back of the tank,behind the rock, ansd has been there for about 3 weeks now, It agrivates me to death sometimes, I like to look at him, But I dont have anything for him to sting back there either.

As far as the coral growth, they havent really grown since I put them all in the 180,but I dont have enough lighting in there yet, so I wont notice that yet. I'm working on that situation though.I keep looking around for lights.

Anyway congrats to your family!!! Kiss him on his little head for me ok?
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Congratulation Cediss my baby turned 21 yesterday. Have fun they are a great experience. Oh ya heres a pic of the tank all done now just need some more corals.

Ohhhhhh,and I think jarhed promised a full tank shot too, and do we see it? nooooooooo. lol and the rest of you have been holding out too. If nothing else, can we see pics of new stock?:D :D
Mako pics

Mako pics

Mike, that's looking awesome! April is right, you've been holding out on us. You've made a lot of progress.
What kind of SPS is that on the left (looks green with purple tips)? I think it's an SPS?
In any case, the tank is coming along awesome for you. Update us atleast once a month or whenever you add something new to the tank if it's possible.
New Addition....LOL!

New Addition....LOL!


Just could'nt help sharing a pic of the proud parents and new son!
April540 said:[[.../aprilc540/detail?.dir=ddac&.dnm=1600.jpg/url]

I cant figure out how to get the danged photos to appear on the screen. This is driving me crazy!!!!:eek2: :rolleye1: :rolleye1:

When you click on Post Reply, you'll see some tools at the top. Click on the IMG button and put the URL of the picture in there.

Post your URL like this:

You have two tags in your post that will not allow your pics to show. There is a tag before AND after the link. Al... in [IMG] before you put the link to the pic.

Thanks jarhed, but how do you get them to apear on the screen? I can do it from my gallery,just cant do it from heYahoo., :smokin:

Did you check out the new reefer in cedliss house? He's sure a keeper!! And by the way where are your pics?????